XLIX: Rocking

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Monday morning, a cold, snow-filled day, was when Draco frowned when he saw that nobody was talking to Harry in the Great Hall at breakfast. Instead of socialising with the Quidditch players, he was sitting in an isolated bubble with his book.

Draco, mustering up some of his almost nonexistent swagger, waltzed over to Harry, bending his lower half down and suggesting, "You could come sit with me, if you prefer."

Harry started, almost dropping his book until he saw Draco, giving him a scowl. "What makes you think I want to sit with you and your loser mates?"

Draco rolled his eyes and asked him, "Why do you have to be such a chav?"

"Excuse me?" Harry asked, jutting his chin out in a challenge. "A what?"

Draco shrugged and sat next to his boyfriend, grabbing a piece of toast from a stack and helping himself. He bit the corner off, trying to act nonchalant when Harry continued to ask what exactly he meant by calling him a chav.

"A hoodlum, " Draco replied, receiving a look from Harry. "It's true! You call everyone mate, you get into fights almost three times a week---"

"Then what are you, genius?" Harry scoffed, plucking up Draco's toast and sinking his teeth over Draco's bite marks.

Draco took another piece of toast and replied with, "You just figured it out." Scowling, Harry took his toast, biting over what Draco had bitten off. "Are you going to keep doing that?"

Harry shrugged. "I dunno, am I still a chav?"

Draco grinned and swiped one of his toasts back, saying as he did so, "Yep."

"Do chavs do this?" Harry asked, his hand creeping along Draco's leg, making the blonde choke on his toast. "Do they?"

Draco murmured, making Harry blush, "Only when their boyfriend isn't wearing any clothes. Or when they're alone and in need of---"

"I'm going to hit you, " Harry threatened, crunching on the piece of bread that Draco held. "You're the chav."

Draco stuck his tongue out and rolled his eyes. He could feel other students staring at them and when he looked around, he could see Weasley's eyes boring hikes into the back of his head. "What's he staring at, anyway?" Draco asked. "You or me?"

"You, I think, " Harry answered.

"Good, " Draco grinned. "We know who's the hot one."

Harry shoved him and said, "You're intolerable, " as he took Draco's toast again with his irresistible grin, his emerald eyes sparkling.


Classes, to Harry, we're boring. He wasn't having fun, he wasn't even listening. He was too preoccupied with looking over at Draco every few minutes. Sometimes, the blonde caught him and gave him a dazzling and white smile, making him blush slightly and smile against the palm of his hand.

He ignored Ronald, who was constantly glaring at him. He ignored Hermione, who whispered about him to her friends. What made him think that he was wise?

"I heard that he's using Malfoy for House points, " one Ravenclaw hissed behind her hand. "Ten points for a handjob, twenty for a blow."

Harry glared at her, making her jump. "Maybe that's what you do with your Head Boy, " he said loudly. Her face went red, appalled at Harry Potter's gall.

With a satisfied smirk, he continued down the corridor, his hands shaking slightly. A rough-looking Hufflepuff boy said from behind him, "I heard Malfoy feels sorry for him. What with what's in the Prophet and all."

"Well, I heard that Malfoy still hates his guts, " a burly Slytherin bloke said. "Maybe get Potter on his good side and he doesn't have to worry about charity work for whatever job he takes."

Suddenly, Harry couldn't breathe. Surely, he wasn't thought of as charity work for Draco, who always told Harry that he loved him. With a kiss on the cheek, on his neck, on his stomach; always, there was an I love you whispered with his breath hot and Harry's body warm.

That night, Draco found the dark-haired boy sitting on his bed, his back against the wall, his legs crossed, and his pillow hugged close against his chest. When Harry didn't acknowledge him, Draco snapped his fingers in front of his face, noticing that Harry's wonderful green eyes were glazed over.

"Huh?" he hummed, looking up at Draco.

"What's the matter?"

Harry shook his head and plastered a grin to his tired face. "Nothing. What're you doing here this early?"

"You weren't at supper, "

Harry shook his head again, lying plainly through his bangs. "I'm not hungry. Rather sick, I think."

Draco kicked off his shoes, climbing into Harry's bed and sitting beside him. "How about this weekend we go to Hogsmeade and have some fun? Just the two of us."

Harry pondered in mock thought before saying, "No, "

Draco frowned. "Why not?"

"Slim it down, " Harry scowled. "It's a joke."

Draco smiled down at Harry, who was trying to hide his own shy grin. Of course, Draco had heard what other students were theorizing in the corridors and he wondered if Harry had also heard it. It would crush him eventually if he couldn't do anything about it.

Harry whispered, his voice hoarse, "Just . . .kiss me. Please, "

Draco hesitated, not knowing if he should kiss Harry in this state he was in. But, all the same, he leaned down, connecting his lips with Harry's hungry ones, loving the way their bodies followed suit, seemingly attaching at their chests.

Harry groaned when Draco slipped his tongue between his lips, sending a vibration through the Boy Who Lived's body. Draco's hands travelled their familiar path up Harry's thighs and gripping Harry's hips as if that were the only thing grounding him.

Wanting to be as close to his blonde boyfriend as possible, Harry climbed onto his lap, pressing his body against Draco's, wanting more of his warmth. More if his sweet, masculine scent. More of his mouth and lips and tongue. More and more and more until he could hardly breathe, until he felt as if he were going to pass out from sheer euphoria, like he was going to break himself down just so that Draco could help piece him together in comfortable silence.

Harry didn't realize that he had tears running down his face until Draco's thumbs wiped them away, leaving light butterfly kisses on his cheeks and under his eyes.

With a shuddering breath, Harry slid against Draco, pressing his back against him and bringing his knees to his chest, his body shaking.

"It's alright, " Draco whispered in his ear, massaging Harry's shoulders. "You're safe here." His hands moved to Harry's arm, rubbing gently. "I won't poke fun." Draco's hands covered Harry's, squeezing slightly to make his presence known to the dark-haired boy with him. "I won't laugh."

And Harry felt silent tears running down his face, rushing down his skin as if they were desperate to leave him. Running away to fall to their inevitable doom just like his sister had.

And he saw it again; the day his sister died, the ground rushing up to meet her as if it had always wanted to embrace her. Harry standing at the top of the stairs, his anger fading when he realized what he had done. His small, eight-year-old mind knowing full well that what he had done wasn't the right thing to do.

She hadn't even seen it coming.

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