XLVI: Please

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Draco opened his eyes, his alarm clock beeping mercilessly. Next to him, Harry groaned, "Turn that shit off."

Draco sat up, pushing the snooze button and saying, "We have to get ready."

"For what?" Harry asked his pillow.

"Classes, " Draco answered, earning another groan from Harry. "Don't be dramatic."

Harry threw a pillow at him and Draco threw it right back. They dressed, Harry stealing long stares at Draco's back while Draco occasionally glanced at the smaller boy. Draco asked him as they changed, "Do you want to walk in together?"

". . .not yet."

"Okay, " Draco replied. He wasn't angry with the fact Harry still wanted to keep them a secret, but it was February tenth. Almost Valentines Day.

Harry walked through the doors after Draco, a certain swagger in his step. There was a Quidditch match on Saturday against Slytherin and Ravenclaw. If Slytherin won, they would be playing against Gryffindor for the Quidditch Cup.

A few of the Ravenclaw blokes that played caught his attention, glaring daggers at him. He changed course, striding over to a tall, brown-haired one and his friends. Harry recognized him as their Captain and he snarled, "The hell are you looking at?"

"Nothing, " the Captain said, "just the worst Seeker in the history of Hogwarts."

There was a round of jeers and Harry was practically steaming when another continued, "How have you gotten to the championship game six times and lost against that same team for a century? It defies all of the statistics!"

Another round of jeers started and Harry was glad for a reason to punch the dark-haired one in the jaw, knocking his head into his goblet of pumpkin juice, making it spill.

"We'll see who's laughing on Saturday, " Harry sneered at the silent Ravenclaws, ignoring all of the prying eyes of the Great Hall. He made his way to his usual seat, his hand stinging slightly from the point of impact against the idiot rubbing his jaw's face.

He didn't eat, but he listened to Ron and his annoyingly pompous attitude towards him. Hermione would giggle every once in a while with her friends, pointing at various girls across the Hall. Even a few of the boys whom she had had her latest affair with, to Ron's unknown knowledge. But Harry knew.

But, when he heard Hermione whispering about the Ravenclaw bloke he had punched, it stole his breath.

"I overheard Loony Lovegood talking about seeing Harry and Malfoy together in the library, " she whispered through a giggle.

Her friend asked, "Is that true? He does seem like the type . . ."

"I didn't think he swung that way at all, " another hissed.

"Well, " Hermione grinned, glancing at Harry, "he hasn't had a girlfriend. And Ron said that he caught him with MWM."

"Male Wizarding Magazines?" the first clarified with a gasp.

Harry felt sick. In his fourth year and still in a public dorm, he had been experimenting and had ordered a subscription to a male-orientated magazine that showed several lewd images. While flipping through one, Ron had come in and Harry threw the magazine into his trunk, slamming it shut and trying to hide his embarrassment.

The next year, he asked his father for the private dorm and cancelled the subscription. He didn't think Ron saw what he was reading.

Hermione nodded and the second girl said, "I mean, are you sure?"

Hermione nodded again and Harry felt her looking at him, but he didn't look back over.


Friday, Valentines Day, came quickly. Harry didn't know what was supposed to happen, but he received an owl holding a parcel filled with Chocolate Frogs along with a note that read:

Harry, I have something for you, but you'll have to wait until tonight. -D

Harry smiled to himself and, throughout the day, he waited for that night, excited.

When that night did come, it was nearly midnight when Draco came into the dorm, presumably from his Head Boy rounds. "Follow me, " he told Harry, who did so obediently.

They walked through the corridors, only stopping when Draco paused in front of a portrait of a knight and a short pony.

"Spring cleaning, " Draco said to the knight.

The knight pulled a sword hazardously from its holster, saying, "Kind sir! Do you know who I am? I am Sir Cadogan, the bravest knight of all! I do not need spring cleaning."

Draco rolled his eyes, telling the portrait, "That's the password, Sir Cadogan."

"The password?" sneered the knight, Sir Cadogan. "I do believe you're mistaken, kind sir!"

Draco sighed and continued the insane conversation until the portrait swung forward, making Harry's eyes widen at where it led; the Head Boy's bathroom, a large pool-like tub in the stone floor with dozens of faucets and a neat stack of white towels on a stand.

Harry looked at Draco, who was grinning. "Thought you might fancy a dip."

Harry, excited, almost tore off his shirt, coughing when Draco gazed at him. To his credit, the bruises were almost gone, just discoloured spots now. Draco looked away, taking his own shirt off along with his jeans and licked his lips, biting the inside of cheek as Harry did the same, leaving him in tight black briefs.

Harry watched as Draco turned the faucets and as the sound of water filled the air along with scents that made Harry sneeze once or twice.

Draco lowered himself into the steaming water, making Harry laugh when he almost jumped right out of it, saying, "I feel like I'm melting!"

Harry lowered himself in the water, telling Draco, "It's hardly as hot as you make it seem, you big baby."

Draco splashed his face, making Harry emit a small, squealing sound as the water hit his face. Harry splashed back and Draco laughed while Harry's head bobbed above the water.

As if he had done it a thousand times before, Draco pushed Harry against the side of the tub, their chests and legs rubbing together merrily. Harry lifted himself so that he was sitting on the edge, Draco's arms holding the blonde up to Harry's lips, lust filling him and settling in his stomach.

His hot breath travelled down Harry's abdomen, Harry, telling him to stop when his chin came to the elastic of Harry's briefs, the V-line in front of his grey eyes. Harry let out a sigh that was half air, half sound when Draco's warm tongue licked little stripes on the indents, his hands gripping Harry's thighs.

Harry covered his mouth, squeezing his eyes shut as Draco's ragged breaths filled his ears. Draco stopped suddenly, Harry's low whimper making his mouth go dry as he whispered in the smaller boy's ear, "Uncover your mouth."

Harry did so, feeling Draco's hand in his midnight hair, twisting the strands around his fingers. He tugged slightly, making Harry's back arch and his hand went to his mouth until Draco stopped it, telling him, "C'mon, Harry."

"I---if I do, I'm gonna---"

"I want you to, " Draco groaned against Harry's lips. "Please." His mouth was against Harry's neck, biting slightly with his teeth as Harry moaned quietly, making Draco smile against Harry's skin. His hand gripped at the elastic of Harry's briefs, but Harry pushed it away.

"Not in here, " he whispered. "Back at the dorm, "

"Okay, " Draco whispered back, giving him another kiss before they hastily dried off, Harry giggling when Draco touched him and his heart pounded. Back in their dorm, they brushed against each other, their mouths moving and their bodies doing the exact same, their love whispered in the heated room.

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