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Okay, I'm writing this in a new format. If you hate it sorry this will be like one of two chapters like this, but this is the only one for awhile. And if you like it congrats.



Kat smiles as Christian is wheeled around the corner in his wheel chair. While his knee didn't require surgery they medics still recommended he go in for an endoscopic look at both his knee and back, which would require him to get knocked out by the laughing gas or whatever the fuck its called. They found that a cortisone shot in his back would do him well, but he still had the gas that makes him loopy for a few hours and mix that with the OxyContin he's been taking for pain and Christian is really out of it. Kat was honestly excited to hear what Christian has to say under some serious influences.

Wisconsin volleyball is in Los Angeles for the week partaking in a mid-season Nike Invitational to hype some people up for the National Tournament in a few weeks. Christian was starting his physical therapy in Los Angeles and will be staying with teammate Ryan Braun now that the Brewer's season ended in a single post season game. Kat was here to pick him up from his appointment and drop him off at Braun's house.

"Kat, babygirl!" Christian slurs as soon as he sees her.

"Hi, Christian," Kat greets and laughs as Christian wraps his arms around her legs nuzzling her thighs.

The nurse looks at Kat while shaking her head, "He's been asking to see you since he woke up, but his discharge instruction is just to relax and rest until the effects where off. He'll be out of it for a few days and is supposed to be off the OxyContin in two days. Keep him hydrated and his first physical therapy is tomorrow."

Kat nods while typing out a message to Braun's unsaved number with all the instructions, "Got it thank you. Ryan Braun will be dropping him off tomorrow." The nurse nods and Kat manages to pull Christian up out of the wheelchair and helps him out to her rental car.

She follows the directions to Braun's house out in Malibu and pulls in noting the nice community and also thinking about possibly buying a house here in the future. The image is clear in her mind: the thought of her and Christian moving out to Los Angeles once she graduates, his contract is up in a few months anyway. He could get traded to LA... She shakes her head and frowns slightly upset that she thought of changing his life so drastically so she could benefit. This is a partnership, they are suppose to encourage each other and help each other grown... Not force him to follow her dream.

Kat wakes Christian up and they walk up to Braun who is waiting outside with a smirk on his face as he sees how loopy Christian is.

"Brauny!" Christian yells and stumbles into his friends arms giving him a hug.

"He buddy," He chuckles and looks to Kat offering his hand. "Ryan Braun nice to meet you."

Kat takes his hand, "Sup. So I really only know you as the PEDs guy, no judgement I fail DTs all the time for weed so I get it, I do, but I kinda like this guy a lot so please, please don't let him get hurt and make sure he takes care of himself while he's here. I'm ten weeks out from a national championship and won't have the time to be with him like I should," Kat says explaining her position to Braun and showing she really doesn't trust.

"Don't worry bout it. I like this guy too, he's one of my best-"

"Hey Brauny," Christian cuts him off. "Did you see the girl who dropped me off?"

Braun laughs and winks at Kat, "Yeah bro I did."

Christian smiles, "That's my girlfriend."

"Oh yeah?" Braun pushes.

How to Hit a Home Run - Christian YelichWhere stories live. Discover now