CY Skips Second Base

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Brewers are up seven runs to zero in the bottom of the 9th. Christian is up to bat next and he hopes to extend their lead and seal the Cub's fate.

Christian adjusts his battle gloves and steps onto the dirt to start his practice swings. He glances over to see Kat sitting in her seats with her two friends from Phoenix on either side of her. He makes eye contact with Kat and winks at her. She smiles and bites onto a sour straw and if it were anyone but Kat he would swear she was seducing him, but you could never be sure with this confusing girl.

"Lemme have one." He mouths to Kat as she walks over to the practice circle.

She cocks her head in confusion, "What?" She asks.

"Can I have one?" He asks and points at her candy.

Kat laughs and nods. Christian laughs and walks over the fence knowing he was about to get a massive fine for this, but accepting his fate because this little bit of extra attention from Kat is so worth it. He puts his face to the fence and Kat feeds his a sour gummy straw through fence. The crowd around them laughs.

Kat giggles and sits back clapping her hands in amusement and then points to the big screen where they video of Christian being fed candy by Kat is being replayed over and over causing the entire stadium to laugh.

Christian shakes his head with a smile and he goes to practice his swing. The batter before him knocks down a triple and Christian turns back to Kat before going to hit. He holds up his finger signaling one more and Kat rolls her eyes but nods and signals him over. He jogs over and eats the sour straw quickly despite the nasty look his First Base Coach is giving him.

He takes his place at the plate and digs his feet it going through his pre-batting ritual. Finally, he looks up signaling he is ready for the pitch.

The pitcher looks to the catch and goes to set up. He lets the ball fly and Christian can just see how amazing this pitch is. One word goes through his mind: launch angle. He swings and pivots thrusting his hips into it and connects bat to ball with a massive burst of power. He hears the crack and smiles knowing that is the sound of a homerun. He runs quickly not sure if the ball will leave the park and wants to at least get a double in case it doesn't.

He hits first and rounds second. His third base coach is waving his hands to keep going, but then stops being as frantic seeing that ball is gone. Christian slows down and slow jogs into home. He flashes a smile at Kat who has stood up and started clapping for his great hit. The lock eyes and she grins at him, "Wooo Yeli." She cheers bringing an even bigger smile to his face as he ducks into the dugout.

His teammates and coaches clap him on the back and he wait for the game to end, but he is called back to the field as his homerun point is removed. His base running is replayed over and over as the officials see if he touched second base in his hurry to get to home.

The entire stadium boos as the officials rule his run invalid because of he never touched second base. Rookie move...

Christian throws his hands up in frustration and goes back inside as his coaches and manager give him shit for goofing off and missing second base.

Once the game ends and the Brewers clench another victory Christian untucks and unbuttons his jersey.

Yas comes back into the dugout, "There's someone who wants to talk to you." He says and Christian grabs his stuff heading back out to the field.

Kat is standing there talking to a few Cub's players who look at her with wide eyes and follow her every move.

"Kat!" Christian calls.

She turns and smiles at him, "Great game." She acknowledges.

"Thanks. Did you send Yas in for me?" Christian asks.

"Yeah, I wanted to get a picture and also invite you out to UW for an official tour and practice with the Badgers as one of the six episode of our mini series." Kat says almost shyly.

"Hell yes that is so dope. And wow a we've taken a lot of pictures together this week."

"Not gonna lie, I liked you better without the uniform." Kat flirts and wraps an arm his waist turning him towards a professional camera. The smile and the photographer shows them the photo.

"Am I gonna have to buy the rights to use that?" Christian asks sarcastically.

"Nah, I'll give you this one for free."

Christian nods with an eye rolls, "Thanks so much for that."

Kat smiles, "I'll see you tomorrow. Wear a jersey." She informs and turns away.

Christian waves, "See you tomorrow, Kat."

She blows him a kiss and he smiles as he heads to the clubhouse.

Once there he skips all the notifications and goes straight to the one from Kat on Instagram since he still doesn't have her number. He downloads the edited photos that she sent of them and then sees what photo she tagged him in.

She decided to use a candid of the two laughing at each other as they go in for a hug her caption reads: 'You heard it hear first @christianyelich skips second base'#justfriends.

Christian likes the photos and smiles and her playfulness. He searches through the photos and finds the perfect one. 'Can you bring snacks to all my games? #justfriends He captions a photo of Kat feeding him through the fence with a huge smile on her face.

He puts his phone down so he can keep undressing from the game.

The fans seem to love Kat and treat her positively, which is something Christian always worries about when he starts to befriend new girls. But they love her. How could you now? She was beautiful, talented, and gracious. She keeps to herself and doesn't flaunt anything. She has made her name honestly and always gives respect where it is due. The reasons why Christian is glad to have her friendship is the same reason the world has shown their support in their friendship. For once in his career Christian seems to have the support of his fans in a relationship with a girl and Kat is finally seeing her fans support her with a guy and her haters are making comments about her whoring herself for fame. 

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