chapter 36

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and this, my dear friends, is why i should not be allowed to write when running on multiple cups of tea (if only i was allowed coffee...) and zero- three hours sleep in a week!

well anyways, this is kinda a filler chapter and it a bit all over the place. It was not suppose to go like this, i was suppose to have Bakugou's song in this chapter, but apparently my brain went, NOPE! LIKE I'LL ACTUALLY LET YOU DO SOMETHING RIGHT! but like... you need to update so... here i guess.  And out came... this. 


warning- slight violence. what do you expect? uraraka and deku are in the same room again

After the staff realized, we weren't moving anytime soon they declared a break. Anyone who needed to go to the bathroom or was hungry could leave now and not miss any acts for 30 minutes.

Just the right amount to really because shinso and I only shuffled off the stage three minutes until everyone is due back. Hand in hand and a huge smile covering my face as if I hadn't just balled my eyes out.

Most of the audience were back, but there was still a fairly large amount missing. Unfortunately, my mates and their new besties were part of the few who had returned. The two alphas were both looking uncomfortable and dejected over something as we brush pass, but I just brushed that away when Uraraka, who had her back to us, growled, "he's probably fucking shinso too."

Gone was the hurt and put out alphas, in come the red-faced fuming ones.

Well that didn't hurt at all

Can you blame them. the bitch is really good at getting people wrapped around her finger

Oh, and you've already betrayed them once, twice according to them, what's to stop it again?

Oh yeah, that too

But before I could even respond Shinso had let go of my hand and was tapping on Uraraka's shoulder. Everybody else were already looking at us, a few such as Mina, Momo and Iida glaring whilst the others (Jiro and Sero) looked a mixture of both uncomfortable and pissed at Uraraka's words.

Kacchan and Todoroki just looked... empty

"ye- oh, its you," she mutters after turning around.

You know, sometimes I question the intelligence of your mates

"oh hush," I whisper, my eyes not leaving the scene in front of me but not missing the brief glance said mates threw my way

I didn't defend them, how could I? One would question anyone's, let alone the alpha's, IQ after hanging out with that net of turtle food and STDs

I mean, sure, they were smart and all in class, but book smart wasn't all that mattered. Surely, they knew that? Surely, they could see how two faced Uraraka is? Surely- ...surely this is all some cruel prank?

Woah, where'd that shit storm of emotions come from?

It-... it wasn't that much emotion Z

"Z?" I mumble, eyebrows lowering as my mind sung 'CLUEEESSS' like some fangirl reading some crappy book

What are you going on about? That was deeper than your mothers sweat glands

I don't have a mother?

You sure? You don't sound it



"oh look. The sluts spacing out again, how surprising."

Pulling myself away from my personal headache induces existential crises I drag my eyes over to meet Uraraka's (who had just cut shinso off mid-rant), ignoring a certain somebody who held my aunties life in their hands.

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