XIV: A Terrible Flirt

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Draco sat at breakfast the next morning with a frown as he stabbed a piece of bacon.

"You're going to break that plate, " Blaise pointed out, nudging Draco's arm with his elbow. Draco stabbed the bacon harder and Blaise let out a low whistle, scooting a bit away from his friend. "It's really that bad?"

Draco huffed and Theo pointed his fork at him. "It's that bad, Blaise."

"I don't care, " Draco muttered. "It doesn't matter."

"You're not acting like it, " Blaise said and Draco's eyes flashed at him. "I---I was saying that to the owl."

Draco watched as Harry walked into the Great Hall, his nose buried in his new book. He made it to the Slytherin table, sitting in front of Ron and Hermione, who cackled, "Reading, Harry? I didn't think you knew how to do that."

"Odd, " Harry mused, his nose still in his book. "I didn't think you would know how to either."

Hermione squawked indignantly and Ron glowered at Harry. "Don't act like that, mate."

"Shut up, I'm reading."

Harry continued reading, sipping pumpkin juice every once in a while. He hadn't slept that previous night, for he had read the book, gaping and whispering, "Woah, " while turning the pages. He loved the book and was amazed by the beasts mentioned, most of which he had never heard of.

There was a brief moment, a moment that Harry instantly regretted, when he looked up and saw Draco sitting next to his friends, his palm wrapped in gauze. Harry felt bad and he clutched the book close to his chest, hating the feeling that he had caused physical harm to Draco. Though it wasn't direct.

When the first bell rang, Draco stood and was on his way to Defense Against the Dark Arts when he was suddenly tugged into a supply closet and he was about to cry out for help from Blaise or Theo when he saw two bright, green eyes in the dark.

"I know you're going to class, but I had to catch you before you did, " Harry whispered, doing his best to stay quiet. "So, "

Draco looked down at Harry, who was clutching his book still and he was looking down as well.

"I'm sorry, " he whispered. "I didn't mean to be a twat. I never had someone to . . ." he trailed off when Draco lifted his face with his forefinger and thumb. With his other hand, he traced Harry's jawline and his eyes green eyes widened a bit. ". . .someone to---to . . .what are you doing?"

Draco bent down, his finger now tracing down Harry's neck. "Just admiring your structure. You have excellent features, you know."

Harry's breath hitched as Draco leaned closer and kissed Harry softly as the second bell rang. Harry pressed against the blonde as Draco parted his lips with his own, his hot tongue skimming Harry's bottom lip and Harry said, his voice a bit muffled, "You know, I'm starting to like this. Just a tad, though. Not a lot."

Draco chuckled and he detached his lips from Harry's, telling him, "I've got to get to class, Harry."

Harry groaned. "Just one more?"

Draco grinned. "No, " and walked out of the supply closet, and he felt a hand grab his robes, tugging him back in.

"I don't have to listen to you, " Harry said, tugging Draco down to his level and kissing him again. Draco pushed Harry against the wall, knocking over a broom in the process, but Harry caught it and put it back against the wall. Harry grabbed fistfuls of Draco's robes, making them crease.

"Harry, now I've really gotta go."

"Fine, " Harry groaned. "Wait!"

Draco grinned and asked, "What now?"

"I'm sorry about your hand. And about what I said about your parents."

Draco traced the bruise around Harry's eye, telling him softly, "I'm sorry about what I said as well."

"Now you can go, " Harry grinned. "But come by my dorm later."


Draco was happily distracted in his classes. He told Blaise and Theo what had happened and they were both happy for their friend.

Herbology was a very interesting class with the Hufflepuffs, as Gryffindor and the other House were on good terms. Blaise, who was always talkative, was not talking much, as he and Neville Longbottom, along with Draco and Theodore, were working together.

Blaise adored the way Neville would listen to Theo's babbling and Draco's crowing, but he was afraid to talk, fearing the other boy would surely hate to hear what he had to say.

"Blaise, start talking, " Theo whispered when Neville had turned and laughed at something Hannah Abbott had said.

Blaise glared at him but asked Neville in a suave tone, "Are you done with the pliers?"

Neville looked down at the tool on the table and both Theo and Draco put their hands over their faces. "Uh, yeah. That's why they're on the table."

Blaise chuckled nervously and grabbed the pliers, attacking his Mandrake savagely. Neville grabbed his hand and told him, "You have to be careful!"

Blaise was a bit more careful, using the pliers only when necessary and smiling when Neville grinned. "Good job. That's how it's done."

Theo flashed a wink at Blaise, who punched his arm playfully. "Don't you dare, Theo."

"Yeah, Theo, " Draco laughed.

"Oh, shut up, " Theo grinned.

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