chapter 21

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sorry for missing the update on Friday, i have been unbelivabily busy with school, crying and anime. Hope you enjoy this chapter

Todoroki pov

The rooms silent as everyone stares. Not even reading, just... staring. In front of us laid the note left by my smallest mate, stains of blood on its edges. Katsuki was already in tears though he also looked ready to rip off the small boy's head. Sensei aziwa and All might both frowning, though All Might's looked angrier than sad unlike the other pro's. Shinso, Kirishima and denki looked... well to put it simply they looked dead.

When the three distraught boys had come looking for us, we were already with the two heroes. Sparky was upset, no that's not right, outraged when he'd heard All Might had already stopped looking for his mother. He had demanded to speak to him before dragging me along with him. When asked about it, the number one simply responded with, "there's no use trying! How would it look if the number one hero couldn't find an average housewife! It would be terrible for me, so I've decided not to get involved!"

Aziwa had showed up as me and katsuki may or may not have been trying to decapitate the man.

The loud silence was broken when All Might decided to speak, though I know for a fact every one would have preferred if he had just stayed quiet.

"that traitor... and here I was thinking I had finally found a good successor but no! he turned out to be a coward that midoriya boy! How I wish I hadn't saved him sometimes," he rants, seemingly forgetting who he was in front of. I chose to ignore him however the sudden rise in the temperature didn't go unnoticed by anyone in the room, nor did the sparks flying off my left side. Aziwa stayed silent as well, though when I look over at him I notice it's because he hadn't seemed to here the taller hero, eyes staring unblinking at the note that laid on the desk. His eyes showed emotion I wasn't even sure the man was capable of feeling.

The four other teen age boys in the room however didn't seem to want to hold back, katsuki immediately firing off explosions and the other three spitting a colourful array of language out of their mouths, quirks all activated.

Just as things were about to get messy- and by that I mean shinso had managed to brain wash the old man into staying still and my oh so innocent mate was about to blow his head off- I speak up, my words causing everyone to stop what they were doing to look at me in doubt or hope, even the tired pro hero.

"it's not his handwriting."

At my words katsuki ditched the pro 'hero' and snatched the note from the desk. Everyone looked at him, waiting, hoping to see him back me up.

He mumbled something under his breath before looking up, tears in his eyes but smile on his face. "I'm so fucking stupid. It's not his. This writing is actually readable!"

"I never doubted the boy! Of course he wouldn't leave!" everyone turned and glared at All Might, shutting the man up immediately.

"wait... if deku didn't write this then... doesn't that mean...?" denki trailed off, unable to complete the sentence as the room grew tense once again.

No one spoke, but everyone got the message. If midoriya didn't leave, he was taken. With the state his room was apparently in it should have been clear, I guess everyone, including myself, was simply to emotional to see the truth.

"Dad we have to save him!" shinso erupted at last. When people looked over at him confused, we all saw him looking at aziwa, both of them oblivious to the stares of surprise. Aziwa was Shinso's dad... ha! I knew it! how's that for conspiracy theories!

No one had time to process this however, not with the thought of midoriya being tortured by a bunch of villains. I couldn't help but feel however, even with all that's going on, betrayed. I'd be lying if I said I'd forgiven midoriya, and while I'm worried for him, I'm not exactly looking forward to seeing him quite yet...

Aziwa's eyes clouded over, as if he was thinking about something long and hard, before he sighed and spoke.

Three hours pass and we know. Tonight. Tonight, we will bring midoriya back.

Deku pov

If I was being honest, I didn't remember half of what had happened. After jumping down, everything just kinda became foggy. Dreamlike almost. I could rember the screams, orders for me to stop that were ignored, pleading, begging, and the nothing. Silence save from my heavy, irregular breathing.

My eyes were wide, staring down at the lifeless blue orbs of the beta. Two other bloodied corps weren't far. My eyes stung but it wasn't from tears, nom instead it was something that I would come to understand in no time at all.

I payed no mind to pain however, stuck staring down at the still warm body I was straddling. I... I had just killed someone...


Right... I'm a murderer...

They deserved it

Yeah, they did but...

Don't act as if you didn't enjoy it psycho, who will love you now?

Come one lets do it again! It was fun! I mean, there's no way you'll be a hero now so might as well own it

Faintly, almost as if they were thousands of feet away, I could here people talking. Footsteps coming closer. But I couldn't respond, emotion building as the voices taunted me, lectures and encouragements. Names and self-harm suggestions. More and more. Never shutting up. until, like the spring on an old trampoline, I snapped.

My hands had stopped shaking, along with the tears and muttering that I hadn't even noticed, and for a split moment, I was completely silent. Everyone else followed my lead, shutting up once they noticed I had seemingly stopped working, a few stepping back and others forward.

Everyone froze, however, when I hunched over, shoulders shaking violently. At first glance it looked and sounded as if I was crying, and I'd assume that was the reason Dabi and a few others awkwardly tried to comfort me. When they realized what was really happening however, or more heard it, I could practically see them exchange looks behind my back.

I quickly heard the extra villains who weren't really in the inner circle disband, and I couldn't blame them. The sight was one to behold.

There, in their home base, sat a boy with large angelic like demon wings sitting on top of a mutilated corps, two similar ones close by, giggling his hearts content. His body and white wings were painted in blood, and when his teeth showed red could be seen against the pearly k-9's.

The remaining weren't sure what to do exactly but were glad, I could feel it even though the fog. Crazy, they could handle. Depressed, crying and moral questioning, not so much. 

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