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The next morning, Jungkook enters Yoongi's room. "Hey baby it's time to get up everyone is already at breakfast."
Yoongi slowly flutters his eyes open and does a cute yawn into his sweater covered hand. He pouts as he rubs his eyes and reaches out for Jungkook with grabby hands and a soft whine. He picks him up and sets him so he can rest his head on his shoulder and so he can get better access to the alpha's scent. "Why didn't Jiminie get me up?"
"Not sure darling, but everyone else is already starting to eat, apart from Tae, he was in the shower so he might be down now."

Yoongi just snuggles further into Jungkook's scent gland, basking in the fresh pine and mint smell, and mutters "mmkay Kookie." He almost falls back asleep while sucking on his thumb.
They arrive at the kitchen as Tae also walks in looking slightly confused but carries on to his seat. Yoongi sits by Tae and Kook again because Jang was once again in his seat, being fed by Jin his 'special' yoghurt. Tae, Jungkook and Yoongi were all shocked to see this as they are specially for Yoongi only as they help stop him getting painful cramps.

He decides to ask, "Jinnie why are you feeding Yoonie's special yoggys to Jang?"
Jin: "because Jang likes blueberry and cinnamon and there aren't many yoghurts with this flavour"
Yoongi: "but I'm supposed to have one every day, and that's today's one"
Jin sighs "I'm sure you'll be fine, besides Jang is our guest and it's polite to share."

Tae and Jungkook look at Jin in disbelief while Jang continues eating more cheerfully than before. Yoongi almost cries feeling like his mate doesn't care for him as he most definitely will be in pain today. Pouting he then asks "Jiminie why didn't you get Yoonie up this morning?"
"Sorry Yoonie I wanted to get Jang up and play this morning." Yoongi goes quiet and sits there feeling excluded. He just decides to eat his breakfast with the help of Taehyung and Jungkook.

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