chapter 4

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The day passed quickly after that, the three of us singing one more song before they had to return to class. They told be to change my bandages in a while and promised they would keep my secret. We said out goodbyes before splitting, Kaminari and Kirishima going to glass and I to my dorm room. The second my head hit the pillow I was in a much-needed sleep.


I practically skipped to class the next day, late I may add. But I honestly didn't care, I was in such a good mood I felt like laughing until my lungs gave out. My ears, which had been flat against my head for the past few days, were now high and perky, twitching with each noise. I think my tail was even wagging!

I swung the door open; all attention being put on me in an instant. My smile grew as I waved to the class, bouncing on my feet as I glanced at Katchan to find he looked terrified or at the very least, extremely worried. It made me giggle.

Looking around again, I see most of the class staring at me with either wide or narrowed eyes. All but Todoroki who seemed to be looking on in amusement, although to anyone else it would look like his usual bored face. I also noticed a certain perve missing from the class as well.

Ignoring sensei Aziwa who looked as if he were about to scold me, I tilted my head and spoke, "where's grapist?"

There was a moment of silence, where everyone, including Todoroki and Aziwa simply blinked at me. The silence was soon ruined when someone, Kaminari, snorted. Soon followed by a round of snickers and chuckles. I even saw Todoroki crack a smile. Granted it was small and only lasted a second. But still.

Mr. Aziwa sent a quick glare around the classroom, silencing everyone once more. Turning to me with a scowl he spoke, "if you sit down, I can tell you, and the rest of the class, where he is." my smile came back in an instant, nodding my head vigorously before walking, or skipping, to my desk. I couldn't help but notice my brothers confused stares.

"sure thing caterpillar," I respond as I plop myself onto my chair only to rearrange myself so I'm sitting criss-cross apple sauce. I here him growl and it takes everything in me not to recoil and hide. No mater what my mood is, it's hard to fight something that is written in my DNA. But I manage to do it, and what I do shocks everyone, even myself.

I growl. At my teacher. At an alpha. Giggling right after I slap my hands over my mouth, eyes aflame with joy and mischief.

I could physically feel the uneasiness in the classroom, Todoroki was the only one who still wasn't affected by my behaviour in that way. One glance at him and I knew he was doing his best to stifle his laugh, let alone hide his smile.

"no wonder he's mateless, look at him, no one wants a crazy omega," Uraraka 'whispered' to Iida who nodded in agreement. Not many heard her, the ones who did either eyeing me or growling at Uraraka and the robotic blue haired boy.

I, undoubtingly, did hear them, and it was like a switch went off. My giggling came to a stop, drawing everyone's attention at the sudden silence. My face was void of any smile, looking straight forward with no particular emotion. It only made the class more uncomfortable, even Todoroki didn't like the sight of it.

I heard aziwa say that both Uraraka and I had detention, but I didn't seem to full process it until the fifth time it was repeated. By a shouting bakugou I might add.

Sensei aziwa then went on to explain that mineta was expelled when being caught doing some inappropriate things with a trash can and that shinso will be transferred to the class. Most of the class made some gagging noises, others laughing. I didn't show much of a reaction, simply blinking as I glace at the sensei, only to go back to staring at the wall.

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