LII: An Unusual Breakfast, Complete with Peaches

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Every day, Draco sat with Harry at the Slytherin table. Sometimes, Blaise and Theo would join, but they mostly stayed at the Gryffindor table. But one Thursday, as Draco was waiting for Harry to appear, he felt someone shove his shoulder roughly and a voice ordering him, "Budge up, "

He felt someone squeeze themselves between him and Theo, saying in an annoyed tone, "You're both humongous. Why the hell are you both like this?"

Draco looked over and saw Harry scowling at his brand new book, which Draco had bought a few days ago. His hand travelled to his messy hair and tried to flatten it, with no positive results.

"Good morning to you, too, " grumbled Theo as he blew on a spoonful of porridge.

Harry didn't look at him as he said, "I didn't say good morning to you or your attitude, Nott."

"Slim it, " Blaise said with a pointed look at Theo, who was about to retort something witty and clever. "Good morning, Harry."

"Good morning, Zabini, " Harry said without looking up from his book. "Draco, did you know that they used to use Golden Snidgets as Snitches for Quidditch?"

"No, I didn't, " Draco replied, nudging the smaller boy with his elbow jokingly. "What colour are they?"

Harry looked at him sideways. "It says so in the name."

"Hmm, " Draco hummed in mock thought. "I don't think snidget is a colour, love."

Harry watched for a moment as Draco spooned hot cereal into his mouth before taking the blonde's spoon and taking a bit of Draco's food. He gagged when a sickeningly ripe taste filled his mouth and spitting the food into a napkin.

"Does that have peaches?" Harry asked as he drank water.

"I, uh, think so, " Draco replied, peering into the porridge. "Why?"

"I hate peaches, " Harry answered, his voice low and his eyebrows furrowed. He pushed his glasses up his nose, giving him a boyish quality. "They're disgusting."

"How so?" Blaise asked.

"They just are, " Harry answered, "Once, I ate too many and threw up as if I were drunk."

"When was that?" Theo asked.

Harry shrugged, his cheeks turning red as he muttered, "Last year."

Draco chuckled and Harry rubbed the back of his neck. With his hand, Draco traced circles on the smaller boy's thigh, making him fidget and, with nothing to do with his own hands, tugged the sleeves of his robes down a bit.

Theo scoffed, "Do that somewhere else, Draco." He said it jokingly, but as Draco and Blaise chuckled, Harry almost pounced on Theo.

In just the nick of time, Draco caught Harry around the middle, struggling to keep him close to him and not have him punching Theo's lights out. The table shook from the force of Harry's body, causing people to look around and their eyes landed on the troubled boy with no self-control.

"Harry!" Draco hissed, not liking the way people were staring.

Harry, having finally calmed down, got his things together to leave quickly. But Draco stopped him. "Hey, it's alright."

Theo sat, still as a statute, while he said, "Sorry, I---"

"No, " Harry interjected. "Don't apologize for what I did."

Draco reached to touch him, but Harry hit his hand away and gathered his things, leaving the Great Hall. As Draco watched, Theo asked, "Did I do something wrong?"

"I, uh, " Draco stumbled for the right things to say. He wasn't exactly sure what had caused Harry to leave, though it could have just been the constant gazes from other students. "I think it was just the looks people were giving him. I don't think it was you."

Theo nodded, though he didn't believe it. Maybe it was just Harry being Harry Potter, the hot-headed Slytherin with no handle on his emotions.

"Sure it's nothing too serious, " Blaise murmured, biting into a piece of toasted bread. "He's like that, isn't he?"

Draco shrugged but answered, "Yes, just a bit. He's different when we're alone." Theo grimaced and Draco laughed, "Not like that, you dolt."

Blaise laughed and threw a bit of his bread at Theodore, who caught it in his mouth. With his hand, he reached across the table and hit the side of Blaise's head, receiving a similar blow from Draco.

"You're both mad, " Draco laughed as the first bell rang and they gathered their things, making their way to Defense Against the Dark Arts. "Scrubby as can be."


Harry slumped at his desk with no students sitting by him. The professors tried to coax him to work, but he sat in complete silence, listening to Ron and Hermione talking together, though Harry saw that she kept glancing at another Slytherin bloke, and a handsome one at that.

When Harry had classes with Draco, he tried not to pay him any mind. But Harry would catch his eyes drifting over, though he wasn't sure why. Draco wasn't doing anything particularly attention-grabbing, but he was tapping the end of his quill against the table.

"Are you done doing that?" he hissed when the professor, who was engaging in a lecture, turned around.

Draco looked over and asked, his voice slick with sarcasm, "Oh, are we speaking now, Harry dear?"

Harry scowled. "It's a distraction."

Draco put his quill down and turned his attention back to the professor as Harry continued to keep his gaze on the blonde boy who looked bored out of his mind.


Suddenly, Ron turned around in his seat, glaring at Harry. "Shut the hell up. I'm trying to listen."

"Fuck off, Weasley, " Harry growled.

And he sat back in his seat, glaring at a scratch in the table. He hoped silently that Draco wasn't angry with him. He didn't think he could handle that a third time. Draco turned around, watching Harry and threw him a bit of parchment with a little scribbled note that read Love, D. Harry grinned and slipped it into his pocket.

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