LXVI: Summer

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Summer had begun and Harry wanted to ride in the Hogwarts Express one last time. Draco sat on one side of Harry while a window was on the other side of the boy. They pressed against each other, their legs tangled together as Harry closed his eyes, letting the rocking of the train lull him to a sense of peace.

"I'm going to miss this place, " admitted Harry softly against the blonde's chest. "This was the only place that I had mates. And a real. . .relationship."

Draco looked down at Harry, his hand running through his dark, dark hair. He whispered, "It's not as if you were the most open person ever."

"Shut up, " Harry murmured, pushing his glasses up his nose. "You're too much. I don't get you."

Draco grinned, blowing on his face. Harry shoved him, giggling slightly when he pressed himself against him. Draco kissed Harry, his arm wrapped around the small of his back, his other hand cupping Harry's cheek softly. Harry's hands were curled into tight fists, resting on Draco's firm chest.

"Draco!" a familiar voice called out as the compartment door opened. Draco pulled away slightly, but Harry tugged him closer, pressing his lips against the blonde boy's. "You act like that's going to stop me from coming in."

Reluctantly, Harry pulled away from Draco, scowling at Theodore Nott, who had helped himself to one of his Chocolate Frogs.

"That's mine, " he told him.

"Ah, you can share." Theo grinned as Harry frowned. "It's not like I'm taking your kidney."

Harry grumbled under his breath, "And it's not like I'm going to punch you. Good luck having children."

Draco nipped his ear. "Be nice, " he breathed out. Hidden by Harry Potter's back, Draco slid his hand from Harry's waist to the waistband of his jeans. He pushed his thumb against Harry's spine, sliding his finger under the waistband, making Harry start. "Calm down."

"You're---" he stopped when Draco rubbed Harry's skin, their friend oblivious as to what they were doing right across from him. Theo reached for another Chocolate Frog. "Touch another one and I'll punch you in the---"

"Harry, " Draco snapped. His hand still making a warm feeling in his stomach grow. Harry glared up at him, trying not to look uncomfortable. "Be nice, love."

"Okay, "

Theo ripped open the Chocolate Frog wrapper, biting the chocolate before Harry could argue. Draco handed Harry one, smiling sweetly as Harry took it from his hands. "I got Dumbledore."

"Hey, me too, mate, " Theo said, his mouth full of chocolate. "

Harry grimaced. "Don't talk with your mouth full. It's unbecoming."

"Says you, " Draco whispered through a chuckle. "All you do is---"

"I'm not afraid to hit you, Malfoy."

"But you won't."

"Won't I?" Harry asked, raising an eyebrow. "You seem to have forgotten that I broke Weasley's nose a few months ago. And made a gigantic snake chase a twelve-year-old. And---"

"I get your point, " Draco grinned, pressing his thumb, again, into Harry's spine. "You're quite adorable when you're mad."

"I am not!" Harry shouted, making Draco pull his head back to lessen some of the hearing damage. He liked the way Harry's jaw was set, like a knife able to cut through stone as if it were butter. He loved how Harry's eyes seemed to go darker, like the skin of an avocado instead of their usual emerald tone. He adored the way Harry's fine, dark eyebrows furrowed fiercely, his eyes large.

"Okay, princess."

Harry scoffed and shoved the Chocolate Frog in his mouth, rolling his eyes as he did so. "Fuck off, Malfoy."

Theo laughed, "You two should get married."

Harry looked at him, blurting out of embarrassed shock and anger, "What makes you think I want to marry Draco Malfoy, of all people?"

He felt Draco's hand leave his back, and in a hurt, somewhat angry tone, Draco said, "Really? You. . .I can't believe you."

"What?" Harry asked, looking at the blonde. "What did you expect me to say: Oh, Draco, I can't wait to live happily ever after with you?"

Draco, with disgust in his voice and on his red face told Harry, "It would have at least been nice to give me the benefit of the doubt, you arse."

Harry crossed his arms and fumed, "I'm seventeen and it's not like you're the best suitor." Draco pulled himself away from Harry, scooting as far over as possible. "Are you serious?"

Draco said nothing, staring at the floor.


"Some things you say, Harry, " Draco interjected, his voice shaking with either anger or from the great force it took to hold back his tears, "really hurt. Badly, "

"I'm sorry!" Harry huffed.

Draco shook his head. "You aren't."

"But I just said sorry---"

Draco yelled, his anger finally reaching a breaking point, "Yeah, and you don't mean it! You're only saying it because I'm upset with you! If I acted as if it were okay, I'll bet that you wouldn't have even batted an eye."

Harry said nothing, knowing that it was true. He just didn't think about the consequences and how they affected him, always coming as an afterthought when he did something wrong.

Harry said again, a bit less forcefully, "I'm sorry."

Draco rolled his eyes and scoffed, "Yeah, I'm sure you are."

Reaching for Draco's arm, Harry repeated, "I'm sorry."

Draco shrugged Harry's hand away, glaring at the ground as Harry crossed his arms, his mouth dry. He was angry at Harry. Angrier than he had ever been; if Harry could dismiss a 'joke' such as marriage with Draco, how would Harry react if it were true? If Draco presented him with a ring, asking for his hand in marriage, would Harry completely blow him off as he just did? Or would he completely ignore the question, asking, 'What's for supper?'?

And they were silent for the rest of the ride back to London, Harry gorging himself on his favourite sweets as Draco felt his stomach turning as he thought of Harry's rejection, occasionally glancing at Harry and swallowing. Harry didn't look like he cared or remembered what had happened, humming a song to himself as he unwrapped another Chocolate Frog, sorting all of the cards he had gotten into separate piles.

First, he separated them by people, then by occupations, then by sex, and, finally, by death dates. He occupied himself with the boring task, trying to keep his hands and mind busy.

When the Hogwarts Express came to a stop, Harry left the compartment quickly, wondering if his mother were out waiting for him. When he bounced off of the train, he was surprised when a small child ran into his arms, giggling and smiling brightly. " 'Lo, Teddy, "

"Hullo, Harry."

Harry hugged him quickly, releasing the small boy when he heard Remus chastising his son ("What did I tell you about running off like that? What if you had gotten hurt?") as Draco stepped off the train, watching Theo hug his mother and father. He saw Harry looking around for a bit but before he could go up to him and offer him his bed at Number Twelve Grimmauld Place, the dark-haired boy spotted his mother and trudged over to her, giving Lily and awkward and uncomfortable hug.

"Have a row?" Sirius asked when he saw his godson's fallen face. Draco nodded mutely. "That bad?"

"I don't think he cares, "

"Of course he does, " Remus comforted him, trying to keep Teddy from running off in his friend's direction. "He just. . .can't show it, is all."

"I know, but. . ." Draco trailed off. No, he wouldn't tell Remus and Sirius of what Theo had said, striking Harry and making him explode. No, Harry didn't want to think of how badly he really hurt Draco Malfoy. No, they didn't want to be angry forever, just long enough to figure a few things out. "It wasn't that important, " Draco finished.

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