X: The Quidditch Match and Unexpected Twists

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On the day of the game, Draco and his friends were more than excited; giving each other ideas and going over plays in huddled groups in the Great Hall.

Tensions were rising high in the Houses, making both Draco and Theo get very stressed and resulted in multiple arguments between the two.

On the day of the match, Draco was putting on his Quidditch robes when one of the younger players was troubled and asked, "Do we have a real plan?"

"Is getting the Snitch as fast as humanly possible not a plan?" Theo replied snippily.

The younger player scowled and grumbled something under his breath as Draco told them all, "We are going to win. Just because we've beaten Slytherin for six years doesn't mean we won't be surprised. So stay focused and make sure you all play your best, which will not be a problem."

The Gryffindor players cheered and they sauntered out, all of them very excited and their bodies seeking the familiar adrenaline rush they lived for.

Luna Lovegood was commenting the Gryffindor players into the golden microphone, her dreamy and soft voice echoing slightly. "There's Gryffindor, led by their team Captain, Draco Malfoy. He's my cousin, by the way. Oh, and there's Nott, Zabini, Smith . . ." she continued to list the names and then what positions they played. When the Slytherin team came out, Draco noticed that Harry looked sullen.

Both Captains shook hands, both looking as if they were trying to break the other's knuckles. Draco gave Harry a small wink as he took his place, smiling all the way. Harry glared at him.

Madam Hooch, after all of the players, got onto their brooms and were ready, blew her whistle and the players were off in the air.

Draco smiled as the cool October air made his robes make a snapping sound. Eagerly, his grey eyes searched for the Snitch. It was his entire life, being up in the air on his Firebolt in front of the entire school.

Draco's eyes peeled the pitch as he flew effortlessly. He glanced over at Harry after the score was one hundred to zero, Gryffindor in the lead. Harry was already angry and had a hand in his hair, he glared at Draco and flew in circles.

Draco saw a glint of gold just as Gryffindor scored their one hundredth and sixtieth point with Slytherin still at zero and he took off, and Harry saw him, but Draco had a lead and he grabbed the Snitch first.

There was a collective cheer from the Gryffindor students as well as Hufflepuff and Ravenclaw.

Draco flew down to the ground, his teammates and friends giving him claps on the back and one of the girls said with a giggle, "Somebody's throwing a fit."

Draco turned, seeing Harry throw his broom to the ground. The Slytherin Captain went over to him, obviously chastising him mercilessly. He watched and gasped as Harry punched him in the nose.

Soon, the two were brawling, both rolling on the ground and punching each other. Draco was surprised how well Harry held up, his body moving quickly to get out from under the Captain and trying to get on top of him, punching hard and on target. The Captain did get a lot of punches on Harry, who was shorter and much less burly.

Draco watched as Professor Snape grabbed Harry by his arm roughly, making him stand and trudge over behind the stands. Draco slipped away from his team, following and hiding to watch what would happen. His curiosity was at its worst peak.

"What the hell is wrong with you?" Snape hissed to Harry, whose eye was swelling and whose lip was bleeding in at least four different places.

"He started it!"

"You sound like a child!" Snape growled dangerously and Draco had to stop himself from crying out as his hand slapped Harry across his already bloody face. But Harry didn't cry out. Instead, he stood stock-still, his hands limp at his side and he didn't stagger.

"Detention tomorrow night. Six to eight."

"Yes, sir, " Harry grumbled.

Draco stayed hidden. He knew that Harry had been hurt, but he didn't show it. It was as if he couldn't.

He's used to it, Draco thought. He didn't move or flinch or stagger back. He has to be used to it.

Harry grabbed his broom from the ground, hearing a round of jeering from the crowd. He walked briskly to his dorm, a scowl on his face and his eye twitching from anger.

What right did any of them have? Who told them that they could talk to him like that?

When Harry got to his dorm he threw his broom down very hard and went into his bathroom, running the sink and splashing water on his face to wash the blood away.

He soaked a towel in warm water and pressed it to his face, letting the warm water run down his arms and soak the knees of his jeans. He slid against the cupboard under the sink and a sob escaped his throat when he thought of Snape's detention. He always hated it, and it was the same thing every time.

Snape would use the Cruciatus Curse on him, ridicule and hit him, and make him feel more worthless than he had ever felt.

There was a knock.

"Go away!" he yelled.

But he heard the door open and then shut as a familiar warm voice called out, "Harry?"

"In here, " Harry groaned, taking the towel off of his face and standing up, running it under the tap again, letting the hot water burn him.

"Woah, " Draco said when he walked in. "Come here, "

Harry shook his head, glaring at the water running over his hands. Draco took the cloth from him, turning off the water and telling him, "Sit on the toilet, "

Harry did so, putting the seat down and wringing his hands together. Draco squeezed the cloth so that it was damp and crouched in front of Harry, one of his hands gently holding Harry's face and the other using the soaked towel to wipe the blood from his face.

"Ow, " Harry would mumble if Draco pressed too hard. Once, Draco started to clean the blood under Harry's swollen eye and Harry yelled, "Son of a bitch!"

Draco ran a thumb under his unharmed eye, saying, "It only hurts for a second."

Harry squeezed his eyes shut and let Draco fix his face. He balled his hands into fists and held his breath when it hurt, almost never letting Draco know that it did hurt.

"There, " Draco said. "All done."

"Thanks, " Harry mumbled.

"Wanna lollipop?"

"Shut up, " Harry grumbled, but he smiled at the stupid joke. Draco kissed his forehead, his hand skimming Harry's lips. What was he to do?

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