chapter 54

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first, i would like to appoligse for the wait, its been way to long and im really sorry, life has just been going to shit.

second, TW- character death, injuries, sad boi hours

have fun :)

"That was amazing!"

Watching as Denki jumps onto his mates back with a laugh, I continue to pack up my stuff, smiling slightly as Denki goes on about how awesome it was and how 'wicked' the effects were.

It really was cool, besides from the constant attention. Though, the rush preforming gave me was well worth it, and going off by the flush on Shinso's cheeks I'd say he feels the same.

"Seriously Kacchan! Those lights you did were amazing!"

At the reminder, Shinso and I both closed in on a muttering Kacchan- something about Denki calling him Kacchan- waiting until he looked up at us before hitting him over the head with the back of our hands.

The blonde froze, as did everyone else in room, so we took the opportunity as what it was, looking up at each other with smiles and taking off with one word,



"Okay- okay I think we're safe," leaning against the wall of an alleyway- the same alleyway I met toga I think- I close my eyes, forcing air back into my lungs even as my body works against me by laughing some more.

I yelp when the voice of someone other than Shinso makes itself known, the hand that was holding my body weight off the wall slipping, ending with me faceplanting into said wall.


"Oh, hi prince."

"Yeah, I'm okay down here, totally not bleeding all over a perfectly good top-"

Squeaking when I'm picked up and put on my feet and trying not to cringe in the process I look up at the demon, narrowing my eyes before sticking my tongue out at him before he got a chance to say anything.

He ignores it for the most part, simply blinking at me with a greeting of, "hi hatchling," as he pulls his mate into his arms with an easy smile, poking the piercings that decorated the insomniacs face, ignoring the feeble protest as he does so.

His tail swayed behind him, stilling for a second every time he heard a noise away from us, similar to how my ears twitched at sudden noises. Shinso seemed a bit too preoccupied with leaning into his mates embrace to pay attention to his surroundings. He looked like he could just fall asleep right there, inhaling the smell his mate gave off- I wonder what it is, phoenix and I have a bound of our own apparently. So, what I smell isn't what everyone else smells, but it isn't what his mate smells either.

Maybe its chocolate mixed with something, chocolate is a popular half of scents after all, further proving my point that chocolate is superior.

Then again, he's the prince of hell, I don't think anything about him is common.

"Oh, right, Hatchling toga wanted me to give you this," catching the jar that Phoenix threw I look it over, laughing when I see the writing on the lid.

"What's so funny?" looking up at shinso, who was looking surprisingly calm considering the fact that Phoenix had his face buried in the crook of his neck,

(Ew, affection-

You can't talk)

I smile and bounce on the heals of my feet.

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