XXX: Paris at Night with Unforseen Guests

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At half-past nine, Harry asked Draco, seemingly out of nowhere, "Wanna go sightseeing?"

Draco replied, "Right now? It's dark out."

Harry shrugged. "I heard Paris is romantic at night, " he said, instantly regretting it. He felt his face burn, but Harry scratched at the back of his neck. "Forget what I said, "

Draco, shaking his head, told Harry, "No, it's fine. We just have to . . .Apparate."

Harry jumped up from where he was sitting on Draco's bed, quickly dressing in a silver fur-lined, black coat, which looked amazing on his small frame, along with matching boots.

Draco just threw on a sweater, making his boyfriend scowl. "It's not like I'm going to get a cold."

Harry grabbed Draco's hand, not looking at him as he said, "You can Apparate us. I don't know this place like you do, "

Draco smiled. "Anything for you, "

Harry blushed and tugged at one of his sleeves and Draco kissed the back of his hand sweetly and Harry smiled, revealing his pearly whites, making Draco hunger for them in a way he really shouldn't have.

He Apparated them into a dimly lit storage closet atop the Eiffel Tower, Draco opening the door for Harry, who had neither travelled or even knew that you could go to the top of the tower.

He leaned against the edge, feeling a marvellously cool breeze, the adrenaline making his cheeks red and the intoxicating feeling of Draco Lucius Malfoy next to him made him sway to an invisible melody.

Draco must have thought him mad, for he took a step back, but, unbeknownst to Harry, he was simply observing the dark-haired, green-eyed boy. Draco found that Harry was guarded, but shy; strong, but fragile; angry, but calm; sweet, but bitter.

But surely, Harry would see that eventually and not drive himself to insanity, which Draco knew he was doing. The self-destructive behaviours, the need for validation, the craving of attention he didn't even know that he wanted made Draco so very pained to imagine a much younger version of Harry with all of the same wants and need.

So, with his heart on his sleeve, he held Harry around the waist. His heart was rubbing against the black and silver coat, beating very loudly indeed. Harry held his gaze and kept his heart on his cheek, his face indifferent. He bit his lip, trying to keep it in, though, when Draco whispered his name in a driving sort of way, Harry cracked; his mouth opened just a bit, but no sound escaped.

He cleared his throat, stepping away from the tall, muscular blonde. How could he get close to him? Draco was obviously nervous, being out after sundown, for that was one of his godfather's rules: Don't go out at night.

Draco slipped his hand into Harry's, squeezing lightly as Harry Apparated them into a dimly lit alleyway. He glanced around, noticing two men who seemed very interested in them.

"Don't turn around, " Harry advised Draco under his breath. "Keep your eyes straight ahead and don't speed up."

Draco nodded, wondering why Harry was acting so odd. It turned into a vague thought in the back of his head as he ordered a pastry from a vendor, the insides steam curling and twisting into the cold, December air.

It had been almost two hours, though Draco had long stopped looking at his watch after the first hour, the euphoria in his blood keeping him tied to Harry.

He kissed the boy's cheek as they turned a corner, the edge of his mouth in line with his. They stopped and kissed, their lips hot and their tongues hotter. But they broke apart when Harry heard a shuffle in the alley beside them.

"Let's keep walking, " Harry told him, hating the way Draco looked so hurt.

They did for another half hour before Harry looked behind him, a deliberate scowl on his face. But, to Harry's absolute terror, he saw, not a random stranger, but two of his father's friends dressed as Muggles. He couldn't immediately remind himself of their names, but he knew they were mundane and common.

"Draco, " Harry whispered breathily, "let's get a bit of a move on."

"What's the matter?"

"Just walk faster!" Harry hissed, quickening his own pace. Harry led him down unfamiliar streets, surely getting both of them lost. When he turned back, for a second time, he saw the two men, both with wands in their hands. "C'mon, "

And they broke into a run, thankful for the deserted streets, thought three-quarters of the street lights didn't work or we're flickering feebly. Draco asked again what was going on and Harry responded with two words; two words that made his tanned skin crawl: "Father's mates, "

They ran for another minute before a curse sailed past Harry's shoulder, narrowly missing his head. "Shit!" he swore loudly. Draco's watch---the watch that was his father's---cracked when he put his arm up instinctively to block another oncoming curse.

Harry shouted, "Apparate us! Apparate us back now!"

Draco shouted back, "Okay!" and he was just about to when he felt a curse hit him on the back and he cried out in absolute pain, as it felt like his limbs were being drenched in acid.

In his pain, he Apparated them back to his godfather's, only to fall to the floor in the den because his entire body hurt and he couldn't hear Harry and oh, God, just stop the pain.

Harry, who was standing beside Draco's writhing and screaming body, wasn't too surprised when both Remus and Sirius leapt up from the couch on which they were sitting, their wands up. Harry, with years of experience with wands and how much they could hurt you, stepped back, the look of a wild animal in his eyes and his hand on the doorknob, but realized that the wand was pointing at Draco and his screaming abruptly stopped, leaving him on the floor, sucking air into his lungs as if he had been drowning.

His face was drenched in sweat as Remus helped him to the couch, where he told him to sit while Harry was still holding the doorknob, a glint in his eyes that made even Remus wary.

"Harry, sit."

His voice was surprisingly calm, but Sirius looked beyond angry. He was furious.

Draco was shaking, but not because of nerves or because he was afraid. Harry licked his lips, but they couldn't seem to soak up any moisture.

"Alright, "

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