VII: Private Dormitory

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". . .and what was that all about?" Blaise concluded angrily. He was speaking of Potter's dangerous games in the Great Hall a few hours earlier.

Draco shrugged. What had caused Potter to go and dump jam on Longbottom's head?

Draco shrugged again, his lower lip between his teeth, thinking deeply. How could he, Draco, get Harry to act somewhat nicely? There was no doubt that Draco always had thought Harry was a prat, but he couldn't have been attracted to someone who acted like that.

Draco thought about it all day long and only paused when, in Care of Magical Creatures, Draco saw Harry, Hermione, and Ron laughing at the little twig-like creatures Hagrid had said were Bowtruckles.

Harry, he noticed, had a nasty grin on his face that should have said he was happy or having fun. But Draco saw no gleam in his emerald eyes. He was faking it. And Draco knew it.

"Those things are hardly magical, " Hermione giggled.

"They're just twigs!" Ron laughed.

Harry joined in, his jaunty voice filling the silence or laughter of the class. "I'd be surprised if they were of any use. They just seem like a nuisance."

"Like you, Potter?" Theo snapped.

Harry's head snapped in his direction and an angry glare was in his eyes. "What did you say, you little Mudblood?"

"Little?" Theo scoffed. "You might come up to my chin. On a good day."

Harry leapt at Theo, but Hagrid stuck his arm out, catching the smaller boy. Harry snarled at Hagrid, "Have fun with your little twigs!"


Draco frowned. Harry wasn't in the girl's bathroom and it was already eleven fifty-nine. He still hadn't figured out what made Harry stand out to him.

Just when Draco was about to leave, Harry slipped through the bathroom door. "Mrs Norris has got to be the worst animal in the world."

Draco gave him a pointed look.


"Why are you out of bed?" Draco asked with a grin.

Harry scoffed. "I can't sleep at night."

"Why not?"

"Why do I have to tell you?" Harry scowled. "You're not my father."

"Are you always this rude?"

Harry didn't look at him or answer his question, but he said instead, "Follow me."

"Is that an order?" Draco laughed at his own joke, but Harry glared at him and he stopped. Harry walked out of the bathroom and he knew Draco was following him, his shoes clicked on the floor and that drove Harry insane.

When Harry walked up to a portrait of Salazar Slytherin, it swung back without the use of a password and Draco stepped into what he figured was Harry's private dorm; it was very messy, with papers and ink and quills thrown hazardously onto his desk.

There was a bookcase that went from the floor to about half the length of the wall. It was filled and overflowing with books that were thicker than Draco had ever seen. There were green and silver hangings on the ceiling and strings of lights on the walls, which were black. The lights looked like stars.

"Wow, " Draco breathed. "This is your dormitory?"

"Yeah, " Harry answered, a slight blush on his cheeks.

Draco walked over to the bookcase, asking as he reached for a book, "Can I touch them?"

"I don't care what you do, " Harry said with an annoyed wave of his hand as he walked over to his desk, attempting to organize the mess.

"You like magical creatures?" Draco asked, flipping through a bound book filled with illustrations that had, in big letters "DO NOT TOUCH".

Harry looked over and snatched the book from Draco, yelling, " Can you not read three words?!"

"I didn't see it!"

Harry huffed and opened a drawer in his desk, slamming the book down and shutting the drawer quickly. "What's that?" Draco asked to divert the attention off of the mysterious book.

Harry glanced at where he was pointing and told him, "It's something Muggles use to exercise."

Harry went over to the bar and stood on a chair, wrapping his hands on the bar and kicking the chair away. He pulled his body up until his chin was above the bar.

He let go and landed on his feet as Draco clapped. Harry smirked.

Harry went back over to his desk and paid no mind to the blonde until he heard something hard and metal hit the ground. He looked back to see Draco's bare torso and watched as he rubbed his hands together before grabbing the metal bar and pulling his body up effortlessly.

Harry watched as the other boy's muscles in his arms and his stomach worked and flexed and stood out as he continued. Draco's skin was pale, he noticed, but not an unhealthy shade. The only veins he saw were the ones in his upper arms.

Draco stopped and looked at Harry, who was still staring at his torso. "You're drooling, " he panted with a smile.

Harry blushed deeply and looked away in a hurry, a warm feeling in the pit of his stomach. He ran a hand through his naturally messy hair and he heard Draco get down and Harry just caught him putting on his shirt (which was grey) and it was sticking to him with sweat.


Harry looked at him.

"Okay, that worked."

Harry rolled his eyes.

"Were you never hugged before . . .the other night?"

"What makes you say that?"

"Well, " Draco started. "You didn't even know where to put your arms."

Harry looked at his face for a long time before admitting, "No, not once."

"And was I . . .was I your first kiss?"

"Was it that obvious?" Harry grumbled. "Sorry I didn't live up to your expectations, scarhead."

"No, that's not what---"

Harry interrupted him. "Whatever. I don't care."

"Harry, " Draco said quietly. "Listen to me. Please, "

Harry looked at him and was surprised to see a pained expression on the blonde's face. "Okay, " he replied quietly.

Draco was a bit surprised by how Harry had spoken so quietly, but he tried not to show it.

"Please try to get some sleep, alright?"

"Alright, " Harry muttered.

Draco leaned down, kissing Harry's lips softly and sweetly and when he pulled away, Harry ran his thumb over his lower lip, not daring to think this was real for a second.

He watched Draco put on his robes and he told Harry as he opened the portrait door, "You're something else, Harry Potter."

And he left.

And Harry put his hands on his cheeks, smiling wider than he had in years. He jumped up and down, squealing like a lovesick girl.

His father would be ashamed.

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