XLIV: Sharing is an Option

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Early Saturday morning, Draco woke up, his face pressed against the sheets of Harry's cot. Harry was still asleep, a faint wrinkle between his eyebrows. Draco rubbed the spot with his thumb, instantly making it disappear.

He sat up in the chair he was occupying, his neck sore and his back popping when he stretched. With a hmmp, Draco stood, moving his arms in small circles to get his blood flowing as Albus Dumbledore stepped into view, his long, silver beard sweeping the floor along with his purple and gold robes.

"Good morning, Mister Malfoy."

"Good morning, Professor, "

The old man gestured for Draco to follow him outside, which Draco did. When outside, Dumbledore told Draco, "I fear that Mister Potter isn't safe by himself. Judging by the intoxicated state he was in when the two of you arrived, be isn't stable by himself."

Draco nodded.

"So, if you would not mind or not find it too much of a trouble, I suggest you stay in his dormitory. You'll have to move all of your belongings, and you'll have to summon yourself a bed."

Draco nodded again, asking, "What have you heard from Fudge?"

Dumbledore sighed. "They've apprehended Severus Snape, but there is no word on James Potter. They suspect him of being on the run."

"Will Harry be told?"

"If you tell him slowly. I fear that you're the only person he trusts."

Draco asked him one last question, one that he had been wondering since last night. "Professor, how do you intend to make sure Fudge sends them to Azkaban?"

"I have Harry's memories from his detention with Severus, but I'll have to get those from his encounter with his father."

Draco nodded as Dumbledore dismissed him, walking in the direction of the Great Hall as Draco's stomach growled. With a shake of his fair head, Draco walked back into the Infirmary, seeing that Harry was lying with his emerald eyes on the ceiling. He scratched at his hand.

"Hey, " Draco breathed out, sitting back down in the chair. Harry didn't look over. "Harry."

"I'm hungry, " Harry murmured. "And my arm hurts like hell."

When Madam Pomfrey heard him talking, she entered, a purple vial in hand. "Take this, " she ordered Harry. He did so, thankful for the relief from his pain. She put two pieces of toast with jam in front of him and Draco, telling them, "As soon as you both eat something, you can leave."

So they ate quickly, hardly chewing and practically ran out of there. On the way back to Harry's dorm, Draco told him that Dumbledore was allowing him to stay in his private dormitory.

"Really?" Harry asked, not turning his head.

"Yeah, he told me that I would have to summon a bed in there, but I thought that we could . . ." Harry looked at him. ". . .share."

Harry said after a moment, "Sharing would be nice."

Draco sighed as he smiled, happiness flooding his senses. When they got there, Draco tried to kiss Harry, but he turned his head so that the kiss landed on his cheek instead.

"I'm taking a nap, " Harry muttered, trudging to his bed and got under his covers, covering his head and squeezing his eyes shut.

"Just . . .y'know. I love you."

Harry didn't respond, trying to keep his breathing steady as he heard Draco leave, shutting the portrait door softly behind him. Harry took the blanket off his head, looking at the gauze on his arm as if, if he glared at it long enough, the ugly scar beneath the bandages would vanish.

He had heard Dumbledore telling Draco that he, Harry, was lucky that his father didn't know the Binding Charm that was on almost every Death Eaters Mark. He was lucky enough to just be left with a scar. He was lucky if he just dropped dead now.

His father was on the run. Snape had been caught. His father would be arrested and sent to Azkaban, the wizarding prison.

Harry shut his eyes but he just lay there, his mind too busy for the rest of his body to rest.

In the Great Hall, Draco was eating breakfast and whispering to Blaise and Theo about everything. When he had finished, Theo asked, "Is he going to be alright?"

"I don't know, " Draco confessed. "He got lucky, having no classes for two days."

Theo nodded and suggested, "You could get him some stuff from Hogsmeade. Some Honeydukes chocolates. A new book."

Draco said, "That'd be great! I mean, we haven't really taken advantage of the unlimited Hogsmeade trips that seventh years have."

Theo clapped his hands, saying, "I'll grab my coat."


At half-past three, Draco returned to Harry's dorm, opening the portrait door to Harry changing his shirt, noticing the multiple bruises that were dark blue and purple, no green or yellow around the edges. He watched as Harry winced when trying to get his shirt on, hearing his sharp intake of breath.

After another few seconds of watching Harry struggle, Draco went over, dropping the bags he held and helped Harry, surprising him at first. Surprise turned to pain as he got his arms through the openings and Draco bent down to retrieve the bags, which he held out to Harry.

"Here, " he said as Harry took it. "It's just some sweets, but I didn't really know what you really liked, so I got a bit of almost everything. Not the Acid Pops or the blood ones because that's just gross. And I got you a new book. It just came out, apparently."

Harry looked at the book, a smile spreading on his face. "Thanks."

Draco blushed faintly. "It's nothing."

Harry sat down on his bed, flipping through the pages and unwrapping a Chocolate Frog, telling Draco, "These are my favourite."

"Me too, " Draco laughed, taking one and biting into it. Harry grinned sheepishly.

At a desk that he summoned, Draco set up his quills and inks, neatly organizing it and sitting to do his work. He dipped his quill in the black ink, his mind wandering away from Muggle Studies and towards the dark-haired boy that was silently coming towards him.

He touched Draco's arm, making him look up at him. Harry motioned for him to sit back, climbing onto his lap and laying his head on the blonde boy's chest, taking in the sweet scent of his cologne. "I love you too."

Draco kissed his temple, admiring the softness of his skin, the way it gave off a certain warmth. Draco loved his boyfriend's cologne, which smelled of the ocean, reminding him of a wonderful place that Harry would love.

"I'm sorry, " Harry whispered painfully.

"Don't be, " Draco told him sternly. With his hand, he ran a hand through Harry's messy hair, feeling his heart thump when the boy sighed.

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