LXXI: Cartoons

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"Daddy, wake up!"

Harry groaned and rolled over onto his stomach and put his hand out, brushing Draco's arm.

"Wake! Up!"

"What the---" Draco started, sitting up quickly. He tugged his shirt on, looking at Harry and Albus jumping on him. "Merlin. . ."

"Daddy, get up!" Albus shouted. "I want cereal."

"Albus, I need to shower."

"I want cereal!" Albus whined.

"I'll get the cereal, " Draco said. Albus looked at him. "So your dad can take a shower."

Harry sat up, ruffling Albus' hair as he told him softly, "Show Draco where it is and I'll be there in a few minutes."

Albus silently slid off of his father's bed and Draco stood, pulling on the clothes that he came in last night, giving Harry a kiss on his forehead as he followed the sound of Albus' toddler feet around to the kitchen. He pointed at the pantry door and Draco opened it.

"Here, " he grunted as he picked the boy up. "Pick one."

Albus grabbed a sugary cereal and ate it from the box as he watched Draco search through every cabinet for a bowl that wasn't glass. When he did find one, Albus was clutching the box to his chest, walking to the den, where he turned on the telly.

He's independent, Draco thought to himself as he observed Albus flipping through the channels. Just like Harry.

"Do you like superheroes?" the dark-haired boy asked him.

"Er, like who?"

"Like Superman!" Albus told him, jumping up and putting his fists on his hips. "Or Spiderman! Or---"

"Do you like superheroes?" Draco asked him, diverting his attention. "Who's your favourite?"

"I dunno, " Albus shrugged. He turned back. "I like them all."

Draco nodded and Albus looked at him for a long time before asking quietly, "Did you know my mum?"

"Er, not personally, " he admitted. "Why?"

"I don't want to ask Daddy about her, but I just wanted to know."

Draco nodded as Harry entered, his hair damp from his shower, a grin on his young face. "Good morning, Albus, " he said, bending over to kiss his head. He turned to Draco, asking, "Want some coffee?"

"I'll come with you, " Draco said. "Is he alright alone?"

"Yeah, " Harry answered, "just for a bit."

Draco followed Harry into the kitchen, only just noticing the photos on the walls, along the mantel place, and even in the kitchen. They were all of either Albus by himself, grinning widely, or of Albus and Harry laughing, even some of Lily Potter holding her grandson. "These are nice."

"Thank you, " Harry smiled. "This has to be one of my favourites." He pointed to a photo of Albus as a baby giggling up at the camera. Draco grinned at it, in love with how Harry beamed when talking about his son.


At around noon, Albus was complaining that he was hungry and, when Harry asked what he wanted, Albus threw his hands in the air, telling him, "Noodles! No sauce!"

Draco laughed as Harry sighed. "Your kid doesn't like sauce on pasta?"

"I don't like it much either, " Harry murmured as he boiled water on the stove. "Plus, it's fewer dishes to wash."

Saving Myself || A Drarry StoryOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora