chapter 10

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The rest of the day passed by in a painfully slow manor. Todoroki and bakugou made it a point to sit next to me in every class, even during gym gamma when they wouldn't leave my side. I need to make sure they don't suspect me as their mate, the very thought of that has me both overjoyed and terrified.

I didn't even have a peaceful lunch break. Before I could so much as stand up from my desk I was being surrounded by a group of morons. Scotch tape, laser navel, pink furry and floating clothes. They all bombarded me with questions, most of them being as to why I had punched Uraraka a while ago or if I was okay.

When they wouldn't accept my answers nor leave me alone, I may or may not have punched one or two in the face. Who's to say? Innocent until proven guilty so... I'M INOCCENT!

For now, at least.

When I finally made it to the cafeteria, I took one look at all the people, shook my head, said, "nope," and went running for my dorm room, spending the remainder of my lunch time texting Toga. We're planning on going to together tomorrow for I don't have school.

When lunch was over I went back to doing my best not to out myself to my mates.

All I wanted to do when school was finished to crawl in bed and hide from the world, that or punch someone in the face.


Instead I had the auditions to go to. Which also meant I had to spend more time with my mates. Don't get me wrong, I love spending time with them. but the more time I spend with them, the more comfortable I get. And they more comfortable I get, the lower my guard becomes. Long story short, I might end up revealing that I'm their mate, which for the hundredth time cannot happen.

Sitting on the floor in the theatre room, I narrow my eyes and start stabbing the ground with my blade, scowl evident on my face.

"hey... uh... deku..." I hear denki speak. When I look up, I see five wolves all eyeing me curiously, obviously nervous as well. I don't miss the amusement in Todoroki's eyes.


"yeah?" I ask in return, tilting my head to the side as I pull the knife out of the wooden floor, face as innocent as a puppy's.

"how the hell does he do that?" I hear shinso ask kiri in what I think is supposed to be a whisper.

"I don't know... but its scary..."

"Ignoring them, Katchan speaks up, "hey uh... what the fuck did the floor do to you?"

Todoroki elbows him for the language, but he just shakes it off, turning his head to look at denki as he speaks.

"forget the floor. Where the hell did he get that knife from!?"

Everyone looks at me again, eye brows raised as they realize I didn't enter the room with the knife. I smile, waving at them with the knife in my hand, almost stabbing my eye out in the process.

"careful!" they all yell before they try to get the knife of me. all attemts result in either a hiss or a growl coming from me. they keep trying, well, all but Todoroki who simply walks forward, crouches in front of me and shows me his hand in a silent order. I pout, but comply, dropping the knife onto his hand. Its silent as he walks back. At least for a while before denki and kiri start shouting at him, even shinso expresses his annoyance in a way.

"oi! Shut the hell up!" guess who said that? I'll give you three guesses...

And the answer is... Katchan!


After everyone settled down, denki, shinso and Kirishima were told to get the music sheets off me then warm up for ten minutes. That's all the time they got to memorise the lyrics and notes before they had to perform. Bit unfair if you ask me but oh well.

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