I'm doing another Q/A!

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Hello readers! I'm just here to say three things!

One, I'm doing another Q/A! Like the last one you can give questions for me or the characters. There's no limit to how much you ask and just drop the questions on this chapter. I had fun doing the last one when I had writers block and needed to get something down. You'll have 2 weeks to a month, depending on how many questions I get, to ask questions before I post the actual Q/A chapter!

The second thing is about the announcement I posted that caused a lot of worry. I'm fine, well, fine enough not to kill myself, so please don't worry about me. I'm on new medication and all that jazz so hopefully I'll start getting better.

Last but not least, I'm sorry for the wait. I'm currently struggling to find the motivation to get out of bed let alone write anything. I can't say when the next chapter to either of my books  will come out, wether it be today or a week, I am trying to get them out though.

Welp that's it I think, seeya!

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