XI: Snape's Detention

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On the way to Snape's detention, Harry couldn't help but feel a bit afraid. He shivered and walked into his office, standing with his hands behind his back. He was thirty minutes late, after losing track of time with Draco.

"Where were you?" Snape asked.

"Nowhere, " Harry answered stiffly.

Snape stood, his wand out. Harry glanced at it before looking back up at Snape. "I'll ask one more time: where were you?"

Harry repeated his previous answer, his hands shaking slightly. Before he could prepare himself, Snape yelled, "Legilimens!"

Harry's hands around his silver flask, his body pressed against Draco's in a hug, his lips feeling so soft---

That's private.

Harry fought it off and he heard Snape ask, "What was that?"

"Nothing, " Harry panted.

"Crucio!" Snape yelled, his wand pointing at Harry. He kept his scream inside of him, though it felt as if every nerve in his body was being pressed against a hot knife.

Harry landed in a heap on the floor, his arms shaking heavily and his tongue dry.

"Are you going to tell me or do I have to force it out?" Snape asked him, though he didn't wait for an answer before saying, "Legilemens!"

Harry and Draco scaling the tower, twisting his hair, Draco's lips agianst his neck, Draco washing his face with a cloth---


Harry shook Snape out of his mind, but he grabbed Harry's midnight hair, pulling the young man to his knees as he cried out in pain.

"Your father wouldn't be too proud of you, would he?" Snape smirked and Harry shook his head.

"Don't . . .don't tell him, " said Harry with difficulty. "Please . . ." he begged.


Draco with his shirt off---



Harry's body was on fire again and again and again.


Harry watching Draco exercise---

Quit it.

"Mind me, Potter!" Snape hissed, his finger pressing against Harry's black and swollen eye.

Harry screamed from pain and he heard the office door open and Draco's voice telling Snape, "Get away from him. Right now."

Why was Draco here? Harry didn't care. He was too busy admiring how clean the cold, stone floor was. Every inch of his body hurt and all he wanted to do was sleep. Sleeping sounded nice . . .

"Harry, " a voice said. Whose was it again? "Harry, I need you to stay awake."

Who was telling him this?

"Harry, " a pause and a crashing sound. "Don't come near me."

Was it just him, or did everything seem to want to have his attention?

"Harry, sit up. Please."

But he couldn't. He felt two, strong arms under his torso and he groaned when he was moved. His body hurt and whoever was trying to help him didn't understand that.

"Harry, " the voice said again and again. "Harry, "

Where was he again? Why was he moving? And why was somebody shouting in his ear?

Draco rushed into Dumbledore's office, Harry's head lolling dangerously and Draco fought to keep his eyes open. "Professor!"

"Draco? What---"

"Snape!" Draco told him. "The---the Cruciatus, Legilimency---!"

Dumbledore stood quickly, clearing his large desk and telling Draco, "Put him up on here. Softly, now."

Draco did so, being extra careful with Harry's lolling head.

"Harry, " Dumbledore said. "Harry, open your eyes. Right now."

Harry's eyes opened wide for a moment before lazily dropping back down. Dumbledore used his wand, muttering various spells and incantations. "He'll recover fully in a few days."

Draco's body sagged under unsaid weight. Dumbledore asked, "What did you see happen, Draco?"

Draco told him quickly, "I only just got there. He was trying to see something in Harry's mind. Something Harry didn't want him to see. So, when he fought against it, Snape would use the---use the Cruciatus Curse to weaken him. And---and he just kept doing it! Over and over again until I got there and stopped him. But I saw him leave the school."

Dumbledore nodded.

"But why is he like this?" Draco asked, motioning to Harry, who was groaning quietly.

"Because, Draco, " Dumbledore said, "attacking the mind and the body at the same time is not to be taken lightly. If that had continued for a longer time, I'm almost certain that it would have caused permanent damage."

Draco nodded silently.

"Where am I?" Harry asked, looking around and whimpering from pain.

"Mister Potter, " Dumbledore said. "We are going to transport you to the Hospital Wing for a day or two to relieve you of your pain."

Harry's eyes darted around and landed on Draco. His verdant eyes filled with tears as he choked out, "He knows. He knows everything---"

"Harry, it's fine. Don't wor---"

"No, Draco!" Harry sobbed. He tried to stand, but he fell to his knees as Draco ran toward him. "He knows and he threatened---threatened to tell my f---my father!"

"Harry, calm down, "

"He's going to tell my father and he's going to---"

"Harry!" Draco cried out as the smaller boy lost consciousness. Dumbledore and he rushed Harry to the Hospital Wing, placing him on a cot as Dumbledore extracted several stands of silver memories from Harry, placing them in vials.

Draco sat in a chair next to Harry's cot and Theo and Blaise came in as well, sitting with their friend, telling him encouraging words and patting his back.

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