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Christian pawns his now one year old daughter off on Baker who struggles to judging his son, McCoy and Zana. Luckily Kathryn steps in and takes her son so Baker can properly hold Zana who Christian drags Kat out into right field.

Kat laughs as Christina takes her phone and throws is over his shoulder so she can't be distracted, "No, no texting your USA coach, no planning volleyball camps, no setting times to schedule TED talks, no managing other athletes, no work, no booking flights to LA and workouts at PS." Christian mumbles as Kat tries to protest his antics.

"What's up why did you just willingly give Baker out daughter?" Kat laughs as they finally make it out to right field.

"We have been dating for three years and I have been so lucky to celebrate so many firsts with you. I have watched you become a successful professional volleyball player and win 4 national championship, an Olympic Gold and Athlete of the Year to a name a few. I have managed to win two more MVPS since we met and two World Series. We welcomed out daughter into this world and have literally defeated all the odd and people who were against us," Christian says.

Kat smiles, "We've really been through it all," she agrees and kisses Christian's cheek.

Christian smiles and bends down on one knee and Kat's hands shoot up immediately to cover her face, "Katalina Bledsoe I have loved you for along time and want to spend the rest of my life with you," Christian says as he presents the rectangular black diamond she's ever seen. Her eyes begins to water as she admires the white diamonds that fence in the black one all set on the smoothest platinum setting... It was the most perfect ring.

"Oh my god," Kat gasps.

Christian smiles, "Will you marry me?"

Kat launches herself at Christian, "Yes a thousand times yes!"

The camera crews come out of no where as Christian hugs Kat and spins her in a circle before setting her down to place the ring on her shaky hand. The rush back to Baker and Kathryn who are both Instagraming the proposal live.

Everyone posts a the group photo of the new happy couple who finally made it permanent after three years of dating.

@katbledsoe: somehow this ring trumps all four national championship rings.

@christianyelich: And that makes my 300th career home run

@kathrynmayfield: And that's how you hit a home run

@bakermayfield: You're welcome

Thanks guys for following this story and encouraging me especially when I really didn't want to finish. I love these characters with my whole heart, but I am tired of writing them for now. So... there maybe be more of KB and CY later, but until then check out my two new stories: Third Strike Rule and Double Play!! Love you all

How to Hit a Home Run - Christian YelichWhere stories live. Discover now