LXX: Sniffles

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In the kitchen, Harry and Draco talked for hours, just catching up for lost time. They laughed quietly, smiling more than either had done in years. Surely, their face muscles would be sore tomorrow. It felt especially nice when Draco held or touched his hand sweetly.

Harry talked mostly about Albus, having had him for almost three years. Draco spoke of missing him. Harry grew quiet and soft, like how he was when Albus buried his face in his father's leg.

"I missed you too, " he whispered, reaching for Draco's hand and holding tightly. "I didn't know how to tell you about Albus without making it seem like I was crawling back when I screwed up."

Draco raised an eyebrow but smiled. "You're much more. . .open."

Harry chuckled, pulling his hand away as he shook his head. "I think that I grew up a lot in three years. No drinking, swearing, I don't even watch anything but cartoons anymore."

"Embracing Muggle life, are you?"

"I guess. Just a bit."

"Does he ever ask about his mother?"

"No, " Harry replied, "he doesn't and I'm glad. How could I tell him that she left him just to start over in America?"

Draco chewed his lip in thought. "You're a wonderful father, Harry."

"I think I spoil him too much, " laughed Harry. "I love him but, Merlin, he can throw a fit."


"Almost never, "

Draco watched as Harry laughed, shaking his head slightly as he did so. Harry saw him watching, his laugh flattening out as he took a breath. There was hesitation on both ends as Draco leaned in, his hand brushing a lock of dark hair behind Harry's ear.

Swallowing, Harry reached his own shaking hand out, touching Draco's soft, blonde hair, rubbing a bit between his forefinger and thumb. Harry's breath was ragged as Draco's stormy eyes landed on his lips, moving closer as his fingers twisted themselves in Harry's hair.

"Hullo, Daddy, "

Harry pulled away from Draco, giving the man an apologetic shrug. "Hello, Albus."

"I was just getting him a cookie, if that was okay with you, " Teddy told Harry. And before Harry could say either yes or no, Teddy had already handed the smaller boy a cookie, taking one for himself.

"Thanks, " Albus said. Harry beckoned for him and the little boy went over to Harry. "What?" he whined.

"I just wanted to straighten your jacket, kid." Harry did so and gave Albus a quick hug and let him run after Teddy, who held the door open.

"You've cookie crumbs on your nice shirt, " said Draco, his hand brushing the bits of food away, his hand travelling to Harry's shoulder, leaning close again.

Harry pushed forward, wanting to meet Draco in the middle. But there was a crash in the den, the smashing of a vase followed by a child's scream.

With no words, Harry jumped up, knocking the chair he was sitting in over, rushing to the kitchen door with Draco close behind as they rushed into the den, seeing Remus and Sirius trying to pull the rambunctious dog off of a screaming and crying two-year-old as Harry ran over, scooping Albus off his back and into the air as Snuffles barked and jumped up on Harry.

"Snuffles, bad dog!" Teddy shouted, tugging the dog by its collar and shutting him in the laundry room. "Harry, I---"

"It's fine, " Harry breathed out as Albus thrashed in his arms, crying and sobbing. He brought the child to the kitchen, sitting him on the counter as he examined the cuts caused by the dog's nails. They were bleeding slightly, but not too much.

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