Top 2 and She's Not 2

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A season of lasts... Kat thinks to herself as she zips up her Wisconsin jacket over her game jersey for her last ever season opener as a college volleyball player. She smiles thinking how ending her career as a Badger is the greatest possible outcome of her four years in college that seemed to start just a little while ago.

Life had almost returned to normal for Kat. She didn't know how to explain it, but losing her dad was huge and really had an impact on her for a few weeks. As soon as she touched down in Wisconsin it was like everything was so far away. Between the three gruesome weeks of practice to prepare for her opening match and also starting classes again Kat didn't have time to really think about the events of her time in Los Angeles. In their busy schedules she hadn't had time to make it to any of Christian's games, which made her sad but she knew it didn't bother him. He was just worried that Kat may not mentally be okay. Between the therapy sessions and volleyball practices Kat was dealing with it very well.

Opening night at UWM looks a little different this year as each girl will be announced from the seats and then will go to the back line. Kat had planned something special knowing that both Baker and Christian managed to fit their schedules to come to this very important game. Kat jogs out with her team members and does goes through the motions of warming up. Taking half power swings and twisting her back to get loose. She looks around at the packed arena and smiles knowing that she has the support of her school and the love of her teammates and coaches.

Christian follows Kat around the court as she warms up by taking a few swings and digs a couple of balls. She looks comfortable and calm as she prepares to face Kathryn Plumber and the rest of the Stanford team. The pair had already taken a photo for instagram before they came out to warm up and managed to talk a little fake trash talk for the cameras. Kat looks over the Christian who smiles at her and offers their signature thumbs up which Kat returns with a smile as an overwhelming sense of calmness waves through her.

Kat takes off her warm up jacket and sits on the bench as the rest of her teammates are called and their intro songs play. The lights go low and flash as footage of Kat's last season play on the overhead for a few seconds before the very familiar song comes on.

Baker looks over at Christian and the two athletes share a look, "Isn't this your walk up song?"

Christian has to laugh at Kat's weird humor, "Yeah, man this is Jungle."

"Doesn't she always give you shit for this song?" Baker comments.

Christian nods and watches as Kat does a very complicated high-five with Tara before busting out a few dance moves. Kat throws her arms up and the crowd cheers. A smile appears as she points to Christian and Baker who point back. She jogs over and shakes the coaches hand before taking her place on the back line waiting for the game to start.

In Christian's opinion there wasn't much of a game to watch even though Stanford managed to take Wisconsin to five sets. Kat played pretty cold throughout the match and really just took it easy in Christian's opinion, which he understood because she had been healing a nagging shoulder pain that had come home with her from Tokyo. She still managed to put up good numbers and keep her team motivated as a good captain should.

Christian hands Kat a bouquet of red roses and offers her a quick peck, "Good game."

Kat smiles, "Thanks CY glad you could make it."

Baker pulls Kat into a hug, "So Jungle huh? Thought you hated that song."

Kat laughs and hugs her friend, "I do, but I had to pay tribute to the MVP."

Christian laughs, "Hey we don't know if I'm gonna get it yet don't jinx me."

Both Kat and Baker roll their eyes knowing that even if Christian didn't play another game this season no one would even come close to the stats he's been putting up this season, "I'm speaking it into existence," Kat counters.

"Baker, we're still waiting on you to join MVP U." Christian comments as they head out to get something to eat.

Baker shrugs, "Eh man I've been trying but we all can't be Kat fucking Bledsoe."

"I got an email today that has an update list of things I've won," Kat laughs and pulls out her phone.

Christian slides into the drivers seat and Kat lays down in the back seat of his spacious truck, "Lets here it then."

Kat takes a big breath, "Okay these are the big ones because I don't want to read the whole list."

Baker snorts, "Wow amazing athlete problems."

Kat glares at him, "2017 NCAA Freshman of the year and volleyball MVP and first team all American, 2018 volleyball player of the year best female athlete and best collegiate athlete and NCAA tournament MVP and break through athlete of the year, 2019 collegiate athlete of the year, NCAA tournament MVP, volleyball player of the year and female athlete of the year, 2020 Olympic MVP and nomination for 2020 Athlete of the year..."

Both the guys turn to look back, "You got the nomination?" Baker demands.

Kat nods, "Third year in a row though so I'm not holding my breath."

Christian smiles as he pulls into the drive through of a Chick-fil-A, "You need at date to the ESPY's?"

"No, I'm going with Cody."

Christian turns back to glare at his girlfriend who is grinning at him, "You're an asshole." He comments as she busts up laughing.

"No, I'm joking oh my god, yes please be my date," She begs and throws her arms around the front seat to hug him.

Baker rolls his eyes, "That was rude man we shouldn't take her to the lake this weekend."

Kat's mouth drops, "Y'all are going to the lake!?"

"Yeah Braun is having a little party, and you're not invited anymore," Christian smirks.

Kat flips them both off, "Man fuck y'all I was gonna pay for dinner tonight too."

The both say start making excuses and offer to have her invite reinstated.

"ESPYS are like a year away," Kat reminds then.

Christian shrugs, "And I didn't get to go with you this year because of your ridiculous practice schedule."

Kat shrugs and pays for the massive Chick-fil-A order that they demolish on the way back to Kat's apartment.

Ok so these last 2 were short fillers and I have something coming.

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