chapter 49

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I'm not dead! Shocker right? Anygay, sorry for the wait, and how short this chapter is considering that wait. I've only recently gotten over a sickness that almost had me hospilaized and then my friend tells me she's got yet another boyfriend (Not good) so we got in a fight and she misgendered me multiple times as well as not correcting her boyfriend (Who had called me a bitch multiple times) when he misgenderd me. She took his side even after only knowing him for a week and I can barely find the energy to tell my parents that i'm fine let alone right depressing shit thats just going to upset me. i'll try to stay at least semi regular but i really dont know when the next update will be out, sorry.

All things considered, I lasted way longer then I would have ever thought. 10 whole minutes of tense peace before a pink cockroach had to speak.

Once, on a night where I had snuck out to go met with Shigaraki and the rest, I had taken the collar off, despite the other demons' warnings. It took three minutes until I had figured out my new ability, and 30 to manage to convince the group that I was sorry, that I hadn't meant to draw Toga's blood to the surface, or make it spill from her eyes, ears and nose.

So yeah, all things considered, I think I did pretty well.


"Okay everybody, pair up, we're just going to do some simple sparing today, spread out and stop attacking once your opponent has been down for ten seconds."

We all did so, shifting through our other classmates until next to the desired one. I didn't even have time to move before Shinso was dragging me across the field. Todoroki was with Kacchan and kiri with Denki so I didn't complain, letting him pull me away from all the people I would likely murder if they so much as breathed in my direction.

I was the only one so far who had managed to break out of his quirk anyway, so he wanted to work on strengthening it.

So, I let him lure me into his hold, only to break back out of his with the snap of a bone, laughing at his put-out face before reassuring him that it was definitely getting harder.

I leapt and kicked, being careful not to cause any more harm then necessary, to both his and my own body.

I ignored how the world spun around me, or how my stomach growled with each turn.

I pushed through the shortness of breath, sending Shinso flying when he questioned my swaying.

And I simply blinked in delayed shock as I felt my body go limp, vision clouding before my head could even hit the ground.

Not many paid it any attention, all over the large field people were going down. The only ones who seemed to notice that my fall had nothing to do with Shinso, who was now running back up to me, had been shinso himself, All Might (who simply spared me a glance before going back to helping Sero and his partner) and Mina and Uraraka who were both currently taking a quick breather.

Just my luck.

"Hey, Deku, you okay?" Looking up from my spot I find myself narrowing my eyes, vision swimming as I struggle to get a clear image of the concerned Beta.

"Y-yeah... just a little dizzy, I'll be fi-"

"What a surprise, the little fat ass can't handle a little exercise."

"If your going to insult him Uraraka, you should do right. He's not a mirror and its time you learnt that." Shinso speaks up once again, pulling me to my feet only to hold me steady as I sway on my feet, mumbling something incoherent as I rub the back of my throbbing head.

They should replace the grass with matrasses, a lot safer.

"Hey! That's so not cool Shinso," cutting through my headache only for it to return tenfold I wince at the shrill sound of the cockroach speaking, finding myself leaning against shinso for support as I slowly start to regain my balance.

"What? And Uraraka calling Deku a fat ass when he's clearly anything but is?"

"She didn't mean any harm, surely you can see that. she's just pointing out some... facts. The little whore is a little over weight, don't you think?"

"Shut up," The whispered words leave me in a muffled mess as I press my face against Shinso's shoulder, feeling the familiar sting in my left eye as the white fills into black.

"Would you look at that, two isn't enough so he has to go lay claim to a third, maybe you really did ask for that man to come onto you." I could feel Shinso tense beneath me, and it took me a moment to relaise I was shaking.

"Dek-" pushing off the speaking wolf I give a shake of my head, pretending to not notice how no one seemed to be fighting right now. turning away, I send a shaky smile towards my aproching mates before walking away, calling some parting words over my shoulders.

"Hows that for charate development!"

"A slut, a cheater, and a coward, his mother would be sick in her grave if she knew."

The world seems to freeze around me, sound muffling around me before I'm whispering with a shaking frame.

"Screw it, I've never been one to learn from my mistakes anyway." Before everything went dark.


"Deku!" the distant yell reached my ears before a warmth was by my side, a hesitant hand reaching out to my own shaking and outstretched ones before pausing when a low growl left my throat. Another warmth was added from behind, two hands coming to rest on my shoulders. They were saying something, but I don't listen, eyes narrowed in on the gasping girl in front of me as her tears slowly turned into the same thick red blood running out of her nose.

I'm not entirely sure what had happened before this point, but Uraraka was somewhere of to the side unconscious and I briefly recalled throwing the both of them through the air without laying a finger on them.

If I had looked, I could have seen Present Mic and Aizawa partaking in a heated conviction with a glaring All Might, eyes sliding over to the scene every few seconds, but my eyes never left the kneeling girl. Not when my mates latched onto me. Not when my brothers called out. And certainly not when pained screams reached my twitching ears.

"Deku. Deku listen to me," Head twitching to the side I narrow my eyes, the only sign that I had even heard the words, I glare ahead, watching as the blood spills down to the grass below, slowly dripping from the ears now as well.

"Deku, you have to stop." A different voice, rougher, louder but still soft. Kacchan. I hadn't even noticing him reaching out again until his larger hand was wrapped around my wrist, and if it weren't for the sparks that immediately flew through my body, I doubted I would have been able to restrain from screaming at him.

The both of them.

Their touch was suffocating, yet if they let go I had no doubt id be reduced to a whimpering mess.

"Deku... please."

And suddenly I couldn't breathe. My arm collapse and I would hav to had it not been for Todoroki who had not moved from behind me. I stared, wide eyed, as Mina went limp, faint breaths the only sign of her still living.

I didn't feel bad, not really. She deserved it, she really did, and she deserved so much worse.

But the thought of my brothers, my mates, seeing me take her life, it had all the air leaving my lungs in seconds.

So now I was the crying one. I was the one holding onto dear life as the fear of getting pushed away clung to me.

How stupid is that?

Seconds away from killing someone and now I'm sobbing in my mates holds as two teachers yelled in the background, the other one taking the two unconcise students to the nurse's office, shocked students scattered around the field.

Isn't life great?

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