Don't Start

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The door slams and Christian jolts up out of his sleep. The bright mid-morning light shines through intensifying the pound in his head. He rubs his temple and lets out a moan of pain from the massive hangover he has. Christian ruffles his thick black hair and the rubs his sore shoulders. His eyes fly open when he realizes he has no idea where he is. Quickly he stands and puts on his shirt and shorts from the night before.

"He's alive," Baker's voice booms as he rounds the corner.

Christian jumps and his heart skips a beat as he grabs at his chest startled, "Shit!"

Baker laughs, "Sorry didn't mean to scare you."

"Where am I?" Christian asks and sits on the bed even though he is desperate to find his phone.

"When did you black out?" Baker asks while trying to narrow down the last memory his friend has so he can tell him the rest.

Christian rubs his eyes, "Fuck, I guess when we were in the pool with Tara and Holland and then Kat left with Corey, so we started taking shots."

Baker's eyes get wide, "Bro, that's crazy. Okay, so once Kat left you told me how you called her overrated and I told you it's okay she probably liked it because everyone I usually telling her how great she is and you insisted it was not okay because you finally realized she just wanted to be friends with you. Anyway, you three kept drinking and I finally brought you here where we were all staying because you insisted you wanted to be with Tara and Holland-"

"Oh god... Did I have a..." Christian trails off.

"A threesome? With Tara and Holland? Yes, you did." Baker nods with a straight face reaching out and grab his shoulder to consolidate him. Christian puts his face in his hands and whispers a few curses about his actions, "Dude its okay. At least they're hot. I mean once Kat finds out you'll be absolutely nothing to her, but at least that won't happen since you didn't have a threesome because I'M FUCKING WITH YOU!" Baker raises his voice and smiles like a clown.

Christian slaps his arm away, "Man, fuck you. You can't be doing that to me."

Baker shrugs and offers Christian a coffee, "I mean you tried you really did but I made sure you didn't do anything you'd be upset about today and even let you stay in my room while I had the threesome."

Christian's eyes grow wide, "Are you serious."

Baker shrugs and sips his coffee nonchalantly, "I don't know."

Christian shakes his head and finally tracks down his phone. There are billion notifications that he starts going through. First, he scrolls through his Instagram watches a few stories and liking spring training posts and also notices that Kat has followed him back and tagged him in a photo. He views the photo it is a picture of her sitting between him and Baker from last night. The captions reads, 'MVP U now taking applications. Christian laughs and likes the photos before reposting it on his story and then posting the picture himself captioning it, '@Bakermayfield are you taking notes?'.

He moves through his messages answering the millions of questions and finally comes to the thread with his publicist who surprisingly has only sent one message to him: Keep her around. He didn't need his publicist to tell him the obvious, Kat Bledsoe is good press.

Finally, after over 45 minutes of texts, emails, Snaps, and notifications he goes to Twitter, his nemesis. Kat has followed him on here as well as added him to both her public and private Snapchat accounts. He politely follows back, but something catches his eye as he refreshes his feed. The original Tweet is captioned: 'I just want to know why Yeli looks possessed' and has four photos of him from the night before. The four photos are a series on him looking down with his hand cover his mouth, his jaw dropped as he rubs his temples, him looking to the sky biting his lip, and the final picture of him with his hands clasped as if he was praying. He knows exactly when these pictures were taken and remembers why he looked like that.

The strange thing is that Kat liked the retweet. The retweet was captioned, 'I have a pretty good guess' and had two photos from her Sports Illustrated shoot. Specifically of her ass and Christian laughs to himself and retweets, 'I plead the 5th' and closes out of Twitter.

Christian gathers his thing and goes to find Baker.

"I'm gonna head out maybe try to catch Kat to apologize later." Christian informs and heads to the door.

Baker turns around, "Don't trip on that."

Christian stops, "What do you mean?"

"She don't remember anything. I already talked to her this morning." Baker shrugs and shoves a bagel in his mouth.

"She doesn't remember me being a dick or..." Christian trails off.

"Yeah, she says she was black out when she left with Corey and had been for a while."

Christian looks down the ground with a little disappointment knowing that she definitely hooked up with Corey, "Can't believe she got with him." He shakes his head a little annoyed.

"Nah bro she ditched him somewhere and walked home from downtown Phoenix. I followed her location the whole time and was waiting outside for her when she came home. He wasn't with her and she kept mumbling something about not wanting to bag another baseball player. So pretty sure you're all in the clear." Baker tells and eats more bagel.

Christian perks up a little at this development, "What room is she in?" He demands about ready to sprint down the hall and have a good solid conversation with her.

Baker shakes his head, "That ship has sailed she's probably already left."

"Left? Where to? Wisconsin?"

"Europe she's playing in France for two months."

Christian throws his head back, "Are you kidding I have to see her."

Baker's eyes focus in on Christian, "Oh no. No, no, no. Don't start this now I see all those wheels turning in your head. Do not complicate her life right now. This is one of my best friends Christian do not start your shit with her."

Christian raises his hands in question, "I'm not starting any shit." He defends.

"You are though. I been around you long enough to know how you start getting interested and as soon as baseball season starts, they don't mean anything to you. Kat already has enough going on let it be." Baker instructs his friend in the nicest tone as possible.

"Alright, okay. I just gotta say bye. Nothing else." Christian explains.

Baker nods, "She should be in the lobby if she hasn't left yet."

Christian smiles, "Thanks man I owe you." He takes off down the hall and runs down the stairs not willing to wait for an elevator and throws the door open before pacing himself to the lobby. He slows to catch his breath, so Kat doesn't think he actually tried hard to see her. She is nowhere to be found and in a last desperate attempt he goes outside and it's like he's struck gold.

Kat stands on the curb in a three-piece navy pin stripe suit. Two bags are on either side of her and her hair is slicked back in a sleek ponytail. Her makeup is clean and there is no way anyone could tell she had been out the night before. Her hip is cocked but she looks taller than usually probably due to the Louboutin heels she's wearing. Christian just looks at her amazing figure and pretty face. She's ready for business and if he saw her anywhere without knowing her prior, he would be very intimidating.

A black Escalade pulls up and she steps off the curb. Christian rushes forwards, "Bledsoe." He calls.

She turns and she's Christian. Quickly she covers the mouthpiece of her phone with her hand and Christian face drops seeing that he isn't going to get to talk to her. "Hey you're alive." She comments and flashes a smile.

He smiles back, "Yeah barely. Will I catch you back in Wisconsin?" He asks.

Kat barely acknowledges the question and is clearly more concerned with her phone call, "Yes definitely. I have to go glad I made it out here to watch you." She says waving before sliding in the car not even meeting Christian's eyes. 

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