chapter 13

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When I wake up, I find myself in the arms of kiri and denki, instead of my mates. There was a sharp pain in my stomach and my body was covered in a thin layer of sweat however I wasn't in as much pain as I would be. I share an emotional relationship with kiri and kami, plus kiri was an alpha, so it soothed me a bit. Not as much as my mate's touch would help, but it still felt nice.

I whimper loudly, feeling as if I was being stabbed by a thousand needle repeatedly, Waking up the two sleeping wolves.

"where-?" I start to speak, only for an unbelievable amount of pain to rush through me, causing me to bury face in kiri's neck. I hear denki growl, obviously not liking that another wolf was touching his mate, but he managed to control himself, wrapping his arms around me some more, helping even more with the heat and pain.

"we managed to convince them to leave. We figured it wouldn't be good if they were still around you when your spray wore off." The red-haired alpha speaks, receiving a mumble off gratitude from me. I didn't want to find out, not if it meant people would die.

Don't lie to yourself deku, you know you don't care. Hell, I'd bet you'd kill those hostages yourself, maybe even your aunt. Such a hero you are, hey?

My throat tightens slightly when I realize it's right, and I find myself having to choke back a giggle. I would happily bathe in the blood of those people if it meant I could just be held by my mates. Unfortunately, that isn't the only thing holding me back from them. besides the fact that kiri and denki always have their eyes on me to make sure I didn't do anything stupid- like commit mass murder, (however if you ask me, murder doesn't seem that bad. Japan is overpopulated anyway)- my own self-doubts are holding me at bay as well. That, and no matter what decision I make, the voices will always have me second guessing myself.

"or if you tried to get in their pants," denki adds, pulling me out of my thoughts.

"why would I want to be in their pants? I wouldn't even fit," I ask, confused and momentarily distracted from my heat.


I have to agree with you there

"no, deku he means-"

"don't!" denki yells, interrupting his mate. "I swear E if you even think about telling him I'll hid all your hair die," he warned, confusing me further.

Tell me what

"okay! Okay, geesh, he'll find out sooner or later don't see- Why don't you go get some ice packs for him?" he quickly changes the topic, I didn't have to look to know that kami was glaring at the poor alpha.

Whining as another wave of pain hits me, Kaminari does as asked, leaving to go retrieve some icepacks. "here," the red-haired alpha speaks, handing me a shirt. I recognise it as katchan's and immediately latch onto it, inhaling his scent. Before I know what's happening, I'm crying.

"hey, deku, what's wrong?" Kirishima asks, clearly worried.

"I hate this!" I cry out, clutching katchan's shirt in my hands. "I want to be with my mates! W-why should I care if that means a few people die!? The worlds never done anything nice for me, so why should I care if a few people end up dead if it means I can be in the arms of my mates!" my sobbing abruptly turns into a fit of giggles, startling Kirishima and his mate who had just come back.

"deku you need to-"

"what? Calm down? I'm calm! I'm so fucking calm right now!" I laugh, listening to the voices in my head, both saying something about me being crazy. "I'm not crazy," I murmur, scratching at the back of my neck with a pout. I'd slap them if they were actually real, I have bi clue how they think I'm crazy. I'm completely normal!

Just a little crazy (finished)Where stories live. Discover now