chapter 26

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"I think I may die." I whisper to myself, hair acting as a curtain, shielding me from the bright lights and white walls that remind me so much of a hospital.

Dramatic much?

"but I'm serious! I've been waiting for an hour!"

It's been ten minutes...

"wait really?"

No, its been fucking five!

"Geesh, someone's moody..." I mumble, sitting up and looking around the empty room. The pro heroes were all outside, talking about something before they start questioning me.

Go kill yourself

"been there, done that. Why don't you do it yourself coward."

"who... are you talking to...?" the detective working on my 'case' asks, followed by a man who is known to have lie detecting quirk. Both looked confused and slightly concerned.

"what? You act like you don't talk to yourself either." I snort, kicking my legs up onto the desk and waving at the mirror that I know shielded the pro heroes that came.

"I haven't though-" the woman starts only to stop and scowl when the man next to her twitches, a natural rection he gives off when he hears lies.

Smirking, I giggle and run my hand through my knotty hair, showing off my newly transformed eye successfully making the two humans flinch back.

"don't worry, all the best people are crazy." I manage to keep a straight face for exactly five seconds before I'm giggling with my head pressed against the table, feet on the ground.

"oh! That was so badass! And-and you should have seen your face!" I gasp out through my laughs, watching through my hair as the two exchange a look before sitting down, getting startled, once again, when my giggling suddenly cuts off, leaving me to stare at them through my fluffy green and black hair.

When the silence continued to stretch to the point where even the voices were welcomed, I scowl, sitting up and glaring at the pair. "what? Not going to speak? Think you're too good to speak to me? huh?! Is that it!?"

Both of their eyes grow wide, but no words leave their mouths, only serving to further anger me. growling, I stand up, startling the pair further. "god! Stop flinching! You're both in the police department! I'm a fudging child! Grow a pair for the sake of the goddess!" I snap, fingernails turning into claws.

Oh how I couldn't wait to sink my claws into their flesh-

"Midoriya, calm down, now." the hard voice of my homeroom teacher had me blinking before realising that I had backed the pair of detectives into a corner, my full appearance on display. It was only then that I realised that there was a handful of people were in the small, already cramped room.

"uhh..." I mumble, glancing around the room as I rub the back of my neck, my wings and horns disappearing while my left eye goes back to normal. "oops?" I giggle before skipping over to my spot. Whether or not I shoved people out of the way to get there or not is irrelevant.

"what has gotten into yo-" one of the heroes starts to yell, only to get cut off by the man with the lie detecting quirk.

"no-no. he's just been kidnapped, he's bound to be in shock over it all... it's really our fault, we apologies. You may all leave, we still have to question the young man."

There were a few mumbled protests before they all left save for aziwa sensei who stood there glaring at me.

Ooh! You're in trouble!

"if you don't mind, detectives, I think I'll stick around. Don't worry, I won't get in the way of your work," he speaks, though going off the fact that he's already made himself comfortable, he wasn't going to take no for an answer.

"right... well I don't see a problem with that..." the super brave lead detective on this case speaks up for the first time since being cornered, decently not still shaking.

"excuse me ma'am, you look very pale, are you feeling ill? Maybe we should-"

"midoriya, shut up before your already doubled homework triples."

"so mean," I mumble but comply once I'm put on the receiving end of his glare.

He's scary

I tune out their argument, wondering, not for the first time, how I ended up with these voices. Most of the time they don't even torment me but argue with each other and supply me with an unlimited number of headaches!

"right... well, down to business. My name is Kinjo Hina and I'm the lead detective on your case. This here-" gesturing to the man on her left, she continues, "is Smith. Just... Smith. He is, to put it bluntly, a human lie detector. So, shall we begin?"

"nah, lets hold off another few minutes, it's almost my hundredth bir- ow!" I exclaim, cutting myself off, as aziwa wacks the back of my head. When I turn to look at him, he is just straight out staring at me, daring me to say something.

Scowling, I sink back into my seat and speak, "yes, I think that's a good idea." I mumble, narrowing my eyes as twiddle dee and twiddle dumb start laughing at me.

The two detectives exchange a few papers before Smith taps the top of the recorder that was sitting on the table. "5:38AM, Wednesday, 18th of November. Questioning of Midoriya Izuku. Present, smith, lead detective Kinjo Hina, Eraserhead and midoriya Izuku."

"well that was unnecessary long," I mumble to myself, fixing Kinjo with a blank stare when she tries to reprimand me before smiling brightly, propping my elbows onto the cold mettle table where I rest my head onto my hands, eyes wide and innocent.

"have you ever wondered what it would feel like to choke someone with their own organs?" everyone in the room blanched (along with the people being the mirror as well if the smell of disgust was anything to go off) save for aziwa, who just rolled his eyes and reprimanded me.

"you're scaring them, problem child."

Furrowing my brows, I sit back and scratch my head in confusion. "oops, sorry, I thought detectives would be more... fun. My bad, please continue."

My eyes flash to there new colours as the brown-haired lady mutters something about them getting me confused with the victim but a smile climbs back onto my face. However, before I can say anything aziwa speaks up again.

"shouldn't you guys, I don't know, be asking questions right about now?"

"right yes," Scott shakes his head, shotting a small glare towards his workmate before looking down at the papers in his hands. "please state your name, age and occupation." he speaks, looking up at me. I comply, watching as he presses a small green button on the side of the table next to a red one.

Ooh, a red button! Press it!

"okay, we're all tired and stretched thin so I'm just going to get to the point. i ask you questions, and you answer. If you tell the truth, I hit the green button, if you lie, I hit the red one. It will send a light to where all the observers are to tell them if what you said was honest or not. There are no consequences for you lying unless you are holding back incriminating evidence. Got it?"


i cut this chapter off a bit short because i wanted to actually update on time for once... 

Just a little crazy (finished)Onde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora