chapter 3

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I woke up to a knocking at my door, but with the strong smell of blood filling my nose, I didn't know who it was. That was until they kicked down the door, revealing a distressed looking Denki and Kirishima.

There eyes went wide at the sight in front of them, and I couldn't blame them. One of there closest friends, and the omega of the school, was laying in a pile if his own blood with deep cuts all over his body.

I couldn't smell my mates, or anyone else for that matter, and with a quick look at the clock I know class is still in session for a few hours. Meaning Kami and Kiri came to check up on me.

"oh... hey guys, how's it going?" I ask with a small smile before passing out.


When I wake back up, I'm in my own bed, bandages wrapped around anywhere I cut. The blood was all cleaned up, only a faint smell left. At the end of my bed sat a red-haired alpha with a sleeping Denki. He hadn't noticed I was awake yet, so I look the time to look at him. By the looks of it, he had been crying, and I know for a fact Denki has been to. Perks of being an omega, I can basically feel what others are feeling emotionally.

"I'm sorry..." is the first thing I say, barely above a whisper. Kiri brings his eyes to me opening his mouth to speak, but I cut him off. "at least I think I am... I don't know anymore," it comes out in a whimper, my eyes burning with unshed tears that refuse to fall.

He's silent for a while, and just as I start to panic, he speaks. "I know," his voice, like mine, is just above a whisper, but I still heard the crack in it.

The room falls into a silence again, until I can't help it and blurt, "do you guys hate me?" I don't think I would be able to handle if they did. Both of them have helped me deal with some pretty tough things, like my mates.

If one, let alone both, started hated me, I think I'd snap for good. I need them as much as I need my mates, both of which I can't actually have so there even more important.

"of course we don't hate you Izu," Denki says softly, sitting up so he's not leaning on his mate anymore. "are we hurt? Yes. Mad? Maybe a bit. But hate you? Never. You're like our brother, we could never hate you," kami states seriously, looking me dead in the eyes. "he's right." Kiri agrees, giving me a soft smile.

I manage to return it, still feeling a bit gloomy. How come each time I actually want a mood swing, it never happens?

A thought passes through my mind, and I instantly start to panic again. I'm about to open my mouth to beg, make promises I can't keep, plead, with the couple, when Denki speaks.

"don't worry, we won't tell anyone until you're ready." Those nine words have me relaxing again, almost all worry gone. We lapse into another silence, everyone likely thinking about something different. Kiri is the one to break it again as he says, "now, do you want a talk, or a distraction?"

I couldn't be more grateful right now. I give them both a weak smile before answering.

"distraction," I speak, not ready to talk about it yet.

They seem fine with the answer, not asking again or trying to push me. Instead, they get up before pulling me up. I feel my cuts stretch and rub against the bandages, but I don't even wince.

We leave the room together, and I don't even have to ask to know where we are going. Any time I'm upset, they'll take me there, it's like our special cool down spot.

Soon enough we're there. The theatre room.

It was quite large, like everything in this school. A large stage with red curtains, rows and rows of seats, an area in front of the stage were people play music for plays. There was even a backstage area and a place out front were people could practice. Most of the room was made of wood, a few brick structures and steel ornaments.

I jump onto the stage, a smile already on my face and a bounce in my movements. I hear my friends, no, brothers, laugh at my behaviour, clearly relived to see me happy again.

"a cover or one of your own?" Kami asks, grabbing a guitar with his mate as I stand behind the microphone.

"original, Worst Day Of My Life," I answer, receiving a nod in return.

Only kiri and kami know I sing, not even Katchan knows. I also write my own songs, working on them whenever I have the time to.

Kirishima and denki both ditch the guitars one going to the piano and the other planning on only using their hands, giving me the signal to start singing once they were ready.

I breath in, smile still on my face as I start.

" Well my manager rang
He said, 'I hate to break the news
But the label called today
They said they have to cut you loose'
I felt broken like a vase that'd fallen from the roof
Tears rolling down my face, 'Lord, what am I to do?' "

I was once told that my voice was like velvet, soft and fragile. My face lost its smile as I continued purely to get into character, to feel my music. It was still clear I was happy by the way I was bouncing on my feet or swaying back and forth.

"I felt pain in my life so far
A fractured wrist and a broken heart
But this is sure to leave a nasty scar
One that might not heal"

The pianos tune echoed throughout the room, along with my voice and the clapping.

"So I said
'This is the worst day of my life
It's the worst, it's the worst day of my life
And I don't know how I'll survive
It's the worst, it's the worst day of my life
I'll admit it's a struggle
Finding light in the tunnel
This is the worst day of my life
It's the worst, it's the worst day
Of my life'

The words roll of my tongue with ease, knowing the words off by heart. Kiri and kami hum along, neither of them liking to sing but both having a talent when it came to instruments.

'Well I gave up my degree and I moved away from home
I was following my dream, now there's nowhere I can go
So I called up my mom and I was bawling on the phone
I was acting like a child but I was all the way grown

I felt pain in my life so far
A fractured wrist and a broken heart
But this is sure to leave a nasty scar
One that might not heal

So I said
'This is the worst day of my life
It's the worst, it's the worst day of my life
And I don't know how I'll survive
It's the worst, it's the worst day of my life
I'll admit it's a struggle
Finding light in the tunnel
This is the worst day of my life
It's the worst, it's the worst day
Of my life'

So I thought to myself that now is time to choose
I can pick myself up or I can give in to the blues
So I swore in my heart that I was never gonna lose
I would crawl until I made it 'cause I got something to prove

I felt pain in my life so far
A fractured wrist and a broken heart
But this is sure to leave a nasty scar
One that might not heal

So I said
'This is the worst day of my life
It's the worst, it's the worst day of my life
And I don't know how I'll survive
It's the worst, it's the worst day of my life
I'll admit it's a struggle
Finding light in the tunnel
This is the worst day of my life

It's the worst, it's the worst day of my life'"

My voice dies off, smile back on my face and current episode being the last thing on my mind. I turn to look at the two other wolves, seeing smiles on both their faces. "again?" I beg, puppy dog eyes and all. They chuckle and shake their head before they look serious again.

"better?" Kaminari asks, hope clear. I let my smile turn soft and nod my head, not needing them to say what they're talking about to know.

They smile back before opening their arms, I don't wait, running into them. It wasn't the touch I craved, not as satisfying as it would be to have my own mate's arms wrapped around me. But it still felt nice. It was still love, the love of a brother. 

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