The Body Issue

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"Amazing Christian!" The photographer encourages Christian to keep being the funny and free guy he's been during then entire ESPN Body Shoot.

Christian jumps up one more time making sure to keep everything covered so that his photos turn out right. After four hours of posing naked he's getting tired and really just wants to go eat a huge meal. He turns to the camera and flashes a smile.

"Perfect! That's a wrap!" The photographer says and Christian is offered a rob that he puts on quickly so that he can thank his photographer and also all the people who helped put the shoot on in a warehouse in Wisconsin.

The photographer smiles and thanks Christian before barking more orders, "Let's go people we have one more shoot and this floor needs to be covered in sand and not water in 30 minutes!"

Christian frowns and turns to his stylist, "There's another body shoot today?"

"Yes, in about 15 minutes-"

"Damn, I was hoping I was gonna get to see that ass today but looks like I'll just have to wait for the photos to come out." A very familiar voice cuts the stylist off and Christian turns with a smile to face Kat Bledsoe who is standing with a hand on her robed hip. Somehow, she looks even fitter and tanner than when he saw her a few weeks ago. Her black hair is slick and straight and flowing down her shoulders and her face seems free of makeup, but he knows that it is a "natural" look and she is actually probably wearing a lot of makeup.

He can't deny he is very happy to see her despite their unfortunate departure at the lake. Christian has come to terms with the fact that he actually really enjoys being around Kat and her huge personality and high maintenance lifestyle.

"Don't tell me you're the other Body Issue candidate." Christian smiles and moves closer to the most endearing girl he's probably ever met.

"What can I say? They love to get me to take my clothes off." She smiles and shakes her head offering Christian her opens arms and a hug. They embrace and then break apart, "For the record I did not go do anything with Pat."

Christian raises his arms, "Don't ask, don't tell."

Kat frowns, "Okay..."

The photographer pops back up, "Kat, my beautiful darling volleyball player. You're my superstar, my muse, my everything." He croons and kisses her cheeks, "Let's get this going."

Christian frowns and scrunches his eyebrows, "What the heck he didn't call me his muse."

"You're just not pretty enough," Kat jokes with a grin.

Christian laughs and shakes his head ready to play into to her banter when the photographer cuts him off again, "You two trained together, yes?" The pair nod, "Please let's take a few together it will be so great and a extra for this edition!"

Kat shrugs, "I'm in. You?" She looks to Christian.

"Me too, just don't stare at my ass." Christian jokes.

Kat laughs, "No promises." She winks and drops her robe making Christians eyes pop as he takes in her amazing body. Kat rolls her eyes, "Oh, please I know you looked at my SI issue I saw it in your locker when I was watching an interview."

"So you're watching my interview?"

Kat nods, "I think you have good answers... and you're honest."

The photographer ushers then to the white background and people begin fitting them with props and posing them. The first set are of Christian standing sideways holding a bat out to cover Kat's chest while she palms a volleyball below her hips. They are reposed and now stand back to back. Again they switch as Kat pretends to pitch to Christian who pretends to hit the volleyball. They go through a few more poses and neither person can believe how easy it is to pose together. No awkwardness or anything just completely professional and fun.

Finally, they finish their extra shoot and re-robe as Kat is prepped for her shoot. Christian lingers wanting to ask if she wants to grab a bite to eat after her shoot. He stares as her pretty collarbones and chest are brushed with highlighter and she sweeps her mass of black hair behind her ears in a simple, but sexy movement. He takes in all her diamond earrings and perfect skin. He shakes his head as his eyes spend a little too much time on her nipple piercings and the rest of her amazing athletic body that he so badly wants to touch. For the first time since they met Christian allows himself to believe that he has a shoot with this seemingly untouchable girl.

"Kat?" Christian calls as she turns to take her position in front of the camera, a place where she has become so comfortable and natural from her shoots with Nike, Off White, and all her other sponsors.

She turns and her hair swings around causing Christian's breath to catch a little from seeing her beautiful side profile, "Yeah?" Kat says with a hopeful look in her eye not wanting her time with Christian to end.

"Want to eat after this? I assume we've been on a similar diet prepping for this." Christian asks keeping his eyes locked with hers.

Kat closes her eyes and a disappointed looks crosses her face, "I want to so bad, but I have to go back to Madison for practice tonight."

Christian's face drops, but he covers his disappointment quickly and a lot better than Kat did, "Oh, yeah I get that."

"You're welcome to stay and watch though. It doesn't bother me." Kat encourages wanting to have Christian's calming presence around.

"I would but I should get back I have a pretty big game tomorrow. We should start planning stuff for this mini-series thing we're doing. I think it is going to be a great push for both our MVP campaigns." Christian smiles covering the obvious let down.

Kat nods, "Yeah, I'll see you soon." She smirks and offers Christian a mysterious wink.

Christian is confused as Kat saunters away and listens as the photographer instructs her to take her normal volleyball approach, but to position herself in a specific way.

*** Lowkey this is so short I'm sorry *** 

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