chapter 32

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Mean while with the league of villains!

Phoenix's pov

"you know, this would be a lot easer if you just flew over the town and used your heightened senses or whatever to find the damn woman the crazy vegetable is so obsessed with." I hear the purple scare crow, Debbie I think it is, grumble from behind me as we walk down yet another alleyway, chasing yet another lead.

After the attack, the others retreated to our back up base as they call it. It's really just a glorified abandoned Macca's that the locals avoided because they got scared off by some demon crashing their party.

It was not me.

Anygay, when they noticed I wasn't there they panicked like all mortals do and jumped to the conclusion that I had been captured. As if those puny humans and mutts (minus my wonderful mate of course) could take me down. I was so offended I may have burnt a couple people alive.

Never let it be said that the prince of hell is not petty.

I may have also caused about half the villains lose the ability to have children out of spite.

What? They took me from my mate, they deserved. And it's not like I could go after kurogiri without being put on dishwashing duty.

Not long after arriving did we (we being the inner circle) receive a bunch of text from a pissed of deku saying that the heroes were making no progress and demanding we help look for his mates mother. Of course, with all of wrapped around his finger, we complied, all of us wanting the demonic angel happy. Not that any of my min- I mean friends will agree.

Grandad, I have got to stop calling them that.

We had been chasing down this particular lead for the last 3 hours, having to be careful due to all the heroes also searching for the woman. It won't take long for them to all give up however, over half have already left. We've been following every lead we could, some being reliable, others leading to nothing more than future dead bodies of those who thought they could trick us.

"he's not obsessed with her, he's worried. And who can blame him? the woman's all that that kid has connected to his mother. You know, the mother who was murdered by someone he trusted and probably still trust despite the man's obvious disgust towards him because we have failed to tell him that that so-called man murdered his dear mother?" I ask innocently, turning around just in time to see Debbie- No!- Dabi cringe back at the not so subtle reminder.

"If it were up to me, I would have told him, you already know this so why bring it up?" he questions, instantly going on the defensive.

"aren't you the alpha?" I question, voice coming out colder then I intended, I could almost feel my eyes- ones I've been told resemble the galaxy- swirl, the colours swimming around like they did when my emotions ran high- or just show up really.

Unaffected by my tone, the man speaks, "the alpha? Yes. The boss? No. I protect my pack and help my mate make decisions. But in the end, I'm only the right-hand man, all the responsibility's and decisions go to our boss, my mate. Like I've said before, I only give orders in the bedroom."

"well make sure to tell our boss that Deku isn't going to forgive him for keeping this a secret," I mumble turning back around to continue the search.

"that's a lie if I've ever heard one, we both know that the brat would forgive him after a prank or two." We both pause for a moment before shivering.

"may God-grand dad have mercy," we both whisper at the same time before falling into a comfortable silence.

That is, of course, up until scar wax groans and decides that his opinion was wanted at this very moment. "I don't understand why you can't just fly us to our destination, or better yet do what I said earlier."

"you know very well why I'm not doing that," I reply, without even sparing him a glance, continuing with my walk and not really caring for the wolf's lazy ass.

If anyone were to say that I yelped when I was pulled to a stop, I would save them a special little corner in hell just for them.

Spinning around I rip my arm from the wolf's grasp like it burnt, bearing my fangs at him in warning.

"don't hiss at me Satan spawn," the alpha growls as if I would actually obey like one of those mutts he hangs around.

"I didn't hiss," I mumble with a frown, turning my completely pale and not red face away from him. "and you can't tell me what to do, I'm not your bitch of a mate," I say, louder then my last words and turning to look back at the now enraged alpha.

"look I get you're pissed that you were taken away from your own mate moments after meeting him and that your sensitive about your wings because of your dead whore of a mum-" I didn't give him a chance to finish his sentence before I have him pushed to the wall with so much force the wall cracks behind him, clawed hand pining him by his scarred neck.

"don't talk about my mum," I growl, wings itching to escape.

"kinky," is all he manages to choke out, my grip on his neck loosening slightly die to my momentarily confusion.

Apparently, that was enough time for him to push me to the ground, one hand pushing my face into the sharp gravel and small pieces of glass. The other had both my arms pinned, bent so my wrist were being made to press onto the skin in-between my shoulder blades. I couldn't help the painfilled scream that left my mouth at the uncomfortable and borderline bone shattering pain that having that area pressed on caused. It took everything in me not to let my wings free and that only seemed to annoy the alpha further if the way he forced me to apply more pressure was anything to off by.

"look, personal dislike aside, I'm tired and want to go 'home' where I can hold my mate so why don't you do something useful for once and use the talents you were born with, such as your wings-" here, the pressure grew immensely, drawing yet another scream out of me. "-and fly to the destination to see whether or not it's a trap. If it's not, come back and get me. If it is, I'll personally let you kill the fuckers that told us about this. Got it?" he continues over my groans and short screams of pain for those times he makes my hands press into the skin further.

"I can't!" I scream, whimpering before letting out a growl at my own weakness, hating that the only thing I could do at this moment was either obey or convince the younger man to let go. I had already used up my limit with most my abilities and even if I hadn't, the same weakens spot Dabi was currently making me press cancels said abilities, temporally ripping them away from me.

The bastard knew it too. He wouldn't have risked it otherwise.

"you can and you will," he growls in an almost whisper before placing all his weight onto my hands, and in turn, the place between my shoulder blades.

I screamed my voice raw, black dots tittering near the edge of my vision. Before I could black out, however, the painful weight was gone, replaced by a more familiar one accompanied by the sound of someone flying through the air before hitting the wall with a groan.

It takes be a moment to come back to the land of the living, and the second I do I'm up, trying (and failing) to hide my wings before the other man could see.

"what the hell?" the whispered question reaches my ears, the first thought coming to me being-

Fucking home

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