chapter 22

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We were cleaning up the bloody mess when there was a knock at the door. Well, the low rank villains were cleaning up, I was still wrapping my head around the fact that I had just taken, not one, but three lives and had actually enjoyed it. I tried to deny it at first but with two voices in my head who knew what I felt and wouldn't shut up, it soon become impossible. I ended up exploding when I couldn't stand the taunting and nagging, yelling at the top of my lungs, "fine! I enjoyed it alright!" before proceeding to try and get some alcohol. Unfortunately, kurogiri stopped me every time.

Apparently, I scared him to much last time I had gotten drunk.

I had also gone to a mirror at some point to take in my new appearance. Since the killings I had changed slightly. My eyes were no longer red, but my normal eerie green with black instead of white surrounding it. I had also grown horns, maybe half a foot long and pointy to the touch on top of my skin being paler. Phoenixes said it was triggered by my blood lust and the actions I took. He also said I could hide it all if I wanted to, save from one eye and the pale skin.

At the knock, everyone went silent, staring at the door. It was almost three in the morning and any villains who resided here wouldn't knock. I'm not even sure they know how to. No one was expecting anyone, and no one had ordered pizza, so when a gruff voice spoke from the other side of the door saying, "pizza delivery," everyone groaned and shared looks.

"heroes." The whole room chorused annoyed right before the door blew open.

It was pandemonium. People were fighting. Swearing. Bleeding. Arguing over weather Minecraft or fortnight was better. Absolute chaos. And here I was, taking the chance to fish out a bottle of bourbon.

"deku!" "midoriya!"

The five voices had me frozen, grip on the bottle going limp causing it to fall and land with a smash. The loud noise travelled around the room, bring all eyes to me. The small distraction was enough for the villains to escape, leaving me with the handful of heroes who hadn't even noticed the others leave. They were all still staring at me, eyes wide and jaws slack. Immediately, I wanted to curl up and get out of sight, hating the looks I was receiving. I couldn't even bring myself to look over at them. I knew what I would see. Disgust. Hate. Rejection.

Shame rushes through me and in an instant my horns and wings disappear. The familiar sting in my left eye told me it had gone back to normal as well.

This seems to snap the heroes out of their trance for they all take a step forward, causing me to jump up and step back, their voices going in one ear then out the other.

I stare down at the ground as I back up, faintly registering the voices of my mentors and precents of my mates. When the fog in my mind clears, I wince, shouts of concern or disgust to loud for my extra sensitive ears making them fall flat against my head. My heart nearly ripped in two when I realized ne of the disgusted voices was all might.

When I finally look up my eyes connect with ruby red ones before sliding over to mix matched orbs. I could feel their relief rushing off them in waves, glad that I was okay, but that was it. They didn't move to me nor did they speak. They were still mad.

I didn't have mush time processing this before I'm being suffocated by three pairs of arms. I tensed up for a moment before recognising the scent and wrapping my arms around the three bodies who were now on top of me. They were all crying, bodies wracking with violent sobs as they crushed my body to theirs. I didn't say anything, but instead tried to figure out why they were so upset. I was coming back but they acted as If they weren't going to see me again.

Denki and Kirishima were the first to let go, however only after some hero said that they had to so they could ask me questions. Half of the heroes had already left, no longer needed.

Shinso, however, did not let go. "promise me," he whispered, confusing me.


"promise me that you won't leave me like they did."

I don't question who 'they' are. I already knew he was talking about his family. His biological ones, not Yamada and aziwa. Nor do I question why I have to promise him when I've already done such thing. He was hurting. So much so that he was crying in front of people. The one thing he hated most.

"I promise shin. I will never leave you like they did. Never,"

Once he gets off me, his father, aziwa, helps me up then asks if I could answer some questions. He was one of the few that weren't effected my my new apperince, though like everyone else, he avoided looking at my black eye for to long. Before I could respond to him I noitice something move in the shadows, a smile intantly making its way onto my face as I wave and giggle. The people around me grew confused and looked over to were I was and, upon seeing the unknown figure, get into battle stances.

"hey phoenix!" I great my friend, earning me some questioning glances.

"hey hatchling," he says back, emerging from the shadows. Everyone but shinso, me and a few others took a step back upon seeing his appearance, recomposing him immediately as a demon and villain.

Ignoring them and the growls I question, "why are you still here?"

"I feel my mate," those four words had everyone stiffen, before growling again, slowly moving closer to the seemingly oblivious demon.

Stepping forward, he simply dodges when someone tries to use a quirk on him, tail tripping over multiple people as he walks around. He doesn't seem to notice, however.

"now as soon as I find my mate, I'll be on my way, I just want to see their face. So, come on out my m-"

"mate." All eyes turn to shinso, his eyes wide and filled with a storm of emotions, I wasn't even sure he was able to feel, as he stares at phoenix.

"ah, there he is."

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