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Yoongi was just sitting on the carpet wearing his oversized baby blue jumper, that gave him adorable sweater paws, whilst colouring in the drawing of his favourite kummamon teddy. Taehyung was hugging both him and Jimin when Namjoon and Hoseok returned home with another omega walking behind them.

Yoongi looked up in confusion, much like the rest of his mates as Namjoon introduced the small boy as Jang and says that he will be staying with them for a while.
The boy was around Yoongi's size and age, with thick eyebrows, dark brown hair and a marshmallow scent. Everyone got up to greet Jang one by one. Yoongi greeted him as polite and friendly as he could muster, only to be met with a subtle nod unlike the big smiles he gave to everyone else. And when Jimin dragged the two to sit and colour once again the boy paid no interest to Yoongi as if he were just settled dust. Yoongi pouted before returning to colouring thinking that the boy will warm up to him.

It was later on at dinner when Yoongi went to sit in his seat by Jimin and Jin, that Jang slid in before he could sit down. Taehyung watched curiously at the new boy's behaviour of how it was clear in his view that Yoongi was going to sit there before him. Everyone noticed the standing, pouting omega when Taehyung beckoned him over next to him. He gave his mate a kiss on the temple and served some food for him which Jin usually did so. Jin fed the new omega like he would Yoongi- who often struggled to eat all of his food and feed himself. Tae took the job of feeding his mate while glancing at Jang and Jimin sitting very close, whispering and giggling. He could see it was bothering Yoongi, so decided to rub his thigh to sooth him and release some calming pheromones. Yoongi visibly relaxed and continued to eat what he was fed.

Later that night after Jungkook had put the omega's to bed, Taehyung discussed with the other alpha's and beta's about the new boy.
"Guys can we be a bit more aware of Yoongi?"
The others looked at him concerned apart from jungkook who gave a nod to tae.
"Why Tae? What's wrong with Yoongi?" Hoseok questioned.
Tae and Jungkook both sighed at that.
"He's being slightly excluded by everyone because of our attention focused on the new arrival."
Jin dismisses the accusation, "He's fine Tae, he only had to change seats because Jang didn't know it was his."
Tae sighs again, "I'm not sure he weren't aware but anyways can we just make sure to not exclude him"
Everyone agrees nonetheless.
Jungkook pressed further "he looked sad today, let's just make him feel more upbeat yeah?"
Everyone just hums in agreement once again.
Tae decides to end the conversation before Jungkook pries again and causes a possible argument. "Great well I'm off to bed, goodnight."
They all say their good nights and heads off to bed.

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