XXIII: Nightmares and Water

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Late that night, Harry was lying awake in the guest room's bed, staring blankly at the ceiling. He swallowed and glanced at a Muggle digital alarm clock, which read in bright red numbers, 12:04 am.

He groaned. How was he supposed to sleep? He just didn't feel tired and Harry knew that he and his bosh would regret it when the morning came.

Draco turned over on his side, looking at his alarm clock and sighing. He wasn't sure if Harry was awake or not, but he didn't want to wake him if he was asleep.

He closed his eyes and sleep almost overtook him when he heard his bedroom door open. At first, he thought it was Sirius, who would check on him once a night when he got up to get a glass of water. But the door shut and Draco didn't hear silence; he heard somebody moving around in his room and a dull thud, then a string of swears.

Draco sat up swiftly and turned on his lamp and saw who was causing the noise; it was Harry and he threw his hands up covering his eyes from the sudden brightness, hissing, "Turn it off!"

Draco did so, whispering, "Lumos." with his wand in his hand. Harry climbed into Draco's bed, tugging the blanket up past his mouth. He stared up at the ceiling and tried to ignore his boyfriend, who was looking at him.

"I couldn't sleep, " Harry admitted quietly.

"You look comfortable."

Harry saw, from the corner of his eye, saw Draco lie down, his wand still emitting soft, white light. "Yeah." Secretly, Harry enjoyed the smell of Draco's cologne, which was embedded in Draco's blankets, but not too much so.

Harry turned onto his side, facing Draco. "I thought you would have been asleep."

Draco told him, "I thought the same for you."

The dark-haired boy scooted a bit closer to the blonde, saying, "I hit my leg against the part of your bed that was jutted out."

"I heard, " Draco replied with a smile. He pulled Harry close to him, loving the way Harry blushed lightly. "You aren't very stealthy."

"I doubt you are stealthy, Draco."

"You're just jealous."

Harry rolled his eyes, but smiled and got very excited when Draco's lips connected with Harry's. His hands travelled to midnight hair, tugging just enough for Harry to open his mouth and gasp, and it was caught by Draco's lips and Harry made a humming sound as Draco's tongue ran along the roof of his mouth.

"Draco . . ." Harry whispered, his hand on Draco's chest. "I . . .can't . . ."

Draco whispered in Harry's ear, "I won't do anything you don't want me to. I would never harm you."

Harry nodded, knowing it was true. He was sure that Draco would never force him to do anything he wasn't comfortable with and he sighed when Draco ran a hand through his hair. Both of them soon fell asleep, both of them with peaceful thoughts and faint smiles.


He was like a camera, recording everything and not being able to delete it. He was terrified and he remembered where he was, his heart pounding in his ear.

Draco could hear what he always assumed, but secretly knew, was his father. "Narcissa, take Draco and go!"

His mother ran with a baby version of himself into what he always knew was his nursery and he watched helplessly as she barricaded the door, which Draco knew would do no good against the power of Voldemort.

He knew his father had died when Voldemort blasted through the door, his mother sobbing and begging with him. Draco couldn't shut his eyes as Voldemort killed his mother and she crumpled to the floor. Draco watched as Voldemort stepped right over his mother and pointed his wand at Draco, who was crying loudly. "Avada Kedavra!" ---

Draco opened his eyes, a cold sweat covering his body. He sat up slowly, his head in his hands. Looking over, he saw that Harry was soundly dozing, his breathing peaceful.

Draco got out of his bed, walking quietly down to the kitchen, where he filled a glass with water, sipping it slowly.

"Nightmare?" Sirius' voice said from behind him. Draco nodded, glancing back at his godfather. Sirius' usually neat hair was loose, making his face look softer with his shoulder-length hair falling freely. He usually kept it tied back, but he didn't sleep with it like that.

It was the second night that he had been there, but Draco didn't know if Sirius knew about him and Harry sleeping together.

"It always makes my mouth dry, "

Sirius nodded as the kitchen door opened again, this time with Harry walking through, his eyes almost completely shut and his shoulders slumped. He went over to Draco, who still held the glass, mumbling, "I woke up and you weren't there."

"I was getting some water, " Draco told him softly.

He deliberately avoided Sirius' gaze as Harry repeated sleepily, "Water?" and reached slowly for Draco's glass, taking two large gulps before turning around and Draco heard him walking noisily up the stairs.

Draco told Sirius good night and followed Harry. He chuckled quietly as Harry climbed right back into the blonde's bed and instantly fell back asleep.

Draco did the same, focusing on Harry and his breathing rather than his nightmare that plagued him every day.

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