Not Alone

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Baker slips his phone back into his suit pocket and leans over to whisper to Christian, "All three guys from the shooting are in custody."

"Seriously?" Christian asks.

Baker nods, "yep, Kat knew exactly which guys it was when she went down to ID suspects this morning."

"Wow, that definitely makes me a little lighter," Christian admits.

"Me too, I'll tell her when were head to the airport," Baker says.

"Good plan," Christian nods.

Christian takes Kat hand as she returns from placing the flowers on her dad's grave stone. He looks around at the little square and reads the names on the stones: Adrian Bledsoe, Andrea Bledsoe, Demarco Bledsoe and Samuel Bledsoe. He realized awhile ago that all of Kat's family had been buried in the same cemetery in Crenshaw and this is where Baker has comforted her for years when she would come back to pay her respects.

Kat uses a crumpled tissue to blot her eyes before she bows her head to say a prayer. Christian looks at her and admires the strength she has shown these past few days after they left the hospital. He has requested time off and as soon as he told Counsell what had happened no more questions were ask why he needed a week off. He and Baker has stayed with Kat for the past few days in Malibu taking turns making her eat and shower as she numbly went through her days planning a small funeral for her dad. Ajax would hardly leave her side and tried to bite anyone who tried to take her away. It was a good thing though because Kat knew she had to take him out from time to time. Then it was the day of the funeral and she was completely functional again and speaking and eating normally.

Kat opens her eyes and turns to Christian, "Okay," she nods and heads toward the car so that they could drop Baker off at the airport so he could catch a plane back to Cleveland.

Baker waits on the curb at Terminal 5 at LAX for Kat to come say goodbye before he departs while Christian unloads his last bag, "You sure you don't need me to stay?" Baker asks as Kat hugs him.

"No," She offers smiles, "We're going back to Wisconsin tomorrow morning and then I start volleyball and therapy."

Baker nods, "Alright Kat, love you sis."

"Don't forget that my season opener is in three weeks," Kat reminds her friend.

"Couldn't miss it, Yeli and I will be court-side as always," He wraps Kat in a hug.

"Love you Bake have a safe flight," Kat says and steps back off the curb. Christian places two hands on her shoulders as she leans back into him. They wave to Baker as he enters the airport and security is on them to move their car away from the curb.

They are silent as Christian navigates away from LAX and back to Malibu. Kat hums along with the Jhené Aiko song that plays softly over the speakers.

"Are you actually going to be okay moving back to Madison alone?" Christian questions.

Kat nods and continues to look out the window, "Yes and I'll have Ajax and the girls and I'll be playing. Loom Christian I need to go back to normal life my dad was never really in my life so this isn't that hard for me as morbid as that sounds," Kat admits.

Christian nods, "Okay, I understand but I can take more time off if you need me."

Kat shakes her head and looks at Christian who looks about has exhausted as Kat feels. They had both been through long sleepless nights, "I need you to go back to playing baseball and I need to go back to college and graduate."

Christian smiles, "December right?"

Kat nods, "Yep your girl is doing it a double major in business and sports media."

"You amaze me," Christian says and they pull into the driveway.

Kat immediately strips down and tosses her black funeral dress into the trash. Christian places and order for takeout from Nobu and lays down on the couch where sleep overtakes his tired body.

Hours later he wakes up to see soy sauce and wasabi packets on the island in the kitchen and finds his sushi in the fridge. He downs the meal and drinks a glass of water.

"Kat?" He calls and is only greeted by his own voice echoing throughout the house, "Kat?" He calls again and his heart rate starts to rise as he checks all the rooms bottom to top floor and back down again. He can't find her anywhere, but he also can't find Ajax and decides not to panic yet as all the car keys are still accounted for.

Christian heads out to the beach and finds Kat sitting in the sand with a bottle of Hennessy propped up in the sand next to here. Ajax is laid out catching the last few rays of the setting sun. Kat is wrapped in a beach blanket.

"You scared me," Christian comments and takes a seat next to Kat.

She offers him part of the blanket and Christian wraps an arm around her, "Sorry I just wanted to watch the sunset and you were actually sleeping good for once."

"I love California," Christian admits as her admires the beautiful sunset.

Kat pops the cork on the bottle and takes a large swig, "Me too I can't believe I left for Wisconsin."

Christian laughs, "Same here." He takes the bottle Kat offers her and takes a small pull before cringing, "How do you drink that stuff? That don't hurt you throat."

Kat laughs for what seems like the first time in months, "Nah, shit don't burn when you're going through it."

"What are you going through right now?" Christian asks.

Kat shrugs and looks at him and studies his face and eyes, "I don't have any family left Christian. My mom, dad and brothers are all dead. Grandparents passed away before I was born. I'm alone. I have no family left."

Christian pulls Kat into his chest, "You're not alone, Kat." He kisses the top of her head, "You have me; I'm your family now."

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