chapter 29

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ended up finishing today so turns out i will be updating! also, this chapter is almost double the size of a normal one! 

When I wake up, I'm curled up with the purple wolf from last night, surprised to find myself holding onto it's fur like my life depended on it. Letting go, I sit up and rub my eyes only to immediately retract them upon feeling the river of warm tears. "oh..."

Always crying

I block out their words to the best of my ability, deciding to ignore the burning in my chest and the certain batch of skin that I wanted nothing more then to rip out.

"deku?" I will deny it for as long as I live (hopefully not long) if anyone claims that I screamed like a girl and jumped five feet into the air.

There is no proof, so it didn't happen. Case closed.

"ugh! Who's dying?!" Kirishima, who was previously tangled up in a mass of blankets and yellow hair shouted, shotting up to his feet. Unfortunately for him, his still snoring boyfriend didn't seem to like that and ended up pulling him back down to the ground, the only thing cushioning his fall being the blankets he was currently wrapped in.

Blinking, I turn and look at who was speaking, finding shinso putting on a shirt. "sorry if I startled you," he speaks, now fully dressed as moves around the bed.

"you didn't scare me..." I mumble, watching as he stares down at the tangled-up couple. Sparing a glance at me he hums, "oh? Well then I must have been imaging the oh so manly scream that erupted from your side of the bed just seconds ago." Before kicking the two lumps on the purple and blue carpeted floor.

"wake up, you have school." Shinso grumbles, kicking them again when he gets no response.

"don't you mean we?" denki questions, rolling onto his back to glare at the purple haired boy.

"as if I'm going anywhere near either of my dads for the next five years."

Tuning them out I look around the room, finding it to be plan. Some band posters were hung up on the walls, and there was a desk with a few knickknacks including a framed photo of shinso with Eri, who was adopted soon after the rescue mission, and their two dads, telling me who's room this was. Looking down at my wrist I notice that there bruised, most likely from last night at some point.

Last night...

I could almost feel the clammy and chapped lips on my neck, his hand griping my hair painfully tight while the other groped my ass. I swear I could smell the sweaty and smoke infested scent the man carried with him, making my throat close up.

"hey, deku, your okay, stop that you're going to hurt yourself." Snapping out pf my thoughts I focus my attention towards shinso, who was currently holding both my shaking hands in his inly just having pulled them away from my neck, where I was violently scratching without even noticing.

"here," I hear denki speak before feeling the bed dip. "in case you haven't noticed, I'm about as pale as you and because I still have some scars that I don't want anyone seeing, I make it a point to always have concealer on me. While it won't take away the memories of what happened it will cover those bruises on your wrist. Along with those things on your neck." He speaks, already applying the makeup whilst kiri grabbed a tissue and wiped away the newly fallen tears. Shinso had let go of my hands and was now picking out some clothes .

"hey, look at me." I hear kiri speak, making me look up from my lap to see him. "look, I'm not going to lie to you and say that I know what it feels like to be violated like that, because I don't. but I do know that if you let the event of last night drag you down, you'll never get anywhere." I don't respond, going back to staring at my lao as denki starts to cover the bruises on my wrist.

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