chapter 40

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TW- homophobic parent, dead beat mums, transphobic comments, some heavy kissing, mentions of suicide, mentions of abuse, death of family members, mention of cheating. Mentions of violence. Mentions of conversion camps Let me know if I missed anything

Also I kinda did a thing with Deku's gender so... yeah

I sometimes wonder what would happen if I was born into the family I now live with. If I could have escaped all the pain of my past, gone without scars both self-inflicted and other and if I would have actually been sorry when my younger brother killed himself instead of jealous. But then I stop, realising that without the crap past I had to suffer through I wouldn't have had such a strong desire to help people in similar situations to which I was stuck in.

And then situations like this arise and I wish I had enough guts to poison some wine. Forget being a hero if people like her are out there, sheltered from the justice they deserve.

Gasp had replaced the applause, shouts of disgust and even some of agreement soon rising only for it to take on a sudden hush as the teachers deal with the crowd (a couple already paired next to my group, blocking the three wolves from the stage. They know as well as I do however that if they want to get onto the stage, that's exactly what they'll get), some already making there way up onto the stage, presumably to escort the fuming woman out.

Aziwa keeps them at bay for a second, sending me a silent question to which I quickly respond to with a shake of my head before turning to the woman who looked as if she were about to blow and I suddenly become hyper aware of the fact that this very private matter was about to be made public In front of hundreds as people along as being televised on live tv even as the Pro heroes tried to get them to shut the cameras off.

"do you need something?" I question, clenching my fist to keep them from shaking as I slide my eyes over to meet hers.

"how dare you make your father out to be the bad guy!" you know, for the first words she's said to me in a total of five years there not nearly as bad as what I thought they would be. I was thinking something more along the lines of, 'oh wow, I thought you would have killed yourself by now,' or 'oh! Your alive? I can fix that if you want,' you know, like any normal mum would greet their son.

"He was the bad guy, Mrs. Saito. He raised his hand to me multiple times simply because of who I love-"

I'm cut off by her scoff, watching, unamused, as she throws her hands up with a scowl etched onto the face of nightmares. "love? You can't be serious? He was trying to help you! you refused to let us send you to that camp to he had to resort to different methods!" she shouts, and god I hope this counts as a confession.

I don't reply, letting her ramble about me being 'sick' and 'delusional' all whist the three teens I've grown to love easily grew more and more pissed. Both Deku and Denki looked ready to rip her to shreds whist Shinso stared off to the side with a smirk, eyes shining with a malicious glee.

Boy I am glad I cannot read minds...

"are you even listening to me?!" she shrieks, face red with what I think is rage but could easily be the blood just getting trapped in her face due to all the fat in her neck.

"everybody is listening to you, Australia called, there filling a noise complain," I drawl, ignoring the few chuckles that went through the crowd only to be immediately shushed.

Why couldn't she have just dragged me off to an empty room first?

"don't you dare disrespect me! Its bad enough you come up here and announce to the world that your are a sick messed up boy! I thought you had been cured when you were mated to that female-"

Just a little crazy (finished)Where stories live. Discover now