V: Touch Me

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"Eurgg!" Theo groaned as he lifted a handful of newt spleen into the potion the two were making. "Gross!"

Draco glanced over at Harry Potter for the umpteenth time in twenty minutes. He didn't glance back.

Draco shook his head mentally. The Slytherin Prince had left the embrace so quickly last night that Draco worried that he had made the boy uncomfortable.

Professor Snape, a greasy-haired man with black eyes and a hooked nose, came over, scowling at Draco and Theo's potion. "How many pinches of newt spleen did you add, Malfoy?"

"Two, " Draco replied dryly. Snape walked away.

Draco hated the man, wanting very badly a reason to wrap his hands around his neck and---

"Wonderful job, Potter and Weasley." Snape's voice rung out through the classroom. "Twenty points to Slytherin each."

Harry smirked, masking his indifference with pride. He looked around the classroom, letting all of the worthless pieces of human filth know who the real winner was. He made eye contact with Malfoy, though, and his smirk quickly faded.

He looked away in a hurry, not wanting the blonde to see the blush he was trying to hide. He hoped to Merlin that he hadn't seen.

"You alright, mate?" Ron asked loudly. "You seem red."

"Just proud of my potion, Ron, "

"Of course you are, "

Harry smirked again and cocked an eyebrow, his prideful mask back on.

Theo grumbled to Draco, "Oh, Potter, let me lick your shoes for you."

Draco laughed. "You dropped your quill? Oh, let me pick it up with my teeth!"

Theo sniggered, "You can't find the Snitch? Here let me go find it, "

Draco and Theo laughed and they wiped at their eyes, which were wet with happy tears.


Harry hated Potions. He was praised, but he hated that. Only when he really deserved it, but he never got what he wanted.

He was pacing back and forth in the girl's bathroom, his heart racing. Why was he nervous again? Surely, Malfoy wouldn't come back after Harry pushed him away.

But, after a few more minutes of senseless pacing, Harry heard the door opening and Harry stopped, facing the entrance. He watched as Draco stepped in, a smile on his stupidly handsome face.

"Hullo, " Draco said, his cheeks a bit flushed. "I thought you'd be here."

Harry scowled. "Why are you here?"

Draco glanced around. "I---"

"You think I'm an idiot, don't you?" Harry said, his voice full of anger. "You must. I pushed you away, but you just had to---"

"I know, but---"

Harry interjected, "You aren't supposed to want to talk to me!"

"But I want to---"

"You're not supposed to!" Harry shouted. "You're supposed to hate me for Merlin's sake!" Harry's hands flew to his hair, which he gripped. Touch me. Harry thought to himself, touch me so that I can scream at you not to touch me.

Draco reached for Harry's hands and Harry shouted, "Don't touch me!"

"Shut up!" Draco hissed. "We might get caught, "

Harry sobbed, "I don't wanna be caught!"

Draco grabbed Harry's wrists, pulling his hands from his hair. He placed them near his hips, leaning down. "Calm down. Shhh, "

Harry growled, "You calm down."

Draco breathed out, "Fine, " and leaned farther down, connecting his lips with Harry's. He expected him to pull away like he did yesterday, but instead, he pushed against Draco, close enough for him to feel the fast and rapid pace of Harry's beating heart. His breathing was quick and Draco pulled away slightly and looked down at Harry, his eyes lidded slightly.

Harry's eyes were closed. He didn't want to believe what he had done. He couldn't believe it.

His father would be ashamed.

And he loved it.

Harry wrapped his arms around Draco's neck, pulling him down to his level. Harry pressed his lips against Draco's loving the soft feeling of his lips and felt the bit of five o'clock shadow which meant he hadn't shaved that morning.

Harry put one of his hands on the blonde's face, running his thumb across his jawline.

Draco groaned against the other boy's lips. He pressed against Harry, but he pulled away.

"You tell no one of this, Malfoy."

"Call me Draco, "

Harry cocked his head and the corner of his mouth curled ever so slightly. "Oh, really?" and he left the bathroom, leaving the blonde with his stupid smile and his wonderful scruff.


Draco shook Blaise and Theo awake, making them punch him. He told them everything, though they didn't look too pleased.

"Maybe he's just trying to get Quidditch secrets, " Theo hissed.

"Or he's trying to harm you or something, "

Draco grinned. "I kissed him and he kissed me. I like him. I do."

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