chapter 39

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So my laptop is still broken but long story short I found some duck tape and now as long as I'm gentle it will keep my laptop together!

TW- thoughts of sexual acts, mentions of a panic attack, mention of a homophobic parent, mention of dead parent and awful art at the end!

Kirishima's pov

I watch as Deku's body goes limp, eyes flashing as I remember the words that had led him here.

"not here," Denki whispers, shuffling onto my lap with a sniffle, keeping his attention on Deku who, even in this state, seemed restless.

"don't cry baby," I whisper back, wrapping my arms around his waist with my head resting upon his, carful not to let my anger out on his as I play with the end of his t-shirt.

"is he going to be okay?" He asks in return, eyes trained on Deku as his wings wrap around him for warmth, closing him off from the outside word. Shinso went to go touch it but pulled back as the velvet looking feathers turned razor sharp.

I stayed quiet, closing my eyes so I don't have to watch Deku's blood retreat back to it's source. Knowing what pushed him to have such an awful attack and watching as his body deals with the aftermath only made me want to get up and tear Uraraka to pieces.

Forget being a hero if it means she lives.

"physically, yes, he's wolf and demon side will take care of his injures," shinso mutters after a tense silence of them realising I wasn't going to answer, narrowing his eyes at the suddenly soft feathers before turning his attention towards my mate again.

"you know what I mean Shin." The crack in his voice persuades me to open my eyes, pressing a kiss onto the top of his head with a hum before turning my eyes onto shinso.

There's another tense silence as the purple haired insomniac gets to his feet, collecting Deku into his arms with a soft grunt as the, now sharp, feathers dig into his skin, the cuts they make quickly healing only to show up moments later as deku shifts in his hold.

We watch as he places Deku down on the couch, suddenly grateful we were in one of the many the rec rooms. If it wasn't for the soundproof walls, I'm sure someone would have noticed Deku's screams. Plus, it gives us somewhere to let him rest other than the floor.

"he's strong but..." his voice trails off with a crack, collapsing on the ground in front of the couch with a sigh.

"he needs his mate in times like these, and with how the three of them are going... well, we can only pray to the moon goddess above..."


"ugh... I feel like I was just forced to eat some of Denki's cooking..."

"Deku!" both Shinso and I shout in unison, twisting our bodies so we're facing him instead of having our backs to him.

"hey!" Denki, who has previously sitting in my lap but now was standing up with his arms crossed, yelled, eyes narrowed in on an overly innocent Demon wolf.

"what? It's the truth and you know it. You once set the dorms on fire when trying to make noodles, the kind where all you have to do is add hot water into a bowl..." he defends, lifting one shoulder half heartily.

"yeah...sorry babe but I'm with Deku on this one," I speak, bringing the attention of Deku's transformed appearance back onto the topic at hand.

"shinso?" Denki asks, pouting.

"hmm? Oh, sure I'm with you ," Shinso mumbles, though I'm not even sure he knows what he's saying, looking way to fascinated with Deku's wings now that he could touch them without losing a limb.

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