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Warning: Vomit and Urine.
Not fully edited!

They enter the living room. Yoongi securely held by Namjoon. His head nuzzled into his alpha's neck still whimpering occasionally from the pain he is experiencing. The tightening of his muscles and the occasional throb flowing in like waves. Just on a bigger scale. His own hurricane of pain.

The others notice the presence of the two and fall silent. It's an awkward silence but also apprehensive. No one says anything for a while, all looking for the best way to approach the situation. Side glances. Teeth gnawing on lips. Incessant fidgeting. Giving away the tension they feel.

During this time, Namjoon has taken Yoongi to the kitchen to get some more medicine and warm up some soup. He multitasks with Yoongi still in his hold in order to keep the boy comfortable. The boy's arms and legs clinging on as tight as he can muster. Head remaining fixed under Namjoon's sharp jaw.

The chicken soup invades the eager tastebuds of the omega. A comforting smell creating a home-like warmth, but his stomach tenses simultaneously. He's famished. His stomach has been rumbling since he woke up but he also doesn't think that he can currently handle any food in his system.

Namjoon places a bowl of soup at the table before taking a seat with Yoongi on his lap, laying against him. The taller slowly rubs his soft, squidgy tummy hoping to comfort him and coax him into eating. He lays kisses to his head at each whimper he hears giving him silent affection. Inhaling the vanilla and cherry smell from the boy's charcoal locks.

Eventually he is able to feed him a spoonful. The warmth of the soup is soothing to the smaller's throat. And his stomach seems to be holding at the moment. He eats a few more spoonfuls cautiously that are fed to him by the tanned male before he gags and starts crying. He can feel it rising back up and he tries to hold it down but it becomes apparent that being sick is inevitable. The pressure clogs in his throat, restricting his ability to breath. Burning his tonsils as it settles just below.

Thankfully Namjoon had brought a large bowl with him incase of this happening. The dam breaks. Yoongi throws up into the bowl, large quantities of liquid protruding from his pouty lips. Then starts sobbing at the after affects of the screaming pain coursing through his body.  He cries as he continuously gags. The retching straining his vocal chords and causing his throat to ache. The only noise he is able to indicate his discomfort with is small whines and whimpers. Seemingly not being able to stop the bitter pain.

Namjoon smiles sadly.
"It's okay darling, you're doing so well."
His hand rubs soothing patterns on Yoongi's tummy again, hoping to calm him down a bit and praying that the contortions happening inside will stop.

He eventually calms down to small sniffles and the occasional gag. Jimin comes into the kitchen shyly, with his head down. He slows to a stop infront of the two, "Jiminie is sorry for hurting Yoonie, he hopes he is forgiven. Wanted to help be a doctor for Jang cause he was sick too."

No one can really be mad at Jimin. The boy is so genuine and caring that it seems impossible that he could even possess any ill intentions. Yoongi knows Jimin means well and isn't responsible for his current state. Jimin playing doctor is absolutely endearing and leaves Yoongi slightly jealous that he couldn't play too. Therefore, at the sight of the handsome male standing before him with a glum expression makes his heart feel heavy. He feels guilty for Jimin even thinking he did anything wrong and is desperate for the eye smile he loves to return to the sculpted face.

"Whatcha think Yoonie, is Jiminie forgiven?" At the mention of his name by Namjoon, Jimin looks up. The alpha provides a warm smile and a gentle nod to reassure Jimin that he did a good job. Already forgiven by the alpha, knowing Jimin is forgetful of small things and incredibly kind hearted, always wanting to help.

It's about two minutes before Yoongi is able to utter out an answer due to not being able to speak without immense discomfort. "Y-Yoonie 'giv-gives Jiminie." The attempt to speak hurts but he's happy when Jimin smiles widely at him.

He's confused when Jimin gasps and rushes out of the room. He subconsciously whines in displeasure at the disappearance. He always loves having Jimin with him while he's sick. The two have taken care of each other endless times. Well mainly Jimin looking after Yoongi as he barely got sick and Yoongi didn't know how to do things like cooking.

Namjoon scents the boy to comfort him more and relax him. He nuzzles his nose into Yoongi's neck affectionately. The tender skin cooling at the touch.

His body tingles slightly at the overwhelming feeling of Namjoon's scent invading him. His body feels a little lighter and his head feels floaty. Making him slightly more submissive. Ten times more relaxed than before.

Jimin appears back in front of him holding a bottle of water and his teddy bear. He makes grabby hands towards his snuggly companion with a small pout forming on his face.

Jimin happily hands the teddy over to the small boy with his signature eye smile. He giggles when Yoongi practically suffocates the stuffed teddy in an extremely tight hug.

Namjoon smiles at them both with an adoring look displayed in his eyes at the cuteness he is witnessing. He invites Jimin up to join them on his lap alongside Yoongi. The latter eagerly jumps up into the embrace and cuddles into the two with a wide smile. Jimin occasionally giving sips of water to Yoongi.

The moment is cherished between the three for a while in a comfortable silence before Yoongi begins to wiggle in his need for the toilet. He feels like his bladder is about to explode. Holding his bladder for so long has made him feel uncomfortable. The constant pressure pulsing in his abdomen begging for a release.

"Joonie, wee! Joonie, wee!"

Namjoon lets go of the boy and watches him run to the bathroom fondly but also with slight concern. Unfortunately Yoongi bumps into Jungkook on the way causing a slight pressure to apply to the ticking time bomb and finally setting it off. He whimpers at feeling of relieving himself on the floor after the painful wait.

Jungkook is fussing over bumping into him when he spots the puddle on the floor underneath where Yoongi is sitting. He immediately knows what has happened and scoops the boy up onto his hip. He carries him into the bathroom and begins to run a bath. He repeats soothing words to Yoongi to reduce his embarrassment and discomfort. Also muttering apologies to the boy about how mean he was for not looking after him.

A/N: Went off on someone today. He absolutely deserved it. I was shocked at myself for doing so but felt a lot better afterwards, especially after being irritated by him for so long... years in fact.

Hope everyone's day was good!💜
Also I hope you enjoyed the chapter!💜

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