chapter 47

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3rd person pov

When it was time for them to leave, Deku and Shinso weren't the only ones complaining. Toga had latched herself onto Deku's side, wailing about being bored and needing him for entertainment, and Phoenix had Shinso in a succour hold on his lap, the purple haired wolf not even struggling against the hold as he plays with the demons tail (Deku was going to have so much fun with this!)

Unfortunately for them, Aizawa had called Deku's phone after Shinso's wouldn't work (curtesy to the water it is currently sitting in back home) demanding to know where they were.

The chilling warning the two boys had received even had Dabi wincing, and yet here they were, refusing or unable to leave.

Deku, surprisingly, was the one who was being responsible, doing his best to get the two of them to leave. He'd say it's because Aizawa is scary when mad- which is true- buts its not why he wanted to leave.

He couldn't stand seeing the only connection to his mum so... broken. His auntie (who he had moved to a more comfortable place and tended to some wounds) looked like hell, with cuts and bruises littering her body.

She had a baby and yet she was dragged into all this shit.

Truth be told, Deku didn't think- no, he knew going to school wouldn't be a smart idea, because despite the risk confrontation would bring, he didn't know how long he'd be able to sit in the same room as the pest who did this to his family.

Was he still going?

Yeah. After all, he's not known for his smart decisions.

"Toga, seriously, let go. As suicidal as I may be, I want to die on my own terms, not by Aizawa's hands." Deku tries, his attempts to pry off the blonde girl once again failing.

He was this close to using one for all, consequences be damned.

"He's a hero, he won't kill you! right...?" At Shinso and Deku's stretched silence, Toga is letting go, practically pushing Deku out the door with a wave.

"We'll drop your auntie at the police station- without being seen don't worry- now go! I don't need my bestie dying-! Again... Emo get your ass off Phoenix and leave!"

Looking up from were he was poking at the demon's leg- bored- Shinso fixes the blonde with his best I'm dead inside stare before a spark ignites in his eyes- one that Deku is all too familiar with.

Sighing the green and black-haired shortie pushes his way back inside, grabbing shinso by the arm and walking off before he could make his fantasies a reality, leaving behind a scowling Demon.

Ignoring Phoenix as he mutters some choice words in Latin about 'his hatchling', Deku leaves behind the abandoned Maca's, only sparing one last glance at his mother's unconscious best friend.

"You can brain wash her later, right now we have to deal with ou- your enraged father."


Aizawa was waiting by the school gates when they arrived, staring at the pair unimpressed. He didn't say a word as he led them throughout the school halls, stopping at the doors their class was currently seated behind.

Who would have known silence was so scary?

He opens the doors, stopping all might mid speech, before turning to the two boys under his guardianship. "We'll be talking about this when we get home." Is all he says before leaving.

"You're late."

"yep." Shinso responds, shuffling to the back of the class where his seat was located.

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