LXIV: A Happy Conclusion

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Two years passed quickly for Harry and Draco. Now, Scorpius was running around, following Albus' lead. The dark-haired boy would tramp around the house, jumping occasionally onto pieces of furniture just to see if the blonde boy would do it. And he did.

"Scorpius get off of the chair, " Draco found himself sighing often. The blonde two-year-old would burst into tears, burying his face in his father's chest as Draco told him softly, "You aren't in trouble. I just don't want you to mess up the chair."

Albus, now four, frowned, pouting, "You ruined the fun."

"Yeah, " sniffed Scorpius. It was one of the few words he could say correctly. "Yeah, Daddy, "

Draco sighed. Just a year ago, Harry had nervously invited him and Scorpius to live with him in Yorkshire. The entire conversation had reminded Draco so much of Harry back when he was seventeen that it hurt a bit.

Scorpius had his own bedroom next to Albus', complete with a bed with blue covers, his favourite colour. There had been no shyness behind the two young boys, only brotherly affection, lots of playing pretend, and giggly nights as they climbed into their father's bed, making sure to disrupt their dreams.

The two boys would run around the house, Albus shouting orders and scenarios as Scorpius laughed and played, asking Draco to pin a blanket to his shoulders. With a smile, Draco would also give Albus one with his dark green blanket, his favourite colour.

One night, as the pair ran round the house, the makeshift cape had fallen from Scorpius' shoulders. The blonde boy burst into tears as he came over to Harry, who was reading the Daily Prophet and held the blanket out to him. Harry pinned the fabric back onto the boy's shirt and he wiped Scorpius' face with his thumbs softly. "Thanks, Papa, " Scorpius told him before running off to follow Albus again.

Draco smiled at the shocked look on Harry's face, saying, "Dunno why you're shocked. We've lived together for over a year and Albus calls you dad. He was bound to do it himself."

"But you're not mad?" Harry asked, feeling instantly silly.

"Why would I?" Draco asked, giving Harry a soft kiss on the lips. "My son calls you 'Papa' and loves you as Albus does. Like I do." Harry was utterly speechless as Draco pulled a ring from, seemingly, out of thin air. "As I always will, " he added, so quietly that Harry had to strain to hear over the sound of their children. "Even if you say no."

Harry looked at the ring and then to Draco, blinking hard. "You could be with anyone. Anyone at all. You don't need to be with me."

"You saw what Scorp did, " Draco whispered. "He called you his dad as well. We both love you."

Harry bit his lip. "I'm not going to pretend I'm not scared out of my mind."

"I'm not, " Draco told him. "I'm not afraid."

"You saved me from myself so many times, Draco, "

"I know, "

"I. . .I love you."

"Is that a yes?" Draco asked, his grey eyes smarting with tears. The house had gone quiet.

Harry looked at Draco for another age as the words slowly formed on his lips. "Yes, yeah that's most definitely a yes."

They both grinned like idiots as Draco leaned forward capturing Harry's lips in his own as there was a set of giggles from behind the bannister. The two broke apart, looking at the stairs, which had two boys looking between the railing bars. "Did you do it?" Albus asked. "What'd he say?"

"Yes, " Draco grinned. Scorpius jumped up, repeating the word as he hopped down the stairs one at a time.

Albus ran over to Harry, hugging him tightly. "Thank you, Albus."

Albus grinned as he released his father and Scorpius whined, "I wanna play, Albus."

"Okay, " Albus told him, "last one upstairs is a sack of dragon dung!"

"Unfair!" Scorpius shouted, scrambling upstairs to follow his brother. "Albus, that's cheatin'!"

Draco smiled as Scorpius made it upstairs, shouting at Albus that he was rotten. Harry smiled as well, though nothing could beat the beaming grin on his face as he walked down the aisle, hand in hand with Draco Malfoy, saying loudly and full of pride, "I do."

And, like that, he became Harry James Malfoy-Potter and Draco was Draco Lucius Malfoy-Potter. The kids kept their separate last names, though they had considered themselves brothers. Even if Scorpius cried often and even if Albus would not console him, they were practically inseparable.

Scorpius was sensitive, Draco often said. He wasn't crying at every chance he got, but he still cried often. One night, Scorpius had a nightmare, screaming and crying from his room until Draco rushed in, followed by a bleary-eyed Harry.

"What? What happened?" Draco asked him, going over to the now three-year-old and checking his head for injured he knew weren't there.

"There was a m-m-monster!" Scorpius sobbed. "A big, b-b-bad one!"

"Here, why don't you come with us, okay?" Draco asked quietly as Harry nodded. "Not you, genius."

"Oh, " Harry yawned, scratching his jaw. "It's okay, Scorpius."

Scorpius buried his face in Draco's chest, allowing him to pick him up and carry him to their room. On the way, Draco poked his head into Albus' room, saying, "Albus, are you awake?"

The five-year-old didn't stir and his breathing remained steady. "He's like you, " laughed Draco softly.

"I know, " Harry laughed. He set the now sleeping boy onto the bed, setting him between him and Draco, where the boys always felt safest.

"I love you, " Harry whispered as he closed his eyes.

"I love you too, " said Draco as his hand skimmed Harry's hair.

It surprised Harry, how easily he found love and a family despite everything that had happened to him eight years ago. It surprised Draco too, but not so much as Harry James, who grinned whenever Draco called him that like Albus did when he called him Albus Severus.

Scorpius didn't like to be called by two names, preferring either just Scorpius or Scorp. The blonde especially liked it whenever Albus put a protective arm around him at Hogwarts whenever the other first years were bullying him and said, "Oi, fuck off! Don't mess with my brother or you'll get a face full of fist."

Scorpius smiled at Albus, whispering, "Thank you."

"No problem, little brother, " Albus would say, ruffling the blonde boy's hair, swinging his bag over his shoulder and sauntering off to his third-year friends. "Don't beat anyone up without me!"

Scorpius would straighten his Gryffindor tie and Albus would look back and grin at his younger brother that looked and acted so differently, the younger brother with another name. He would subtly touch his Slytherin tie as he flirted shamelessly, trying to get Scorpius a girlfriend in his third year while he was in his fifth with girls he had mentioned.

"You're the best, " Scorpius told him, patting his brother's arm affectionately after a difficult loss to Ravenclaw in the Quidditch match. "Good try."

"Don't give me that, " Albus smirked. "I'm going to beat you next Friday."

"You wish!" Scorpius called as he ran to avoid his older brother's joking blow.

And they were content; Albus and Scorpius in Hogwarts, playing Quidditch, being the top of their classes, and dating girls as if they could do it forever.

And Harry and Draco were proud of the boys they were raising, often embarrassing them with stories and Teddy would do the same, poking lots of fun at family reunions.

The End

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