XXXII: Harry's Childhood

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When I was around five or six, well, maybe I was six. That's when my sister died. Uh, I'm not sure. I think she got sick.

Anyway, when I was six, there was an---an incident with a friend of mine: his name was Dudley Dursley and he tricked me into going into a little disclosed location and let a gang of older boys hit me and kick me and---oh, don't look at me like that. It wasn't that awful.

So, when I went back to the Manor, I was crying and bleeding, but Father only told me to stop it. I went to my room and tried to clean off all of the blood---six. I already said that, didn't I? No, I know I did.

So then my mother came into my room and helped me, and I guess that Father had left because she told me to not cry and to be strong and to not fuck around with---of course, she didn't actually use the same words as me. I'm adding a bit of flavour.

Now, shut up so that I can hurry up and finish. Whatever.

I used to be fairly close to Father, but I was always closer to Mother. One day in Diagon Alley, I saw Cedric . . .Diggory? I think it was him. When I was seven, I told him that I liked him, so my father grilled me on it and I finally told him that I had a small thing for him. I was seven!

He hit me. You know, if you keep making that face, I'm just going to sleep. Shut up. I don't care.

After he did, Mother came into my room and helped me, and she told me to never tell my father anything else about how I felt. So I told no one.

My father often yelled at me. He called me names, swore, hit me, whatever he wanted to. But when I was . . .nine? Yeah, that sounds right. When I was nine, he started using the Cruciatus Curse on me. Mother didn't know, of course. She never knew. He used Legilimens as well and it always made me hurt.

That makes me sound like a child. He would always use it on me during breaks from Hogwarts and he made Snape do the same thing to me. Detentions.

I think it kinda went along with everything that's wrong with me. I'm an odd case. What can I say?


When Harry had finished, Draco noticed how his mouth was shut tightly. He massaged the spot on the inside of his wrists, seeming to calm Harry and make him unclench his fists. He shook out his hands and placed them on his knees.

"I didn't mean to say all that, " Harry told Draco quietly. "I just couldn't stop."

"You're alright?" Draco asked. "Do you want some water?"

"No, "

"Then what happened downstairs? When I tried to . . .?"

Harry crossed his arms. "Because you're a Gryffindor. You're going to act like that."

"Like what?"

Harry swallowed and Draco watched and his Adam's apple bobbed. "Like you're saving me."

"What? No---"

"Yes, " Harry whispered. "You're going to try and do that all of the time. Saving me, for you, is equal to---"

Draco stopped him by pressing his lips to Harry's. Draco didn't want to hear what he was about to say. He didn't want Harry to say it.

So, when they pulled away, the blonde pressed his forehead against the smaller boy's, his eyes closed and his breathing laboured. He knew that Harry's eyes were open, but that did not matter to him. Harry said quietly, "You distracted me, "

"I know, "

"That wasn't very nice, "

Draco chuckled, his eyes still shut. Harry laughed as well. It was as if all of their hysteria leaked into each other by the connection of their foreheads. When Draco finally did open his eyes, Harry bit his bottom lip, asking, "Are you angry with me?"

"No, " Draco whispered. "I would never."

Harry's emerald eyes, Draco noticed, had small flecks of grey and even a bit of a gold-ish hue around the pupil and at the edge of the iris, fanning into each other. It was faint, but Draco was entranced by them.

"Your eyes . . ." he muttered in awe. "They're amazing."

Harry blushed faintly. "You say that about a lot of things. I'm starting to believe that you're lying."

Draco shook his head and it was his turn to swallow. He said, "It's the truth."

Harry looked at him for a long time before saying with a grin. It was tilted up on one side a bit more than the other, which hadn't moved much. It gave him a mysterious and deceitful quality. "You're an odd one, Draco Malfoy."

Draco put his mouth right next to Harry's ear, grinning himself when Harry shivered and let out a warm breath on his neck. He whispered in a tantalizingly teasing way, "And you're wonderful. Wonderful, amazing Harry James Potter, the Slytherin Prince." He added the last bit in a lower tone, his voice dropping an octave or two, "The Boy Who's Dating Draco Malfoy."

Harry closed his eyes as Draco said this, sighing aloud. He loved the feeling of Draco pressing softly against him, his voice low and in his ear. He was about to ask him to tell him something else, anything, nothing, everything when Draco pulled away, leaving Harry cold.

"We'd better get some sleep, "

Harry nodded, not bothering to change. He slid under Draco's covers, his hands clutching the end and stared up at the ceiling like he did when he was younger and he could hear his father yelling at his other and her yelling right back. Cursing, biting and slashing words that kept Harry awake all night.

He savoured the silence that he had now, feeling Draco put his arm around him and making a soft humming noise in his ear.

Harry didn't look at him as he asked, "Draco?"

"Hm?" Draco hummed into Harry's neck.

"D'you think that we'll be . . alright? Like . . .y'know?"

"Course, Harry, " Draco answered. "Why?"

"Just making sure, " Harry replied quietly, turning onto his side and burying himself in Draco's chest and arms, drowning himself in the blonde boy's cologne, losing himself in the sheets.

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