Baby Puttin on for the City

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Christian knew that Kat would never forgive him over text for what he said about her, but that didn't stop him from messaging her on every platform possible. He start with apologies and then start to slowly slip into sliding up on stories, keeping their streak alive, Twitter memes, and general text questions to no end. She would reply to some stuff so he knew that she was made but not THAT mad.

In a final attempt to get her to forgive him for an honest mistake he schedule a time to shoot the second episode of their series, informed her Nikki would no longer be in charge and then proceeded to show up to University of Wisconsin three hours early...

"Hey you're Christian Yelich right?" A random dude in a Wisconsin football t-shirt asks as Christian walks through the campus trying not to sweat from the August heat.

"Yeah, what's up? You play football here?" Christian asks.

The large man nods, "Yeah O line."

"That's dope any chance you know where women's volleyball is right now? I'm supposed to meet up with one of the players." Christian slyly slides his ulterior motive in.

"Oh yeah! They're in Recovery right now and probably heading to Training Table after that. Are you going to the Pep Rally for them?" The football player asks after offering more information than Christian needed.

"Uhh, not sure, but thanks man good look this season."

"Awe thanks." The guy says and shakes Christian's hand, "Oh dope ass job at the All Star Game this year."

Christian thanks him again and takes off to the Field House and manages to find his way to the Recovery room. Several girls are having their legs rubbed out and others are performing strengthening exercise. He sees a very familiar dark head laying on a padded table with an athletic trainer gently rubbing gel onto her back, which is still black and purple with bruises even though is has almost been a month.

Kat's face scrunches in pain as the trainer starts to rub her back with an ultrasound machine that is meant to release tension and encourage the muscles to heal faster. It makes Christian hurt just seeing Kat in pain and he wishes he could do something, anything for her.

"I can see you in the glass weirdo." Kat mumbles and Christian looks around trying to see what she means. He notices that there is a glass window separating this room from a another where people are being iced.

"I was trying to figure out how not to scare you." Christian admits.

Kat rolls over and sits up waving her trainer off, "You're here like three hours early." Shae notices.

"I need to talk to you."

"Look Christian,-"

"No you look," Christian cuts her off and her eyebrows shoot up but she secretly loves an assertive man, "I'm sorry. I had no clue about where you came from or what your family was like, but I want to. I want to know every reason why you are this amazing person I've been lucky enough to get to know. I had a very poor choice of words in that rushed interview and I'm sorry. It is hard for to explain this chain wearing, Chanel bag carrying, athletic, cool, sneaker head, who loves God and is the most intense and impressive person I've ever met in my life. So please forgive me for that mistake because I really like having you to talk to." Christian explains and almost begs to this girl who's smile just gets wider and wider.

She sits up a little straighter flexing her toned stomach and decently sized chest even in a sports bra, "I forgive and I did awhile ago when I finally got the full interview sent to me, but that speech was great and I appreciate it." She sits up and steps forward to hug him tightly.

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