XII: Knight In Shining Armour

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That night, Draco spent it on the chair, not wanting to leave Harry alone. The next morning, when it was time for breakfast, Harry still hadn't woken up. When Theo and Blaise came by, Draco protested, "I'm not leaving until he wakes up."

"Mate, " Theo said. "You need to eat. And we have classes."

"Then bring me a piece of toast or something, but I'm not leaving."

Blaise nodded, dragging Theo behind him. When they left, Draco turned to Harry, who looked so friendly while he slept. There was no furrow and no small wrinkle between his eyebrows, his mouth wasn't set in a frown, and he seemed from somehow.

At around noon, he woke up, seeing that Draco was leaning back in his chair, two legs off of the ground.

"I hope you break your neck while doing that, " Harry said, his voice scratchy and dry.

Draco set his chair back down, worry in his eyes. "You're awake!"

"Actually, I'm still asleep." Draco rolled his eyes and Harry looked at him. "I'm hungry. And a bit parched."

Draco handed him a glass of water. "Here."

"Do you expect me to drink this while lying down, Malfoy?" Harry sneered, using one arm to move his body, but his eyes watered from anguish.

Draco helped prop him against some pillows and told him, "I'll get Madam Pomfrey."

He did so, as Harry drank the water slowly. Harry remembered vaguely what had happened, though nothing after he heard Draco come into Snape's office. Harry noticed that his hands wouldn't stop trembling, but he tried not to pay it any mind, hoping it would pass.

"Good to see you awake, Mister Potter."

Harry, with the glass still to his lips, nodded without looking at her.

She continued, "Put that down so that I can take a look at your eye."

Harry glared at her. "I'm still trying not to die of thirst." Draco cleared his throat and Harry glared at him as well. "Shut up."

He took another small sip, letting the water sit in his mouth for a bit as he tilted his head back, letting Madam Pomfrey look at his eye. Her fingers pressed lightly on the edges, making Harry's other eye twitch. However, when her fingers skimmed over the freshly swollen part where Snape had pressed against, Harry spit out the water that he was holding in his mouth.

"Bloody hell, " he groaned. "Press on it, why don't you?"

Madam Pomfrey frowned as she said, "I can give you a salve, but it only relieved the pain a bit. And some of the swelling."

"Yeah, give me it."

She grabbed a small bottle that was orange, putting a bit on two of her fingers and touching Harry's eye softly and Harry sighed. The salve was cool and made a nice cold feeling spread throughout his face. "Put this on twice a day for a week, and it should be fine."

Harry nodded and said, "How about something for my being sore?"

Madam Pomfrey gave him a vial and told him to drink it and, when he did, a pleasant coolness took over his body, making the aching stop.

Madam Pomfrey let him go, telling him to not over exhilarate himself.

Draco walked with Harry, who was kicking at the ground. "So, " he said after a few minutes of silent walking.

"So what?" Harry snapped.

"You're in a mood, " Draco pouted.

Harry batted his eyelashes, clasped his hands and said with a false smile, "Oh, dear, I'm so sorry, Draco. Would you like me to he hip-hip happy and not think about how in a few hours my body's going to hurt like the devil was inside of me?" His smile dropped into a scowl and threw his hands down.

Draco grumbled, "Why are you always such an arse?"

Harry snarled, "Say that again. I dare you."

Draco mumbled under his breath, "Arse."

But Harry heard him and he shoved Draco roughly, his hands clenched into fists and his eyes wild. "Get out of my face."

"Well, it's true!" Draco said. "All you are is a prat and then you get mad when I point it out?"

"I don't want you to point it out!"

Draco looked down at Harry, who was wiping at his unharmed cheek with the sleeve of his jumper. "All I want you to do is leave."


"I don't ask you to stay! I didn't ask you to stop Snape! Did I? Huh?"

Draco shook his head. "No, "

Harry told him, "Then you should have let me handle it. I'm not an idiot."

Draco put his hand up in front of Harry's face in a flash and Harry thought for a moment that he would hit him, but he didn't move.

"I thought so, "

Harry scoffed. "Go jump in the lake."

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