Dude, Just Be Nice

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Christian throws up his hand to flag the car down. He looks left and right for reports or paparazzi before opening the door and quickly sliding into the car.

"What's up Yeli?" Baker asks his good friend after not seeing him since February.

The pair have shown their support and friendship over social media and also when Baker shows up for Christians baseball fundraiser. It is nearing the end of March and spring training is coming to an end for the Brewers. Baker has come to support his buddy and do a little partying since it is his off season.

Christian buckles his seatbelt and sits back closing his eyes while shaking his head, "Just ready to get through this and into season."

Baker nods in agreement, "You feeling good?"

"Best I've ever felt." Christian confirms.

"Good happy for you bro." Baker says truly meaning it.

Baker makes his way to the stadium following the car's GPS. Christian could navigate for them since he's been in Phoenix for the past two weeks but decides to stay quiet. It is a beautiful day in Arizona, which is expected. The sun is already hot and it hasn't even peaked. A light breeze and clear skies. A great day for baseball in Christian's mind or a great day to day drink in Baker's mind. Baker nearly misses a turn and takes it a little sharp the papers on the dash slide off and onto Christian's lap.

Baker is laughing, "Sorry bro swear I'm not trying to kill you."

"Yeah sure." Christian laughs back and puts the papers back when a magazine catches his eye.

He turns the magazine over to see the cover and Kat Bledsoe is starring right into his soul with her green eyes. She looks absolutely amazing on the cover of Sports Illustrated in a neo orange bikini that is barely covering anything. The picture is a head-on shot and Kat is in a straddle position on her knees arched backwards with her hands in her black hair. She really does look incredible with her toned body and tan skin. The white sands of the Bahama's is strategically stuck to her body.

"Is this actually Kat?" Christian questions and opens the magazine to find her spread.

Baker gives Christian a sideways look, "Bro, stop acting like she isn't that hot."

Christian rolls his eyes, offended, "I never said she wasn't hot she just isn't my type of girl. I need someone a lot more chilled out and definitely low maintenance. Even you have to admit I'm right about this." Christian finds Kat's spread and takes his time viewing all her shots. His eyes are glued to her full two-page spread. She has only yellow bottoms on lays on the sand facedown but has her body angled so perfectly

Baker nods and purses his lips sarcastically, "You right, you right. She's definitely more suited for Cody or Klay."

Christian gets really quiet and glances out the widow seeing the city from the overpass is always special, "She told you?"

Baker rubs his chin, "She also told me you have a girlfriend? Why'd you lie to her Christian?"

Christian shrugs and tosses the magazine on the floor and feels his patience grow thinner when the magazine lands face-up and Kat is still starring at him, "Technically I didn't lie I was seeing someone-"

"You didn't have to lie to her. She doesn't care about any of that and she wasn't going to try to get at you unless you gave her a good reason to believe you actually like her and even then all Kat wants is a few friends who aren't using her for fame." Baker says bluntly.

Christian throws his hands up, "I want to be her friend, I do, but she's so fucking..." Christian searches for the right word to describe Kat as Baker puts into the stadium parking. He brought Christian early for batting practice so they could do a short interview together that is meant to boost both their campaigns for MVP.

"You've spent what a total of eight hours with her?" Baker questions

Christian opens his mouth to protest and then stops, "Well yeah..."

"And you managed to make her feel like she was acting out and was pressing you-"

"She felt like-"

The pair go back and forth cutting each other off as they make their way to the stadium, "All I'm asking is for you to give her a shot at being friends. Honestly, dude we gotta stick together not a lot of people have our backs these days and trust me when I say you always want Kat on your side."

Christian throws his hands up, "Alright! Alright, alright."

"Good glad we've come to any agreement because she's here this weekend and we're going to a party tonight and she'll be there." Baker says very quickly so Christian can't protest.

Just as Christian goes to protest and find an excuse not to go the reporter walks up to brief them for the interview. Baker can see his friend glaring at him from the corner of his eye, but ignores it. Christian quickly forgets his problem as they start their interview and start joking around like the good friends they are...

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