Final Goodbye

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I want these cute CY gifs to work so bad but they don't and I'm sad...

Christian paces the house as people start flowing in following the conclusion the Dodgers v. Brewers series where the Dodgers went 2-1 and won the series. While that did bother Christian something else was...

He looks around the house and sees his teammates, guys from the Dodgers, Rams and Lakers and all their girls. Kathryn Plumber and a few other girls from Wisconsin are here. His eyes finally land on Baker and they share a look.

Baker crosses the large living room in three steps, "Why do you look like you're about to pass out?"

Christian checkers his phone and then nervously runs a hand through his hair, "Kat should be back by now."

Baker rests a hand on Christian's shoulder trying to easy his unsettled friend, "She left the game right at the end, it's a 30 minute drive from the stadium and then a hour drive from Crenshaw to Malibu with no traffic. Chill out she's fine."

"What if she's not, what if something happened. Why is she a hour late?" Christian demands as if Baker can explain everything.

"Because she just got to see her dad for the first time in eight years..." Baker offers.

Christian's phone buzzes and he looks immediately,

Kat: Just left the store I'll be home in about a hour... I'm so sorry, but it was going well. Pls keep everyone entertained.

Christian lets out a massive sigh of relief, "She'll be back in a hour."

Baker smiles, "See man I told now please come shotgun a beer and let lose you look like you have a dick up your ass right now."

Christian allows Baker to rough rub his shoulders as he joins the party again. He takes the beer that Cody Bellinger offers him and downs it quickly as if that would help his stress. The music gets turned up and 'Hotel California' by the Eagles comes on. Christian thinks about how Kat would love this song and how he could have his arm around her waist while they talked to everyone who came to see her brand new beach front house in Malibu.

His phone starts to vibrate as Cody cracks a joke about Christian's strike out. Christian steps away to answer Kat's call, "Hey KB you on your way home?"

The only sound he is greeted with is her sobs. He can hear sirens in the background and his heart rate shoots up so high he can feel is beating in his chest.

"Kat," Christian says calmly, "What happened?" Kat just continues to sob and he repeats himself louder this time with a more commanding tone causing both Baker and Cody to look over at him. Their eyes get wide seeing something is clearly wrong and come over.

"They shot him Christian," Kat manages to choke out between sobs, "They shot my dad."

Christian's mouth drops open and he manages to swallow the anger and terror he feels in rising in the throat.

Baker takes the phone from the paralyzed Christian, "Kat, I need you to talk to me right now. Can you do that?"

Sobs can be heard as Cody looks between Baker and Christian who still has yet to move, "Y-y-yes," Kat stutters.

"Where are you?"

A loud sob and a hard nose sniffle, "Fairfax Avenue in Crenshaw I just left the store and they shot my dad! It happened again Baker it happened again!" Kat yells hysterically.

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