XX: Paris and First Impressions

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A few nights later, Draco received his reply from Sirius. He brought it to Harry that night, not daring to open it and see if Sirius had rejected his request.

He opened it as he sat on Harry's bed, listening to him turn the pages of his brand new book (which Draco had purchased in Hogsmeade a day ago). Draco read aloud and Harry acted as if he couldn't hear.

"Draco, " he read. "Thank you for telling me about you and the Potter boy. He may come to Paris with us as long as he respects to rules that you have followed for when you live with me. Then again, you didn't really have any rules growing up. Just the basics. I hope you have a good end of term and make sure you Apparate and not ride any trains. Sirius."

Harry asked him, "What're your godfather's rules?"

Draco thought for a moment, counting the rules that he had followed for so long. "To not go out after dark, to . . .talk---"

"Talk? What does that mean?' Harry scoffed. That just didn't make sense to him.

"When I was about thirteen, I used to have little fits and not talk to him for days. So, he was fed up and told me that was a new rule of his."

Harry furrowed his eyebrows. "That's the stupidest thing I've ever heard."

Draco ignored that last comment, continuing to list off the handful of rules he had always followed. Harry occasionally asked sarcastic and bitter comments. Draco dismissed them.

"Don't you think that's a bit lenient?"

Draco shook his head. "I don't mind. What kind of rules did you follow?"

Harry was silent for a bit before replying with, "Too many."

Draco saw how uncomfortable Harry was with the question, so he didn't ask any more of his previous question.


On the day term ended, Harry and Draco went into Hogsmeade, splitting up and doing a bit of Christmas shopping. It took Harry much longer to find Draco a present. He would pick something out and put it right back, fearing it wouldn't please the blonde.

When they both finally picked presents, Draco grabbed Harry's hand, Apparating into a dark alley in the noisy streets of Paris, France. Harry and Draco shrunk their presents and robes, shoving them into their bags. Harry was suddenly grateful for the heavy bag, which Draco had enchanted to have wheels.

Draco led the way, glancing back at Harry, who was following with a glare directed towards the ground. He didn't like the way the streets were uneven and the wheels kept getting caught.

"This is a lot of work when we could have just Apparated to your godfathers summer home."

Draco rolled his eyes. "I mean, you could always just look around and enjoy Paris. Look, " he pointed to the left, saying, "the Eiffel Tower is right there."

Harry didn't look over.

"You're a very difficult person, Harry Potter."

"Whatever, Malfoy."

Draco frowned, continuing his way to Sirius' summer home. He didn't look back at Harry anymore, knowing that he was behind him. Harry grumbled under his breath until Draco suddenly stopped. Harry accidentally ran into Draco and he asked, "Why did you stop?"

Draco smiled widely and put his finger over his lips, signalling for Harry to shut his mouth. Harry did so, somewhat reluctantly, and watched as Draco approached a vendor selling some hot drink and Harry's eyebrows raised in surprise as Draco said in French, "Puis-je avoir deux cafés avec du lait?"

"Ce sera tout?" the vendor asked.

Draco nodded, handing him a few Euros and thanked him in French. He handed Harry a coffee, telling him, "It has a dash of milk."

Harry said, "I didn't know you could speak French, "

Draco told him, "I come here most holidays and picked it up, I guess."

Harry narrowed his eyes and said, "You're an odd one."

Draco laughed and pointed out a few different sights, smiling the entire time until they walked down a road with a gated home that looked very cosy and warm. It had a small mailbox with a number twelve on it and Draco continued walking up to the door knocking twice before opening the door, calling into the home, "I'm back!"

Harry tugged at the hem of his coat self consciously. He heard a sound in what he assumed to be the kitchen as Draco led him into what he could only think was the den. Draco smiled widely as Sirius came into the den, hugging his godson and giving him a good squeeze. Harry stood there awkwardly, wondering if he remembered that he was there.

When the two separated, Draco motioned over to Harry, who instinctively scowled. "Harry, " Draco said. "This is Sirius Black. My godfather."

Sirius held his hand out to shake Harry's, who did so with a tad of reluctance. Draco and his godfather seemed to pause, both looking at Harry.

"What?" he asked indignantly.

"Introduce your self, " Draco replied quietly.

"Why?" Harry asked, crossing his arms. "He already knows who I am. I'm Harry bloody Potter and I'm sure nobody else would be with you."

Draco groaned.

"And I'm also hungry, " Harry muttered.

Draco pointed to where the kitchen was and Harry walked over there as Sirius called after him, "Don't eat the cookies at the top of the pantry!"

But Harry wasn't going to listen to him. He was going to eat whatever the hell he felt like eating because he was Harry Potter.

"I don't like him, " Sirius told Draco quietly.

Draco sighed. This is going to take a while . . .

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