XIX: A Cup of Tea

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November ended and December was a rather nice month. Hogsmeade was beautiful as always and Draco found it even more enticing when he and Harry kissed in the murky shadows of the Hogs Head.

Harry had ditched Hermione and Ron after telling them he was buying drinks while they went to find a table. Draco had whispered to Theo and Blaise where he was going, telling them not to worry.

A few days from when the students were set to leave for the holidays, Harry was in a sullen mood. Draco was sure to stay like he had told him he did, and Harry was going back to Potter Manor like he always did.

Draco noticed how sulky Harry was being during one of their nightly rendezvous and asked him, "Hey, what's the matter? It's almost the holidays, "

Harry took in a deep breath. "I'm not sure if I want to go to the Manor. My father hasn't sent me a letter informing me that Snape had told him about that little episode in detention."

"You don't have to. I was planning on going to Paris for a week. You could always come with me and keep me company. My godfather isn't enough."

Harry frowned and asked, "I thought he didn't like me."

"Yeah, well, " Draco scratched the back of his neck. "He hasn't, uh, met you. Formally, at least. Unless you count that time at the Quidditch World Cup. You were an arse but---"

"Call me that again, " Harry threatened, his eyes hard and his jaw set. "I dare you."

Draco muttered loud enough for Harry to hear, "Arse, "

Harry grabbed his pillow and hit Draco very hard in the face. Draco put his arms up, shouting, "Harry, no!" and he grabbed another pillow, hitting Harry just as hard.

"Ow!" Harry yelled. Draco pinned Harry to his bed, grinning down at him. Harry stuck his tongue out at him. "You're terrible, " he muttered, shoving a laughing Draco off of him.


Draco told his godfather in his weekly letter that Harry was going to come to Paris with them, explaining everything he had kept from Sirius for two months. It took an hour and three pieces of parchments when he was finished, sending it with his owl.

He had no idea if Sirius would even let Harry come to Paris with him, but he wasn't taking no for an answer. Draco wanted Harry to meet the person who raised him to be so kind and caring, hoping that just a little bit would rub off on the short-tempered and smart-mouthed boy.

Shaking his head, Draco told himself, That wouldn't happen. I like him the way he is.

Sirius wouldn't be happy that Draco had kept this big of a secret from him. No, he wouldn't. Not one bit.

And Harry was sure to be difficult and Draco couldn't say he was prepared. How could he keep somebody like Harry under enough control so that he didn't punch Sirius if he said the wrong thing?

He lay awake that night with his thoughts running wild, worse case scenarios chasing his attention. He imagined Harry losing his temper, yelling at his godfather while Sirius did the same.

The next morning, he spoke to Professor Lupin, who taught Defense Against the Dark Arts, asking if he were coming over to the summer home Sirius had cleared up for that Christmas.

"Yes, but a few days after term ends. Not right away, why?"

"Well, I have somebody coming with me, but I'm afraid you and Sirius might not like him."

Remus narrowed his eyes a bit. "Who is it?"

"You can't tell anybody, Remus."

Remus crossed his heart and Draco told him as he exhaled, "Harry Potter."

Remus seemed to pause, but he asked, "Why?"

Draco told him everything that had happened as Remus handed him a cup of hot tea. Draco told him about how they met in the second-floor girl's bathroom at first, then he started to go to Harry's private dorm. He told him how Harry didn't want to go to his manor and how he had suggested the idea of him accompanying him to Paris for Christmas. When he was finished, Remus sat in silence for a moment.

"You're certain he isn't trying to hurt you?"

Draco nodded.

Remus let out a breath, saying, "I don't mind. But Sirius hates the Potters. I'm certain he won't like the idea much. Maybe you could sell him on it."

Draco grinned and hugged Remus, repeating the same two words endless times:

"Thank you, thank you, thank you . . ."

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Saving Myself || A Drarry Storyजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें