Rick Ross Bodied This Hoe

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Kat's heart pounds so loud she can barely hear the music blaring across the open practice field. She tilts her head back and puts her hands on top of her head to open her lungs up and catch her breath. After two months off from really intense workouts the first part of University of Wisconsin is kicking her butt. Finally, her heart rate comes down enough that she can brush the sweat away from her eyes and adjust the placement of her black spandex and red sports bra. Her chains glitter in the sunlight and the sweat gives a whole new meaning to "drip".

In order to prevent her legs from cramping up she begins to slowly walk around. It is the last day of camp and she has been getting her butt kicked by the strength and conditioning coach for almost a month now. The workouts consisted of cardio, lifting, and running lots of volleyball drills. One day she had done so many dive her shirt started to get holes from floor burn and the day after that she served and hit so many balls her palm bruised for the next week.

Today it is a mix of condition and strength in circuits. It is the last circuit: power clean, box jump, squat, broad jump, and 50 yard sprint.

The girls all help out to rack the weights so they can get done quicker. After today they get a week off and four days for 4th of July. When they come back it is the 2nd part of camp and then the start of season. Kat is settling in at UW pretty well she faces the usual snide comments from jealous girls but has mostly been welcomed with open arms, especially by her head coach who can see a championship in the near future.

"Alright ladies! Lets get this done!" The strength and conditioning coach yells and the girls move from their positions on the ground and to their stations.

Kat is in the crew with the heavy lifters. Even though she is one of the smaller girls in weight and muscle mass she is one of the tallest and strongest on the team. She performs her set if power cleans with flawless form and keeps her breathing even. She moves to the box jumps and nods at one of the managers to add another layer for her. Even in her tired worked state she manages to get 12 jumps at 32 inches high.

She is sweating more now and breathing harder as she moved over to the squat. Her greatest asset and the reason she it the powerful athlete she is known to be is due to her massive quads that give her power. They load up the weight bar to see if she can really push herself.

"Come on Bledsoe! Pump them out!" The coach yells and Kat nods as she bangs out her squats.

The bar drops with a clang as she drops her weight after her last squat. Kat stands for a moment making sure that her shaking legs won't give out when she tries to walk. The broad jumps are pretty easy for her but still she can feel the brutal workout exhausting her.

"You got a fan." Holland walks over and jerks her head towards the sidelines where a tall dark-haired guy is waiting.

Kat tries her best not to stare, but it is hard not to. Christian Yelich stands in shorts and a UW t-shirt and white converse. He looks at his phone with a furrowed brow as if he's concerned by whatever he's reading. Kat forgot how tall he was since the last time she saw him and definitely didn't remember him being as noticeably toned.

"Whatever." Kat shrugs and goes to line up for her last spring. Just as quickly as she was distracted she forgets that there is a beautiful man watching her practice.

The music turns up as the girls line up for their last spring of the session. 'Money on the Grave' by Drake comes on and Kat starts dancing, "Oh shit, y'all about to get gassed now." She challenges her teammates jokingly.

"Shut up Kat, I used to smoke you in high school." Tara snaps at her as she begins to get annoyed by her teammate's inability to hide her confidence in herself. Tara had played with Kat in high school and went to UCLA for her first two years until she was convinced to transfer to UW with Kat and play with her again. It was a great idea when they decided to do it, but now it seems like a bad idea because they are so different.

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