chapter 17

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bit of a filler chapter

Katsuki POV

I throw my bag under my desk, sitting down before throwing my feet up onto the desk. I can't help but glance over at Deku's desk, frowning when I find him missing. Again.

I'll admit, the first few days I was happy he wasn't here, needing time to myself and maybe with icy hot. However, its been a week now, and I felt unbelievable guilty for the things I had yelled at him. that being said, neither me nor my mate have forgiven him yet, both still angry and hurt. Even if half 'en half didn't show it.

The bond between us and deku was back, faint but there, so we knew he was somewhat okay. Physically anyway. Despite my concerns of him not being here, I wasn't about to go look for him in that all might covered dorm room, to stubborn and mad.

I don't think anyone's actually gone looking for him, though they clearly miss him. some at least. All Might just seemed irritated and a select few actually looked happy he wasn't here; I'll give you three guesses to who they are.

I kinda avoided any talk about the nerd in general, the wound still fresh and not needing salt to be rubbed into it. I don't think id ever forgive deku if I was being honest. He'd lied to me, hurt me. while Shoto seemed slightly more forgiving, it was clear, to me at least, that he also wasn't planning to forgive and forget. The nerd hadn't even shown his face yet much less apologised!

I have to block out the memories, the memories of how happy deku had made me. being one of the select few I had let in, the same going for Todoroki. We had both been happy, like a weight had been lifted off our shoulders. Now, however, that weight was suffocating us all because deku didn't want- trust us, whatever. If I remember them if cry, cry because of the betrayal, of the hurt, of the raw emotion clouding my mind.

To make it worse, my mother had gone missing. And as mush as an old hag she was, I really did- do- love her. Her sudden disappearance has me worried. It doesn't feel right, something was wrong... very wrong.

"I bet he killed himself. God, I hope so, god riddens if you ask me." an obnoxiously loud whispering coming from the front of the class had pulled me out of my thoughts. It didn't take me long to figure out what the pink faced bitch was talking about, and by the low growls, whitening knuckles and glares, so did a few other students. She didn't seem to notice- or care- thought, for she continued to talk to her blue haired friend.

"who deku?" the robot asked, taking advantage of the free time while the teacher was out.

"yes deku. The bloody omega should have killed himself-" I was about ready to explode, one look at shitty hair and Pikachu and I knew I wasn't the only one. However, before any of us could jump into action, a low growl had everyone turn pale, even myself.

The room seemed to drop in temperature, icy mist radiating off a very pissed of Todoroki. This seemed to get the pairs attention for they stiffened and tuned to face the alpha who was located next to me. I did my best not to shiver from the cold, and admittedly, fear. I had only ever seem my tallest mate like this once before, and it was not a pretty sight.

"I would suggest you shut that mouth before you say something you might regret... Now while I'm glad that you are spreading something other then your legs for once, I would advise you stop the nasty rumours before they get as bad as your face. If you say one more word about someone killing themselves- which is by no means a joking mater- I will not be as forgiving." His calm voice was a violent contrast between the deadly glare and growl that left his throat, making the threat clear. Most weren't stupid enough to think Todoroki gave empty threats, especially like this.

Upon hearing her whimper and meek, ever so slightly sarcastic, "yes alpha," Todoroki sat back, face smoothing over and returning make to his cold mask. Though if the temperature of the room was anything to go by, he clearly still wasn't over it.

This was going to be a long and cold day...

Deku pov

"If you see the boy I used to be
Could you tell him that I'd like to find him
And if you see the shell that's left of me
Could you spare him a little kindness

"'Cause I've been high and I've been low
I've spent a thousand nights alone, tryna hold on tight
And feelings come but they won't go
Please won't someone take me home before I lose my mind

"Am I broken?
Am I flawed?
Do I deserve a shred of worth or am I
Just another fake, fucked up lost cause?
And am I human?
Or am I something else?
'Cause I'm so scared and there's no one there
To save me from the nightmare that I call myself

"I've tried everything and anything
But nothing seems to work quite like it should
Between the madness and the apathy
Seems there's nothing left inside of me that's good

"'Cause I've been high and I've been low
I've spent a thousand nights alone, tryna hold on tight
And feelings come but they won't go
Please won't someone take me home before I lose my mind

"Am I broken?
Am I flawed?
Do I deserve a shred of worth or am I
Just another fake, fucked up lost cause?
And am I human?
Or am I something else?
'Cause I'm so scared and there's no one there
To save me from the nightmare that I call myself

"Am I broken?
Am I flawed?
Do I deserve a shred of worth or am I
Just another fake, fucked up lost cause?
And am I human?
Or am I something else?
'Cause I'm so scared and there's no one there
To save me from the nightmare that I call myself"

"I didn't know you could sing."

I turn on my heels to find the owner of the voice, spotting the tall scared older brother of one of my mates, leaning against the door frame of what used to be the training room for the villains. I may have transformed it into a studio of sorts, much to the young leader's displeasure.

I don't say anything, simply shrug and begin packing away the instruments that Toga said she 'found'. He's silent for another moment before speaking again, "are you- ... never mind. I didn't recognise the song, an original?" he asks, changing his sentence halfway upon seeing my current state. Asking if I was okay would have been fairly stupid considering the state not just my physical but mental state was at currently.

Nodding, I jump off the makeshift stage with a small wince before walking out the door, calling over my shoulder, "yeah, I wrote it the other day." As the scarecrow follows me.

Its been a week since the incident, when I opened my eyes again, I had woken up in some abandoned bar, surrounded by villains. Toga immediately started yelling at me while the rest of the villains I actually knew simply glared.

Apparently, I went too far. Something about my heart stopping and being dead for an hour or so. If it wasn't for phoenix, the devil villains multitude of powers, I would have stayed dead.

To say my reaction to the situation had shocked everyone would be an understatement. I simply blinked, shrugged, ignored the pain in my body and walked to the fridge where I proceeded to eat all there chocolate spread.

I haven't left the bar since, and most didn't seem to care. The ones that dud, namely the villains who didn't trust me, the successor of the great All Might, but one look from the blue haired leader had them quiet.

"you know, that song had some foul langue-"

"I swear to whatever god you believe in, if you try to reprehend me on my langue like Shoto, I will tell your precious mate that you ate his peanut butter chocolate cake."

"but you're the one who ate it!"

"well he doesn't know that, and who's he going to believe? His thief of a mate who has quite the track record or the poor innocent Izuku midoriya who is having such a hard time in his fragile life right now?" I ask, spinning around to stare at him with big wide puppy dog eyes, however the almost cruel smirk on my lips upon seeing his expression gave me away.

He huffs, glares, and pushes past me, muttering something about me being more of a demon then phoenix is. 

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